Blogs on Hindu Vedic Culture

Friday, December 11, 2020

Vishnu Sahasranamam with meaning - VOLUME 1 - SLOKAMS 1-50


Hi. Welcome back.

Let us begin this blog with an excellent rendition of a song composed by Maha Sannidhanam, Sri Sri Bharathi Theertha Sankarachrya Swamigal of Sringeri Sarada Peetam:

Lord Vishnu, the one who travels on Garuda, let your lotus like feet bless and shine on my mind daily. Oh God, please rid me of my sufferings and remove all my sins and the effect of my Sins. 
Lord Maha Vishnu, God with eyes like lotus, whose lotus-like feet are worshipped by the Great Gods like Lord Brahma, Lord Indra - the killer of demon Namuchi and Lord Shiva, who removed the head of demon Namuchi, and who is also worshipped by great and revered people, please get rid of my sufferings and sins.
Oh Lord Vishnu, the one who sleeps on a magnificent Serpant and the father of Kaama, the Great one who completely rids of the fear of rebirth and death from all men, O great God, please help me get rid of my sufferings and help me get rid of my sins.
Oh Maha Vishnu, the great God who carries a conch and a wheel in his hands, the brave Lord who destroys the evil and demonic Asuras, who trouble men, The Lord who is the ornament of all his people and devotees. Oh Great God, please remove all my sufferings and please help me remove all my sins and the effect of my sins.
Oh Great God Vishnu, the one with innumerable and unmeasurable good qualities, The God who is the protector of those who are without protection, who by tricks and play, easily destroys all the enemies of the Devas, please remove all my sufferings, and help me get rid of all my sins and the effect of my sins.
Oh Lord Vishnu, the most merciful and kind God, the champion of all Gods, please protect Bharathi Teertha, the writer of this kriti, the greatest among all your devotees. Protect and remove all his sufferings and remove all his sins. The most famous singers have brilliantly sung this song, like MS Subbalaxmi, The Bombay sisters etc. and it is available easily in the internet. It has also been translated into many languages and is a must hear for all Maha Vishnu devotees.

Sri Adi Sankara wanted to write a commentary on Lalita Sahasranamam and asked one of his disciples to bring palm-leaf manuscripts of Lalita Sahasranamam. The disciple went into the room where it was kept and returned with the manuscript. When Sankara opened it, he found that it was Vishnu Sahasranamam. He asked the disciple to go back and get Lalita Sahasranamam. When the disciple returned, Sankara found that it was Vishnu Sahasranamam again. Sankara once again advised the disciple to bring Lalita Sahasranamam. When the disciple returned for the third time and it turned out to be Vishnu Sahasranamam again!.The disciple replied “Revered Sir, I brought Lalita Sahasranamam every time but I was intercepted by a beautiful little girl on the way who snatched it from me and gave this instead each time”. Sankara was intrigued and looked around for the girl but there was no trace of her. He realised that Goddess Lalita wanted him to write commentary on the Sahasranamam of her brother Vishnu first. 

”Bhagawan Vishnu says:“Yo maam naama sahasrena stotum ichchati pandava Soham ekena shlokena stuta eva na samshayaha”- “If someone wants to worship me by reciting the Sahasranamam but is able to utter only one Shloka (out of the hundred and seven) I still consider that worship equivalent to the chanting of the full Sahasranamam.”

Going one step further, it is said that repeating even a single Nama is enough to give the full effect of Sahasranamam. Parvati asks Lord Shiva:“Kenopayane laghuna Vishnor nama sahasrakam Pathyate panditair nityam shrotum ichchami aham prabho”- “What is the easy way adopted by the learned to recite the Vishnu Sahasranamam daily?” Lord Shiva replies:“Sri Rama Rama Rameti Rame Raame Manorame Sahasranaama Tattulyam Raama Nama Varaanane”- It is said that reciting Sri Rama's name three times gives the benefit of reciting the whole Sahasranamam. 

Bhishma says:“Yaani namani gounani vikhyatani mahatmanah Rishibhir parigeetani tani vakshyami bhootaye”. Bhishma makes it clear that he is expounding just a compilation of His qualities as elaborated by various Sages.

Sri Adi Shankara has established the belief in Sriman Narayana worship through the famous rendering "Baja Govindam", which outlines the need for reciting Vishnu Sahasranama. Here is a version of this song with its meaning: 

With these introductions, we now proceed to Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Slokam, which contains 1008 holy names of Sri Narayana. This compilation was done after the Mahabharata war and Saint Vyasa wrote the entire verses with answers for the queries raised by the Pandavas. Every name of Sri Vishnu has a meaning to it; quite apart – the phonetic vibrations, by chanting each name, produces several vibrations that are very essential for human knowledge and wisdom. What the phonetic sound vibrations create to the chanter or to the one who hears it is very well established by many eminent Vedic scholars. 

Lord Vishnu says to Sage Narada, “Naham vasami vaikunthe yoginam hridaye na cha, mad-bhakta yatra gayanti tatra tishthami narada”, i.e., “I dwell neither in Vaikuntha nor in the hearts of the Yogins, but I dwell where my devotees sing my name, O Narada.” What better way of singing His Nama than by reciting Vishnu Sahasranamam!

Origin of the Sahasranama Stotram

Vishnusahasranama Stotram is found in the 149th chapter Anushasanika Parvam of the Great Epic, Mahabharatha. The legend would have it that at the end of the epic Mahabharata war, Bhishmacharya was awaiting the sacred hour to depart from his physical body unto the lotus feet of the Lord. Yudhishtira, the eldest of the Pandavas, was desperately looking for the answers to matters relating to Dharma and Karma.  Lord Sri Krishna, who understood Yudhistira’s uneasy mind, guided him to Bhishma to learn insight in to this precious knowledge.  

It is relevant to mention that Bhishma was acknowledged to be one of the twelve most knowledgeable people.  The other eleven being Brahma , Narada, Shiva, Subramanya, Kapila, Manu, Prahlada, Janaka, Bali, Suka and Yama.

