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Monday, November 4, 2024


Lord Subramanya

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Sree Subramanya Asthakam, also known as Subramanya Karavalambam, is an octet dedicated to Lord Muruga (Karthikeya), composed by Sri Adi Sankara. "Karavalambam" means - to lend a helping hand. Sri Sankara pleads with Lord Subramanya to lend a helping hand to those in trouble.

It explains the divine attributes of Lord Subrahmanya and is recited to get rid of past sins, doshas, and for general well being. Subrahmanya Karavalamba Stotram has 8 stanzas each ending with “Vallisa Nadha Mama Dehi Karavalambam” asking Valli's Easa natha (Vall's husband) to extend his supportive hand to the reciter. 

Before we proceed, hear this lovely song "Subramanyena Rakshithikam" - may Lord Subramanya Protect us always:

Let us now understand the lyrics and meanings of these eight verses.


Sri Shanmugar, Trichendur

You can listen to the recitation of Karavalamba stothrm by Soolamangalam Sisters in the following link:

Verse 1

स्वामिनाथ! करुणाकर दीनबन्धो,
श्रीपार्वतीशमुखपङ्कजपद्मबन्धो ।
वल्लीशनाथ मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥ १॥

Hey Swaminatha karunakara deena bandho,
Sree Parvatheesa mukha pankaja padma bandho,
Sreesadhi deva gana poojitha pada padma,
Valleesa nadha mama dehi karavalambham. 

ஹே ஸ்வாமினாத கருணாகர தீனபந்தோ
ஶ்ரீபார்வதீஶ முக பங்கஜ பத்ம பந்தோ ।
ஶ்ரீஶாதி தேவ கண பூஜித பாதபத்ம
வல்லீஶ நாத மம தேஹி கராவலம்பம் ॥ 1 ॥

Oh, Lord Subramanya! You are the chieftain of all the Gods. You are the compassionate and mercyful one. You are the godfather of the poor and the oppressed people. You are the son of the lotus faced Goddess Parvathi and Lord Shiva. Your lotus feet are always worshipped by the Devas, the Deva Ganas and by Goddess Mahalakshmi. You are the consort of Goddess Valli. Please lend me a helping hand and lift me out of my troubles.

Verse 2

देवाधिदेवसुत देवगणाधिनाथ,
देवेन्द्रवन्द्यमृदुपङ्कजमञ्जुपाद ।
वल्लीशनाथ मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥ २॥

Devadhi deva sutha deva ganadhi nadha,
Devendra vandhya mrudu pankaja manju pada,
Devarshi narada muneendra sugeetha keerthe,
Valleesa nadha mama dehi karavalambham. 

தேவாதி தேவ சுத தேவ கணாதி நாத,
தேவேம்த்ர வந்த்ய ம்றுது பங்கஜ மஞ்சு பாத |
தேவர்ஷி நாரத முனீம்த்ர ஸுகீத கீர்தே,
வல்லீஸ நாத மம தேஹி கராவலம்பம் || 2 ||

Oh, Lord Subramanya! You are the son of Lord Shiva, who is the Chief of all Gods. You are the chief of all the Deva Ganas (Army of Devas). Your soft lotus feet are worshipped by Devendra, the head of Devas. You are praised and sung by saints like Narada and others.  You are the consort of Goddess Valli. Please lend me a helping hand and lift me out of my troubles.

Verse 3

भाग्यप्रदानपरिपूरितभक्तकाम ।
वल्लीशनाथ मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥ ३॥

Nithyanna Dana nirathakhila roga harin,
Bhagya pradhana paripooritha bhaktha Kama,
Sruthyagama pranava vachya nija swaroopa,
Valleesa nadha mama dehi karavalambham. 