As directed by Lord Krishna, Yudishtra presented Bhishma with six questions:
Q1: kimekam dhaivatam loke?
    (Who is the greatest Lord in the world?)
    Ans: Pavithranam Pavithram Yo Mangalanam Cha Mangalam 
           Dhaivatham Devathanam Cha Bhootanam Yo Vya Pitha- Sri Vishnu.
Q2: kim vaapyekam paraayanam?          
    (Who is the one refuge of all?)
    Ans: Paramam Yo Mahatteja, Paramam Yo Mahattapa 
            Paramam Yo Mahad Brahma Paramam Ya Parayanam 
Q3: stuvantam kam praapnuyuh maanavah subham?    
    (By glorifying whom, can mankind attain peace and prosperity?)
    Ans: Jagat Prabhum Devadevam Anantham Purushottamam,
            Stuvan Nama Sahasrena, Purusha Sathathothida - Sri Vishnu.
Q4: kam archanath praapnuyuh maanavaah subham?           
    (By worshipping whom can mankind reach auspiciousness?)
    Ans: Tameva Charchayan Nityam, Bhaktya Purushamavyayam,
    Dhyayan Sthuvan Namasyancha Yajamanasthameva Cha - Sri Vishnu
Q5: ko dharmah sarva dharmaanaam bhavatah paramo matah?          
    (What is, in thy opinion, the greatest Dharma?)
Q6:kim japam muchyate jantur janma samsaara bandhanaath?          
    (By reciting which Japa, can we go beyond cycle of birth and death?)
    Ans 5 & 6
    Anadi Nidhanam Vishnum Sarva Loka Maheswaram
    Lokadyaksham Stuvannityam Sarva Dukkhago Bhaved. 
    (By worshippiing Lord Vishnu, One shall achieve these goals).

Bhishma responded by reciting the one thousand names now hailed as the Vishnu Shasranamam, and reminded him that either by meditating on these names or by invoking the names through archana (OfferingS), our minds can be lifted to higher consciousness. The thousand naamas are storehouses of proven spiritual content that can easily uplift our minds.

Others might feel that they do not know the correct Sanskrit pronunciation, and do not want to chant incorrectly.  There is an analogy of a mother to whom a child goes and asks for an orange.  The child does not know how to pronounce the word “orange” and so asks for “ange”.  The mother does not turn away the child and does not refuse to give the child the orange just because the child does not know how to pronounce the word.  It is the bhaava (spirit) that matters, and so as long as one chants the name of God with sincerity, considerations such as not knowing the meaning, not knowing the pronunciation, etc, do not matter, and God will confer His blessings on us, there is no way a devotee of Vishnu can meet with any dishonor or disgrace of any kind.

Out of the 142 slokams of Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stothram, 108 main slokams contain the 1000 names of the Lord. Reciting these names  removes all the ills associated with any grahadoshams to any chanter of any Nakshatram(Stars viz.constellations) and provides supreme solace and supreme bliss. 

There are 27 Nakshatram starting from Aswini and ending with Revati. Each Nakshatram has four Paadam. Thus 108 slokhas correspond to 27 X 4 nakshatra padams. Thus a person born in Aswini 1st Paadam can chant first slokha, Bharani 1st padams can chant 5th slokha and so on for respective Nakshatra Saanthi. A person not sure of one’s Nakshatra can chant all the 108 slokhas and get rid of all ills associated with one’s Nakshatram and attain sampoorna saanthi.

There is no need for any other means at all to achieve success in any issue. For the convenience of all the devotees a list of Nakshatram and corresponding slokhas are given.

Benefits of recital of Vishnu Sahasranama

To understand the benefits, listen to the following videos by clicking the links:

It is said that specific stanzas are dedicated to persons based on their birth star (Nakshatram), as given below:
  • Ashwani (Aswini / Asvini) stanza 1 to 4
  • Bharani (Barani) 5 to 8
  • Kruttika (Krithikai / Karthikai)9 to 12
  • Rohini 13 to 16
  • Mrugasira (Mirugaseersham)17 to 20
  • Ardra (Thirivathirai) 21 to 24
  • Punarvasu (Punarpusam) 25 to 28
  • Pushyam (Pusam / Poosam) 29 to 32
  • Aslesha (Ayilyam) 33 to 36
  • Makam 37 to 40
  • Poorvapalguni (Puram) 41 to 44
  • Uttaraphalguna (Uthiram) 45 to 48
  • Hasta (Hastham) 49 to 52
  • Chitra (Chithirai) 53 to 56
  • Swati (Swathi) 57 to 60
  • Visaakhaa (Visakam) 61 to 64
  • Anuradha (Anusham) 65 to 68
  • Jyeshtha (Kettai) 69 to 72
  • Moolaa (Mulam) 73 to 76
  • Poorvaashaadaa (Puradam) 77 to 80
  • Uthraashaadaa (Thiradam)  81 to 84
  • Sravanam (Thiruvonam) 85 to 88
  • Dhanishtha (Avittam) 89 to 92
  • Sathabishang (Sathayam) 93 to 96
  • Poorvabhadra (Poorattathi) 97 to 100
  • Uttarabhadra (Uthirattathi) 101 to 104
  • Revati (Revathi) 105 to 108
Audio of the Sahasranama Slokam

Click the following link to listen to listen to Vishnu Sahasranama:

Preliminary Section

Prayer to Lord Vigneshwara:
Shuklam Baradaram Vishnum, Sasi Varnam Chatur Bhujam,
Prasanna Vadanan Dyayet, Sarva Vignoba Sandaye
ஸுக்லாம் பரதரம் விஷ்ணும் ஸஸிவர்ணம் சதுர்ப்புஜம் ||
ப்ரஸந்ந வதநம் த்யாயேத் ஸர்வ விக்நோப ஸாந்தயே ||
(Sukla – White; Ambara – Cloth; Dharam – Wearing;  Visnum – Vishnu ; Sasi – Moon ; Varnam – Color; Chatur – Four ; Bhujam – arms; Prasanna – Pleasant ; Vadanam – Face; Dhyaye – Meditate ; Sarva – everything/every ; Vighna(o) – obstacle ; Santa – Peace ; Santaye – brings peace).

For removing obstacles and bringing peace, I meditate on Vishnu who is wearing a white Cloth, who has a color of moon , who has four arms and who has pleasant/placid expression on his face. For the eradication of all obstructions) One should meditate  upon vishNu Who is clad in white robes, Who has a moonlike lustre,   Who has four arms and Who has a beneficient face

Yasya dvirada vaktraadyaaḥ parishadyaaḥ paraḥsatham |
Vighnaṃ nighnanthi sathathaṃ vishvaksenaṃ thamaasraye ‖ 
யஸ்ய த்விரத வக்த்ராத்யா பாரிஷத்யா பரிஸ்ஸதம் |
விக்நம் நிக்நந்தி ஸததம் விஷ்வக் ஸேநம் தமாஸ்ரயே ||
(yasya – Those; Dvirada – Elephant; vaktra – Face; pari- remove; ;para-another; satam-hundred; vighnam – obstacles;  nighnanti- devoted to; satatam-continously; tam- them; asraye- surrender. GajAnan (the double-tusked elephant-faced nitya-sUri) and hundreds of such nitya suris, who always remove all obstacles, form the members of the corps of vishvaksena. I take resort to them. 

Those Elephant faced Gajanan/Ganesha and hundreds of such Nitya Suris (brave, valliant God like warriors) who remove obstacles are devoted to (members of)  Vishvaksena . I surrender/resort to them.

Vyasam Vasishta naptharam, Sakthe Poutram akalmasham,
Parasarathmajam vande, Shukathatham Taponidhim.
வ்யாஸம் வஸிஷ்டநப்தாரம் ஸக்தே பௌத்ர மகல்மஷம் |
பராஸராத் மஜம் வந்தே ஸுகதாதம் தபோநிதிம் ||
(Naptaram – Great grandson; Poutra – grand son; akalmasham – without fault, impeccable;  Aatmaja – Son;  Taata – Father; Vande – I praise/offer my obeisance;  nidhi – treasure; tapo – rich in tapas/austerities).

Vyasar is the great-grandson of Vasishta and the grand-son of  Sakti. He is the son of Paraasara and the father of Suka. I offer my obeisance to that Vyasa who is free from all defects and is a treasure of austerities.  

Vyasa Vishnu Roopaya, Vyasa Roopaya Vishnave,
Namo Vai Brahma Vidaya, Vasishtaya Namo Nama.
வ்யாஸாய விஷ்ணுரூபாய வ்யாஸரூபாய விஷ்ணவே |
நமோ வைப்ரஹ்ம நிதயே வாஸிஷ்டாய நமோ நம: ||
My humble salutations to Vyasa who is a form of Vishnu and to Vishnu who is a form of Vyasa, who is a descendent of Vasishta and who is a treasure of brahman, (i.e. Vedas)

Avikaraya Shuddhaya, Nityaya Paramatmane,
Sadaika Roopa Roopaya, Vishnave Sarva Jishnave.
அவிகாராய ஸுத்தாய நித்யாய பரமாத்மநே |
ஸதைக ரூபரூபாய விஷ்ணவே ஸர்வ ஜிஷ்ணவே ||
Avikaraya – Unchangeable;  Suddhaya – Pure; Nithyaya – Eternal; Paramathmane – Supreme Being; Sathaika Roopa Roopaya – Form that is immutable and constant; Sarva Jishnave – Ever victorious

My salutations to vishnu, who is devoid of all mutations, Who is Pure and Eternal, Who is endowed with a form which is constant/uniform at all times, and Who is the victorious all times.

Yasya Smarana Mathrena, Janma Samsara Bandhanath.
Vimuchayate Nama Tasmai, Vishnave Prabha Vishnave
யஸ்ய ஸ்மரண மாத்ரேண ஜன்ம ஸம்ஸார பந்தநாத் |
விமுச்யதே நமஸ்தஸ்மை விஷ்ணவே ப்ரபவிஷ்ணவே ||
Yasya – Whose; Smarana : Thoughts; Janmam – Birth Life ; Samsara – worldly existence; Bandha – Bondage; Vimuchyate- Take off/remove; namas -Salutation; tasmai – give;  Prabhaa -Radiance

Salutations to that superior diety vishNu, by a mere thought of whose name all are freed from the bondage of Samsara (Birth and Death). Salutations to that All-powerful and radiant Vishnu. 

OM Namo Vishnave Prabha Vishnave
ஓம் நமே விஷ்ணவே ப்ரபவிஷ்ணவே
Shri Vaisampayana Uvacha: 
ஸ்ரீ வைஸம்பாயந உவாச
(Says the narrator to Dritrashta)

Shrutva Dharmanasheshena, Pavanani Cha Sarvasha,
Yudishtra Santhanavam Punarevaabhya Bhashatha
ஸ்ருத்வா தர்மாந ஸேஷேண பாவநாநி ச ஸர்வஸ: |
யுதிஷ்டிர ஸாந்தநவம் புநரேவாப்ய பாஷத ||
Shrutva – Hearing, pleasing to the ear; pavana -purification; sarva – every details;
Sri Vaisampayana said: 
After hearing all forms of dharma capable of effecting complete purification, Yudhishtira, still unsatisfied, questioned the  son of Santanu (Bhishma) as follows:

Yudishtra Uvacha
யுதிஷ்டிர உவாச
Yudhishtra asks Bhishma 6 questions
1) Kimekam Daivatham Loke, (2) Kim Vapyegam Parayanam,
கிமேகம் தைவதம் லோகே கிம் வாப்யேகம் பராயணம் |
    Who is the greatest Lord in the world? Who is the one refuge of all?
3) Sthuvantha Kam Kamarchanda (4) Prapnyur Manava Shubham,
ஸ்துவந்த : கம் கமர்ச்சந்த: ப்ராப்நுயுர் மாநவாஸ் ஸுபம் ||
 By glorifying whom, can man attain peace and prosperity?   
    By worshipping whom can man reach auspiciousness?
5) Ko Dharma sarva Dharmanam Paramo Matha
கோ தர்ம: ஸர்வ தர்மாணாம் பவத: பரமோ மத: |
        What is, in thy opinion, the greatest Dharma?
6)Kim Japanmuchyathe Jandur Janma Samsara Bhandanat
கிம் ஜபன்முச்யதே ஜந்துர்ஜன்மஸம்ஸார பந்தனாத் ||9
    By reciting which Japa, can we go beyond cycle of birth and death?

Sri Bheeshma Uvacha
ஸ்ரீ பீஷ்ம உவாச
Sri Bhishma replies:

Jagath Prabhum Devadevam Anantham Purushottamam,
Stuvan Nama Sahasrena, Purusha Sathathothidha.
ஜகத்ப்ரபும் தேவதேவம் அநந்தம் புருஷோத்தமம் |
ஸ்துவந் நாம ஸஹஸ்ரேண புருஷ: ஸததோத்தித: ||
He will be free from all sorrows who always praises by 'the sahasranama' (thousand names) that All-pervading Being who is the master of the worlds, Who is supreme over all devas and who is the supreme spirit.

Tameva Chaarchayan Nityam, Bhaktya Purushamavyayam,
Dhyayan Sthuvan Namasyamcha Yajamanasthameva Cha.
தமேவ சார்ச்சயந் நித்யம் பக்த்யா புருஷ மவ்யயம் |
த்யாயந் ஸ்துவந் நமஸ்யம்ச யஜமாநஸ் தமேவச ||
That worshipper will be free from all sorrows who devoutly worships and meditates on that Undecaying Being, as also praises Him and makes prostrations to Him. 