நித்யான்னதான நிரதாகில ரோக ஹாரின்,
பாக்கிய பிரதான பரிபூரித பக்த காம |
ஶ்றுத்யாகம ப்ரணவ வாச்ய நிஜ ஸ்வரூப,
வல்லீஸ நாத மம தேஹி கராவலம்பம் || 3 ||

Oh, Lord Subramanya! You grant food daily to all mortals and dispel their sufferings from diseases. You are the bestower of wealth and you fulfill the wishes of your devotees. You are the personification of Pranava mantram, as found in Vedas and Agamas. You are the consort of Goddess Valli. Please lend me a helping hand and lift me out of my troubles.

Verse 4

क्रौञ्चासुरेन्द्रपरिखण्डन शक्तिशूल-,
चापादिशस्त्रपरिमण्डितदिव्यपाणे ।
वल्लीशनाथ मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥ ४॥

Krouncha surendra parigandana Sakthi soola,
Chapa thi sasthra parimanditha divya panai,
Sree kundaleesa drutha thunda sikheendra vaha,
Valleesa nadha mama dehi karavalambham. 

க்ரௌம்சா ஸுரேம்த்ர பரிகம்டன ஶக்தி ஶூல,
சாபாதிஸ்த்ர பரிமம்டித திவ்ய பாணே |
ஶ்ரீ குண்டலீச தர துண்ட ஶிகீம்த்ர வாஹ,
வல்லீஸ நாத மம தேஹி கராவலம்பம் || 4 ||

Oh, Lord Subramanya! You, as the Lord of the Devas, destroyed the Krauncha mountain with your spear (Vel) given to you by Sakthi. You hold weapons like goad (Pasam), soolam, Vel, Bow etc in your hands. You wear the best Ear ring and ride on the fast moving peacock as your vehicle. You are the consort of Goddess Valli. Please lend me a helping hand and lift me out of my troubles.

Verse 5

देवेन्द्रपीठनकरं दृढचापहस्तम् ।
शूरं निहत्य सुरकोटिभिरीड्यमान,
वल्लीशनाथ मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥ ५॥

Devadhi deva radha mandala Madhya vetdhya,
Devendra peeda nagaram druda chapa hastha,
Sooram nihathya sura kotibhiradyamana,
Valleesa nadha mama dehi karavalambham. 

தேவாதிதேவ ரதமம்டல மத்ய வேத்ய,
தேவேம்த்ர பீடனகரம் த்றுடசாபஹஸ்தம் |
ஶூரம் னிஹத்ய ஸுரகோடி பிரீட்யமான,
வல்லீஸனாத மம தேஹி கராவலம்பம் || 5 ||

Oh, Lord Subramanya! You are the Lord of all the Devas. You ride in the central chariot of many chariots in your army. You protected Devendra from all his difficulties. You are capable of sending arrows very fast. By killing the Asura, Sura Padman, you won the hearts of crores of devas. You are the consort of Goddess Valli. Please lend me a helping hand and lift me out of my troubles.

Verse 6

केयूरकुण्डललसत्कवचाभिरामम् ।
हे वीर तारकजयामरवृन्दवन्द्य,
वल्लीशनाथ मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥ ६॥

Heeradhi rathna vara yuktha kireeda hara,
Keyura kundala lasath kavachabhirama,
Hey Veera tharaka jayaa amara brunda vandhya,
Valleesa nadha mama dehi karavalambham. 

ஹாராதி ரத்ன மணியுக்த கிரீட ஹார,
கேயூர கும்டல லஸத்க வசாபிராம |
ஹே வீர தாரக ஜயாமர ப்றும்தவம்த்ய,
வல்லீஸனாத மம தேஹி கராவலம்பம் || 6 ||

Oh, Lord Subramanya! You are adorned with crowns and garlands made of diamonds and other precious gems. You also wear bracelets, ear rings and body kavacham made of precious gems. You are praised  and worshipped by Devas for your valour in defeating the demon Tharakasura. You are the consort of Goddess Valli. Please lend me a helping hand and lift me out of my troubles.