Anadi Nidhanam Vishnum Sarva Loka Maheswaram
Lokadyaksham Stuvannityam Sarva Dukkhaadhigo Bhaved,
அநாதி நிதநம் விஷ்ணும் ஸர்வலோக மஹேஸ்வரம் |
லோகாத்யக்ஷம் ஸ்துவந் நித்யம் ஸர்வதுக்காதிகோ பவேத் ||
He will be free from all sorrows who always sings the praise of  Vishnu, the All-pervading Being, Who is free from the six changes beginning with origin and ending with death, and Who is the master and over-seer of all the worlds.  

Brahmanyam Sarva Dharmagnam Lokaanaam Keerthi Vardhanam,
Lokanaatham Mahadbhootham Sarva Bhootha Bhavodbhavam
ப்ரஹ்மண்யம் ஸர்வ தர்மஜ்ஞம் லோகாநாம் கீர்த்தி வர்த்தநம்|   
லோகநாதம் மஹத்பூதம் ஸர்வபூத பவோத்பவம் ||
He is the protector of the Brahma and the vedas. He is the knower of all Dharmas. He is the enhancer of the reputation of all beings. He is the supreme Brahman. Out of Him all beings and the whole of samsara have come out. 

Aeshame Sarva Dharmanam Dharmadhika Tamo Matha,
Yad Bhaktyo Pundarikaksham Stuvyr-Archanayr-Nara Sadha.
ஏஷ மே ஸர்வ தர்மாணாம் தர்மோ திகதமோமத: |
யத் பக்த்யா புண்டரீகாக்ஷம் ஸ்தவைரர்ச்சேந் நர: ஸதா ||
To adore the Lotus-eyed One always, with hymns of praise recited with devotion - I consider this to be superior to all other forms of dharma. 

Paramam Yo Mahatteja, Paramam Yo Mahattapa
Paramam Yo Mahad Brahma Paramam Ya Paraayanam
பரமம் யோ மஹத்தேஜ: பரமம் யோ மஹத்தப: |
பரமம் யோ மஹத்ப்ரஹ்ம பரமம் ய: பராயணம் ||
He is the supreme light of consciousness. He is the supreme controller of everything. He is the supreme All-pervading Being. He is the support of everything.  

Pavithranam Pavithram Yo Mangalanam Cha Mangalam,
Dhaivatham Devathanam Cha Bhootanam Yo Vya Pitha
பவித்ராணாம் பவித்ரம் யோ மங்களாநாம் ச மங்களம் |
தைவதம் தேவதாநாம் ச பூதாநாம் யோவ்யய: பிதா ||
He is the sanctifier of even what is most sacred. He is the most auspicious among auspicious beings. He is the Lord of all divinities. He, the undecaying, is the father of all beings 

Yatha Sarvani Bhoothani Bhavandyaathi Yugaagame
Yasmincha Pralayam Yanthi Punareve Yuga Kshaye
யத: ஸர்வாணி பூதாநி பவந்த்யாதி யுகாகமே |
யஸ்மிம்ஸ்ச ப்ரளயம் யாந்தி புநரேவ யுக்க்ஷயே ||
He is the One from whom all beings come into existence at the beginning of a cycle of time, and He is also the One into whom they all dissolve at the end of the cycle. 

Tasya Loka Pradhanasya Jagannatathasya Bhoopathe
Vishno Nama Sahasram Me Srunu Papa Bhayapaham
தஸ்ய: லோக ப்ரதாநஸ்ய ஜகந்நாதஸ்ய பூபதே|
விஷ்ணோர்நாம ஸஹஸ்ரம் மே ஸ்ருணு பாப பயாபஹம் |
Hear from me the hymn that is constituted of a 'thousand names' of that vishnu who is the master of the universe, who is the subject of discourse of all scriptures, and who is the eraser of all sins and fear of samsAra. 

Yani Naamani Gounaani Vikhyaataani Mahaatmanah
Rishibhih Parigeethaani Thaani Vakshyaami Bhootaye
யாநி நாமாநி கௌணாநி விக்யாதாநி மஹாத்மந: |
ரிஷி பி: பரிகீதாநி தாநி வக்ஷ்யாமி பூதயே ||
I am giving for the benefit of all, those names of His which are far-famed, which are indicative of His attributes, and which find a place in the exalted hymns of the Rishis." 

Rishir Naamnaam Sahsrasya Veda Vyaaso Mahaa Munih
Chando Aunustup thadha Devo Bhagawan Devaki Sutha
ரிஷிர் நாம்நாம் ஸஹஸ்ரஸ்ய வேதவ்யாஸோ மஹா முநி: |
சந்தோ அநுஷ்டுப் ததா தேவோ பகவாந் தேவகீஸுத: ||
The great Vedavyasa is the Rishi of these thousand names of Vishnu; anushtup is its metre. The presiding diety is Lord Krishna, devakI's son. 

Amrutham sudbhavo Bheejam Shakthir Devaki Nandana
Trisama Hridayam Tasya Saanthyarthe Viniyujyade
அம்ருதாம் ஸூத்பவோ பீஜம் ஸக்திர் தேவகீ நந்தந: |
த்ரிஸாமா ஹ்ருதயம் தஸ்ய ஸாந்த்யர்த்தே விநியுஜ்யதே ||
The seed is He who is born in the lunar race; Its power (Sakthi) is the son of Devaki. The heart of this Sahasranama is One who is sung by three important Saamaa hymns. The purpose of this is the attainment of peace.

Vishnum Jishnum Mahavishnum Prabha Vishnun Maheswaram
Aneka Roopa Daityantham Namami Purushottamam
விஷ்ணும் ஜிஷ்ணும் மஹாவிஷ்ணும் ப்ரபவிஷ்ணும் மஹேஸ்வரம் | 
அநேகரூப தைத்யாந்தம் நமாமி புருஷோத்தமம் ||
I bow to Vishnu, the victorious, the All-pervading, the Mighty, the Lord of All, the Enemy of daityas (demons) of many forms and the Best of all persons.

Anga Nyaasam
Installation of Lord  in our body

All rituals start with a beautiful function - the installation of the Lord in the devotee’s own physical form. This is called Anga-Nyaasa and Kara-Nyaasa. The “Installation in the Limbs”, and the “Installation in the Palm”. This is a method by which the seeker, with wilful thoughts and deliberate physical signs, sanctifies himself to be a Divine Temple and installs various sacred deities within himself, before starting the Sahasranama recital.

Asya Shri Vishhnor Divya sahasranaama Stotra Mahaa Mantrasya
Shri Vedavyaaso Bhagavaan Rishih
அஸ்ய ஸ்ரீ விஷ்ணோர் திவ்ய ஸஹஸ்ரநாம ஸ்தோத்ர மஹாமந்த்ரஸ்ய |
ஸ்ரீ வேதவ்யாஸோ பகவாந் ரிஷி: |
Of this grand mantra, i.e. the thousand names of Vishnu, the venerable Veda VyAsa is Rishi.   
(touch the forehead)

Anushhtuph Chhandah
அநுஷ்டுப் சந்த: |
Anushtup is the name of the particular metre in which this thousand-name-chant on Vishnu is sung.
(touch the mouth, through which the mantra is recited)

Shri Mahaavishnuh Paramaatmaa Shriman Naaraayano Devataa
ஸ்ரீ மஹாவிஷ்ணு: பரமாத்மா ஸ்ரீமந் நாராயணோ தேவதா |
Its Diety is sriman Naaraayanaa, the supreme soul, the All-pervader.
(touch the heart, where the Lord is asked to stay)

Amritaam Shuudbhavo Bhaanuriti Bieejam
அம்ருதாம் ஸூத்பவோ பாநுரிதி பீஜம் |
Its seed is "amritaam Sudbhavo Bhaanu". The seed is He who is born in the lunar race.
(touch the navel)

Devakee Nandanah Srashteti Shaktih
தேவகீ நந்தந: ஸ்ரஷ்டேதி ஸக்தி: |
Its power is Devaki's son, Lord Krishna. 
(touch below the naval for kundalini Sakthi)

Udbhavah Kshobhano Deva Iti Paramo Mantrah
உத்பவ: க்ஷோபணோ தேவ இதி பரமோ மந்த்ர: |
The essential part of the mantra is "udbhavah: kshobhano deva". 
(touch the mouth for reciting the mantra)

Shankha-Bhrinnandaki Chakriiti Keelakam
சங்கப்ருத் நந்தகீ சக்ரீதி கீலகம் |
Its pin is "Sankha-bhrin nandaki chakri". The mighty creative power invoked and established on the navel region cannot be as such conceived by the mind. Therefore, to ‘nail’ it down (Keelakam) and establish it in our comprehension, this mantra conceives the Power as the Lord, who bears the Conch, Sword named Nanadak and the Discus. 
(touch the ankles to pin it down till mantra is over)

Shaarngadhanvaa Gadaadhara Ityastram
சார்ங்க தந்வா கதாதர இத்யஸ்த்ரம் |
Its weapon is "Saarnga-dhanvaa gadhaa-dharah". Whenever there is large wealth in a box it becomes a treasure and it is locked and safely protected; when this divine installation has taken place, the body has become the Temple of the Almighty and therefore it has become a sacred treasure house to be protected and so he invokes the very weapons (Astra) of Vishnu, the Protector of the world to stand by for the defence of the sanctified bosom. Saarnga is the name of the Bow (Dhana) of Vishnu and the Mace (Gadaa) is another of his weapons. These two form the artillery of defense, which are manned by the Lord Himself. 
(clap the hands to call them for protection)

Rathaangapaani Rakshobhya Iti Netram
ரதாங்க பாணி ரக்ஷோப்ய இதி நேத்ரம் |
Its eye is "rathanga-paanih: akshobhyah". Lord Vishnu as Lord Krishna played the part of the charioteer and gained the name “Rein-handed” – Rathaandgapaani. A charioteer has to guide every step of every horse in order that the chariot be safe and the travel is pleasant. Of the sense organs, eyes are the most powerful and once they are well guided, all others also follow their heels. When Lord Vishnu, the charioteer, Himself is installed in the eyes, the individual is safe in his spiritual pilgrimage. Therefore, invoking the Divine Driver, with reigns in his hand, He is installed in the pair of eyes
(touch the eyes with the thumb)

Trisaamaa Saamagah Saameti Kavacham
த்ரிஸாமா ஸாமக: ஸாமேதி கவசம் |
Its armor is "tri-saamaa saamagas saama". He (Tri-saamaa) who is glorified by all the three types of Saama songs (Deva-Vrata-Prokta), He who is the very theme that is glorified by the Saama songs (Saamagah), He whose glory itself is the manifested Sama Veda (saama), He is none other than the Supreme. This great Lord is installed as an armour to wear for self protection.
(touch the shoulders for entire protection)

Aanandam Parabrahmeti Yonih
ஆநந்தம் பரப்ரஹ்மேதி யோநி: |
Its womb is "Anandam para brahma". The Supreme Brahman, the Infinite Bliss is the very womb (Yonih) from which the universe has emerged out. The procreated world of endless variety has only one eternal Father, and this source is immaculate Bliss.
(touch the womb position)

Rituh Sudarshanah Kaala Iti Digbandhah
ருது: ஸுதர்ஸந: கால இதி திக்பந்த: |
The enclosure binding the directions (east, west, south and north) is "rituh sudarsanah kaala". Truth (ritam), the Lord and His weapon the Discus called Sudarshan and His annihilating power, Time (Kaala) – these three are the mighty forces that guard this sacred temple of Life in the seeker at the outer frontiers of his world of influence (dik-Bandhah). 
(snap the fingers and encircle the head all around)

Shri Vishvaruupa Iti Dhyaanam
ஸ்ரீ விஸ்வரூப இதி த்யாநம் |
The contempletion is on the universal form.The entire band of experience gained through the instruments of the body, mind and intellect in terms of perceptions, emotions and thoughts together is indicated by the term Visva. He, who has manifested to be the total world of experiences (Visa) must therefore be Visvaroopah. The cosmic form of the Lord (Visvaroopa) is the total universe.
(join the palms and meditate on His room)

Shri Mahaavishhnu Priityarthe Sahasranaama Jape Viniyogah
ஸ்ரீ மஹாவிஷ்ணு ப்ரீத்யர்த்தே ஸஹஸ்ரநாம ஜபே விநியோக: |
The purpose and utility of the thousand names is for pleasing Vishnu.
(rotate the joined palms inward to gain the benefit of recital)


Ksheerodanvath Pradese Suchimani Vilasad Saikathe Maukthikanam
க்ஷீரோதந்வத் ப்ரதேஸே ஸுசிமணி விலஸத் ஸைகதே மௌக் திகாநாம்
May Mukundaa, with the discuss, mace, conch and lotus in His hands, purify us. 