Verse 7

पञ्चामृतैः प्रमुदितेन्द्रमुखैर्मुनीन्द्रैः ।
पट्टाभिषिक्तहरियुक्त परासनाथ,
वल्लीशनाथ मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥ ७॥

Panchaksharadhi manu manthritha Ganga thoyai,
Panchamruthai praudhithendra mukhair muneendryai,
Pattabhishiktha maghavatha nayasa nadha,
Valleesa nadha mama dehi karavalambham. 

பஞ்சாக்ஷராதி  மனு மன்த்ரித காங்க தோயைஃ,
பம்சாம்றுதைஃ ப்ரமுதிதேம்த்ர முகை ர்முனீம்த்ரைஃ |
பட்டாபிஷிக்த ஹரியுக்த பராஸனாத,
வல்லீஸனாத மம தேஹி கராவலம்பம் || 7 ||

Oh, Lord Subramanya! You are worshipped by reciting panchakshara manthiram, while performing abhishekam with holy Ganga water. You are also worshiped with Panchamritha abhishekam by the sages who recite the holy chantings. You are crowned as the chief by Devendra. You are the consort of Goddess Valli. Please lend me a helping hand and lift me out of my troubles.

Verse 8

श्रीकार्तिकेय करुणामृतपूर्णदृष्ट्या,
कामादिरोगकलुषीकृतदुष्टचित्तम् ।
सिक्त्वा तु मामव कलाधरकान्तिकान्त्या,
वल्लीशनाथ मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥ ८॥

Sree karthikeya karuna mrutha poorna drushtya,
Kamadhi roga kalushi krutha drushta chitham,
Sikthwa Thu mamava kaladhara kanthi kaanthya,
Valleesa nadha mama dehi karavalambham. 

ஶ்ரீகார்திகேய கருணாம்றுத பூர்ண த்றுஷ்ட்யா,
காமாதி ரோக கலுஷீக்றுத துஷ்ட சித்தம் |
சிக்த்வா து மாமவ கலாதர காந்தி காந்தியா
வல்லீஸனாத மம தேஹி கராவலம்பம் || 8 ||

Oh, Lord Karthikeya! You bestow boons on your devotees through your merciful eyes. You cure us of all our diseases like lust etc and clean us of our bad thoughts just by casting your eye sight on us. You are the embodiment of all arts. You shine with great effulgence. You are the consort of Goddess Valli. Please lend me a helping hand and lift me out of my troubles.

Verse 9

सुब्रह्मण्याष्टकं पुण्यं ये पठन्ति द्विजोत्तमाः ।
ते सर्वे मुक्तिमायान्ति सुब्रह्मण्यप्रसादतः ॥9॥
सुब्रह्मण्याष्टकमिदं प्रातरुत्थाय यः पठेत् ।
कोटिजन्मकृतं पापं तत्क्षणादेव नश्यति ॥10॥

Subrahmanya ashtakam punyam yeh padanthi dwijothama,
They sarve mukthimayanthi Subrahmanya prasadatha,
Subrahmanyashtakam idham prathar uthaya ya padeth,
Kodi janma krutham papam thath kshanad thasya nasyathi.

ஸுப்ரஹ்மண்ய அஷ்டகம் புண்யம் யே படன்தி த்விஜோத்தமாஃ |
தே ஸர்வே முக்தி மாயான்தி ஸுப்ரஹ்மண்ய ப்ரஸாததஃ |
ஸுப்ரஹ்மண்ய அஷ்டகமிதம் ப்ராதருத்தாய யஃ படேத் |
கோடிஜன்மக்றுதம் பாபம் தத்‍க்ஷணாதஶ்ய நாஸ்யதி ||

He who sincerely reads and recites this Subramanya Karavalambam shall attain moksha with the grace of Lord Subramanya. The person who sincerely reads and recites this Karavalambam early in the morning shall get rid of his sins committed in the crores of his previous births.



Lord Subramanya Hi viewer, Welcome to my blog. Sree Subramanya Asthakam, also known as Subramanya Karavalambam, is an octet dedicated to Lor...