Mala kluptha asanastha Spatika mani Nibhair Maukthikair Mandithangah
மாலா க்லுப்தாஸநஸ்த: ஸ்படிகமணி நிபைர் மௌக்திகைர் மண்டிதாங்க: | 
Mukunda is seated on a throne made of garland of pearls, in the region of the milky ocean, with the sand shining by the light from pure gems.

Shubrai-Rabrai-Rat- habrai Ruparivirachitai Muktha Peeyusha Varshai
ஸுப்ரை ரப்ரை ரதப்ரை ருபரி விரசிதைர் முக்த பீயூஷ வர்ஷை:                  
He is adorned by pearls transparent like crystals;

Anandi Na Puniyadari Nalina Gadha Sankapanir Mukundaha
ஆநந்தீ ந: புநீயா தரிநளிந கதா ஸங்கபாணிர் முகுந்த: ||    
He is enjoying ecstatic bliss on account of pure white clouds overhead, raining showers of nectar. 

Bhoo Padau Yasya Nabhir Viyada suranilas Chandra Suryaau Cha Nethre
பூ: பாதௌ யஸ்ய நாபிர் வியத ஸுரநிலஸ் சந்த்ர ஸூர்யௌ ச நேத்ரே       
Vishnu has earth as his feet, has air as his soul, has sky as his belly, has moon and sun as eyes,

Karna vasa siro Dhau mugamabhi Dhahano Yasya Vasteya mabhdhi        
கர்ணாவாஸா: ஸிரோ த்யௌர் முகமபி தஹநோ யஸ்ய வாஸ்தேய மப்தி: |  
He has the four directions as ears, the land of gods as head, fire as his mouth, sea as his stomach,

Anthastham Yasya Viswam Sura Nara Khaga Go Bhogi Gandharva Dhaityai,
அந்தஸ்தம் யஸ்ய விஸ்வம் ஸுர நர கககோ போகி கந்தர்வ தைத்யை: 
And in His belly Gods, men birds, animals, serpent men, Gandharvas and Asuras play and enjoy.

Chitram Ram Ramyathetham Thribhuvana Vapusham Vishnumeesam Namami
சித்ரம் ரம் ரம்யதேதம் த்ரிபுவந வபுஷம் விஷ்ணுமீஸம் நமாமி ||                  
His gracious presence is very peaceful. I bow before that God, Vishnu Who is the lord of three worlds

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
ஓம் நமோ பகவதே வாஸுதேவாயா
I salute Vishnu, the sole master of the universe, 

Santhaakaaram Bujaga Sayanam Padmanabham Suresam,
ஸாந்தாகாரம் புஜக ஸயநம் பத்மநாபம் ஸுரேஸம்
I bow before the God Vishnu, Who is personification of peace, Who sleeps on his folded arms, Who has a lotus on his belly, Who is the God of gods,

Viswadharam Gagana sadrusam Megha Varnam Shubangam
விஸ்வாதாரம் ககநஸத்ருஸம் மேகவர்ணம் ஸுபாங்கம் |                            
Who is the basis of earth, Who is similar to the sky, Who is of the colour of the cloud, Who has beautiful limbs,

Lakshmi Kantham Kamala Nayanam Yogi Hrid Dyana Gamyam
லக்ஷ்மீ காந்தம் கமல நயநம் யோகிஹ்ருத்யாந கம்யம்                                
Who is the consort of Lakshmi, Who has lotus like eyes, Who is seen by saints through thought,

Vande Vishnum Bava Bhayaharam Sarva Lokaika Nadham
வந்தே விஷ்ணும் பவபயஹரம் ஸர்வ லோகைக நாதம் ||                              
Who kills all worries and fears, And who is the lord of all the worlds 

Megha Syamam Peetha Kouseya Vasam Srivatsangam Kausthuboth Bhasithangam
மேகஸ்யாமம் பீத கௌஸேய வாஸம் ஸ்ரீவத்ஸாங்கம் கௌஸ்துபோத் பாஸிதாங்கம் |                                
He shines black as the clouds and clothed in yellow robes. His chest is adorned by Srivatsam. His body is resplendent with kaustubha gem.

Punyopetham Pundareekayathaksham Vishnum Vande Sarva Lokaika Natham
புண்யோபேதம் புண்டரீ காயதாக்ஷம் விஷ்ணும் வந்தே ஸர்வ லோகைக நாதம் ||
He is surrounded by holy persons. And he has wide eyes like lotuses.I prostrate before Vishnu, the one Lord of the worlds.

Namah Samasta Bhutanam-Adi-Bhutaya Bhubrite
நமஸ் ஸமஸ்த பூதாநாம் ஆதி தேவாய பூப்ருதே | 
Aneka rupa rupaaya Vishnave Prabha Vishnave
அநேக ரூப ரூபாய விஷ்ணவே ஸர்வ ஜிஷ்ணவே |
I bow down my head before the four-handed vishNu.I bow down my head before the four-handed vishNu who sports in His hand the Sankha and the discuss, who is adorned with a crown and ear-pendants, who wears a yellow cloth, whose eyes resemble a lotus and whose chest is beautified by many necklaces and the kaustubha mark.

Sasanga Chakram Sakerita Kundalam Sappeethavastram Saraseruhekshanam,
ஸஸங்க சக்ரம் ஸகிரீட குண்டலம் ஸபீத வஸ்த்ரம் ஸரஸீ ருஹேக்ஷணம் |
I salute  Vishnu Who sports in His hand the Sankha and the discuss, who is adorned with a crown and ear-pendants, who wears a yellow cloth, whose eyes resemble a lotus.

Sahara Vakshasthala Shobhi Kousthubham Namai Vishnum Sirasa Chaturbhujam
ஸஹார வக்ஷஸ்ஸ்தல ஸோபி கௌஸ்துபம் நமாமி விஷ்ணும் ஸிரஸா சதுர்புஜம் ||
I bow down my head before the four-handed Vishnu, whose chest is beautified by many necklaces and the kaustubham.

Chayayam Parijatasys Hema simhasanopari,
சாயாயாம் பாரிஜாதஸ்ய ஹேம ஸிம்ஹாஸ நோபரி
Who sits on a golden throne, in the shade of Parijata tree,

Aseenamam Budha SyamaM ayathakasham alangrutham,
ஆஸீநம் அம்புதஸ்யாமம் ஆயதாக்ஷம் அலங்ருதம் |
Who is of the colour of the black clouds, Who has long broad eyes,

Chand- ranana Chathurbahum Sreevatsangitha Vakshasam,
சந்த்ராநநம் சதுர்பாஹும் ஸ்ரீவத்ஸாங்கித வக்ஷஸம்
Who has a face like the moon, Who has four hands and who has a chest adorned by Sreevatsam.

Rukmani Satyabhamabhyam Sahitham Krishnamasraye.
ருக்மிணி ஸத்யபாமாப்யாம் ஸஹிதம் ஸ்ரீ க்ருஷ்ணமாஸ்ரயே ||
I seek refuge in Lord Krishna, Who is with Rukhmani and Satyabhama.

Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram
(Begins here)

Sloka 1:
विश्वं विष्णुर्वषट्कारो भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभुः।
भूतकृद्भूतभृद्भावो भूतात्मा भूतभावनः॥१॥
Viśvaṁ viṣṇurvaṣaṭkārō bhūtabhavyabhavatprabhuḥ
bhūtakṛdbhūtabhṛdbhāvō bhūtātmā bhūtabhāvanaḥ
விஸ்வம் விஷ்ணுர் வஷட்காரோ பூதபவ்ய பவத்ப்ரபு: |     
பூதக்ருத் பூதப்ருத் பாவோ பூதாத்மா பூதபாவந: || 1
1)Vishvam - personification of universe
2)Vishnu- pervades all over
3)Vashatkaro - receiver of all oblations of yagna
4)Bhuta Bhavya Bhavath Prabhu - Knower of past, present and future 
5)Bhutakrud - creator of all beings
6)Bhutabhrud - protector of all beings
7)Bhavo - present as moving and non-moving objects
8)Bhutatma - Atman in all living beings
9)Bhuta-Bhavana - cause of all actions of all living beings

Sloka 2:
पूतात्मा परमात्मा च मुक्तानां परमा गतिः।
अव्ययः पुरुषः साक्षी क्षेत्रज्ञोऽक्षर एव च॥२॥
Pūtātmā paramātmā ca muktānāṁ paramā gatiḥ
avyayaḥ puruṣaḥ sākṣī kṣetrajñōkṣara eva ca
பூதாத்மா பரமாத்மா ச முக்தாநாம் பரமா கதி: |
அவ்யய: புருஷஸ் ஸாக்ஷீ க்ஷேத்ரஜ்ஞோ க்ஷர ஏவ ச || 2
10)Poothathma - extremely pure
11)Paramatma Cha - and the Supreme being
12)Mukthanam Parama Gati - the ultimate goal of all elevated souls
13)Avyaya - beyond decay
14)Purusha - Soul of the Universe
15)Sakshi - the grand witness of everything
16)Kshetrajno- knower of all places
17)Akshara Eva Cha - Indestructible like the alphabets

Sloka 3:
योगो योगविदां नेता प्रधानपुरुषेश्वरः।
नारसिंहवपुः श्रीमान् केशवः पुरुषोत्तमः॥३॥
Yōgō yōgavidāṁ netā pradhānapuruṣeśvaraḥ
nārasiṁhavapuḥ śrīmān keśavaḥ puruṣōttamaḥ    
யோகோ யோகவிதாம் நேதா ப்ரதாந புருஷேஸ்வர: |          
நாரஸிம்ஹவபுஸ் ஸ்ரீமாந் கேஸவ: புருஷோத்தம: || 3
18)Yoga - realizeable through yoga
19)Yogavidam Neta - the leader of yogins
20)Pradhana-Purushesvara - Distinguished Prime person
21)Narasimha Vapu - form of man-lion 
22)Shrimaan - always with Lakshmi (Shree)
23)Kesava - having lovely locks of hair
24)Purushottama - the best among purusha

Sloka 4:
सर्वः शर्वः शिवः स्थाणुर्भूतादिर्निधिरव्ययः।
संभवो भावनो भर्ता प्रभवः प्रभुरीश्वरः॥४॥
sarvaḥ śarvaḥ śivaḥ sthāṇurbhūtādirnidhiravyayaḥ
saṁbhavō bhāvanō bhartā prabhavaḥ prabhurīśvaraḥ
ஸர்வஸ் ஸர்வஸ் ஸிவஸ்தாணுர் பூதாதிர் நிதிரவ்யய: |
ஸம்பவோ பாவநோ பர்த்தா ப்ரபவ: ப்ரபுரீஸ்வர: || 4
25)Sarva - He is everything
26)Sharvas - the auspicious
27)Shivah - the eternally pure
28)Sthanur - firm (pillar of) truth 
29)Bhuthadir - cause of five elements
30)Nidhir avyaya - the imperishable treasure
31)Sambhava - descends (happens) on His own will.
32)Bhavana -  fulfills devotees' wishes
33)Bharta - the master of all
34)Prabhava - the mother of five elements
35)Prabhu - the Lord
36)Ishvara - Almighty

Sloka 5:
स्वयंभूः शम्भुरादित्यः पुष्कराक्षो महास्वनः।
अनादिनिधनो धाता विधाता धातुरुत्तमः॥५॥
svayaṁbhūḥ śaṁbhurādityaḥ puṣkarākṣō mahāsvanaḥ
anādinidhanō dhātā vidhātā dhāturuttamaḥ
ஸ்வயம்புஸ் ஸம்புராதித்ய: புஷ்கராக்ஷோ மஹாஸ்வந: |
அநாதி நிதநோ தாதா விதாதா தாதுருத்தம: || 5
37)Svayambhu - manifests from within Himself
38)Sambhu - brings auspiciousness 
39)Adhithya - Son of Adhithi (Vamana avatar)
40)Pushkaraksha - having beautiful eyes like a lotus
41)Mahaasvana - having a great voice
42)Anaandi-Nidhana - without origin or end
43)Dhaatam - Supporter of all
44)Vidhata -  Controller of karmic effects 
45)Dhaturutthama - Greater than Brahma, the creator.

Sloka 6:
अप्रमेयो हृषीकेशः पद्मनाभोऽमरप्रभुः।
विश्वकर्मा मनुस्त्वष्टा स्थविष्ठः स्थविरो ध्रुवः॥६॥
aprameyō hṛṣīkeśaḥ padmanābhōmaraprabhuḥ
viśvakarmā manusvtaṣṭā sthaviṣṭhassthavirō dhruvaḥ
அப்ரமேயோ ஹ்ருஷீகேஸ: பத்மநாபோ அமரப்ரபு: |       
விஸ்வகர்மா மநுஸ்த்வஷ்டா ஸ்தவிஷ்டஸ் ஸ்தவிரோ த்ருவ: || 6
46)Aprameya - beyond our perceptions
47)Hrishikesa - lord of our senses (seeing, hearing etc)
48)Padmanabha - bearing a lotus on His navel 
49)Amara Prabhu - Lord of immortal Devas.
50)Visvakarma - Creator of the Universe
51)Manu - personification of vedic mantras
52)tvashtaa - One who dissolves everything unto Himself (during Pralaya)
53)Sthavishta - He is the gross body of the Universe
54)Sthaviro Dhruva - The ancient Truth

Sloka 7:
अग्राह्यः शाश्वतः कृष्णो लोहिताक्षः प्रतर्दनः।
प्रभूतस्त्रिककुब्धाम पवित्रं मङ्गलं परम्॥७॥
agrāhyaḥ śāśvataḥ kṛṣṇō lōhitākṣaḥ pratardanaḥ
prabhūtastrikakubdhāma pavitraṁ maṁgalaṁ param
அக்ராஹ்யஸ் ஸாஸ்வத: க்ருஷ்ணோ லோஹிதாக்ஷ: ப்ரதர்தந: |
ப்ரபூதஸ் த்ரிககுப்தாம பவித்ரம் மங்களம் பரம் || 7
55)Agrahya - the perceiver of all (the one who experiences everything)
56)Sasvata - Permanent, without any changes
57)Krishna - the Truth veiled behind ignorance
58)Lohitaksha - having beautiful eyes, like a lotus
59)Pratardana - He is of the form of Rudra during pralaya
60)Prabhuta - Omni-potent, powerful
61)Tri kakub dhaama - He is the Turya, the substratum of the three states                (waking, dreaming and deep-sleep). 
62)Pavitram - Pure at heart
63)Mangalam Param - Supreme auspiciousness

Sloka 8:
ईशानः प्राणदः प्राणो ज्येष्ठः श्रेष्ठः प्रजापतिः।
हिरण्यगर्भो भूगर्भो माधवो मधुसूदनः॥८॥
īśānaḥ prāṇadaḥ prāṇō jyeṣṭhaḥ śreṣṭhaḥ prajāpatiḥ
hiraṇyagarbhō bhūgarbhō mādhavō madhusūdanaḥ
ஈஸாந: ப்ராணத: ப்ராணோ ஜ்யேஷ்டஸ் ஸ்ரேஷ்ட: ப்ரஜாபதி : |
ஹிரண்யகர்ப்போ பூகர்ப்போ மாதவோ மதுஸூதந: || 8
64)Isaana - the supreme Eswara
65)Praanada - the source of life
66)Praana - the immortal sustainer of pranee (all that has praanaa)
67)Jyeshtha - Elder to all
68)Sreshtha - most glorious
69)Prajaapathi - Lord of all living beings
70)Hiranyagarbha - the golden womb of the universe
71)Bhu garbha - The womb of this world
72)Madhava - the consort (dhava) of the Mother (Ma),
73)Madhusudana - Destroyer of demon Madhu

Sloka 9:
ईश्वरो विक्रमी धन्वी मेधावी विक्रमः क्रमः।
अनुत्तमो दुराधर्षः कृतज्ञः कृतिरात्मवान्॥९॥
īśvarō vikramī dhanvī medhāvī vikramaḥ kramaḥ
anuttamō durādharṣaḥ kṛtajñaḥ kṛtirātmavān
ஈஸ்வரோ விக்ரமீ தந்வீ மேதாவீ விக்ரம: க்ரம: |   
அநுத்தமோ துராதர்ஷ: க்ருதஜ்ஞ: க்ருதிராத்மவாந்|| 9   
74)Isvarah - He is the great power omnipotent 
75)Vikrami - daring and courageous
76)Dhanvi - One who possesses the mighty bow Saaranga (Sri Kodhanda Rama) 
77)Medhavi - the most intelligent 
78)Vikrama - Trivikrama, Vamana, who measured the Universe in three steps
79)Kramah - All pervading, beyond the known territory
80)Anuttamaa - One without an equal
81)Dur adharsaa - One who cannot be overpowered  
82)Krutajnaa - knows the thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions of all.
83)Krutih - One who rewards all our good actions and awards punishments for bad.
84)Atmavaan - One who remains as "Self" in all.

Sloka 10:
सुरेशः शरणं शर्म विश्वरेताः प्रजाभवः।
अहः संवत्सरो व्यालः प्रत्ययः सर्वदर्शनः॥१०॥
sureśaḥ śaraṇaṁ śarma viśvaretāḥ prajābhavaḥ
ahaḥ saṁvatsarō vyālaḥ pratyayassarvadarśanaḥ
ஸுரேஸஸ் ஸரணம் ஸர்ம விஸ்வரேதா: ப்ரஜாபவ: | 
அஹஸ் ஸம்வத்ஸரோ வ்யாள: ப்ரத்யயஸ் ஸர்வதர்ஸந: || 10
85)Suresa - Lord (Esa) of Suras (Devas)
86)Sharanam - Refuge for all.
87)Sarma - Infinite bliss
88)Visvareta - He is the seed (retas) of the Universe (Visvam)
89)Prajaa bhava - from Whom all beings spring up
90)Ahah - Bright as the day light
91)Samvasara - One from Whom time emerges 
92)Vyaalah - Unapproachable ( not understandable) for the undevout 
93)Pratyayah - Supreme knowledge
94)Sarvadarshana - One Who has eyes everywhere. He is the seer.

Sloka 11:
अजः सर्वेश्वरः सिद्धः सिद्धिः सर्वादिरच्युतः।
वृषाकपिरमेयात्मा सर्वयोगविनिःसृतः॥११॥
ajaḥ sarveśvaraḥ siddhaḥ siddhiḥ sarvādiracyutaḥ
vṛṣākapirameyātmā sarvayōgaviniḥsṛtaḥ
அஜஸ் ஸர்வேஸ்வரஸ் ஸித்தஸ் ஸித்திஸ் ஸர்வாதிரச்யுத: |   
வ்ருஷாகபிரமே யாத்மா ஸர்வயோக விநிஸ்ருத: || 11
95)Aja -  the unborn, eternal
96)Sarveshvarah - God of all gods
97)Siddha - He is the final goal
98)Siddhi - He Who grants kaivalya (no more births)
99)Sarva aadi - He is the very beginning 
100)Achyuta - One who never falls into ignorance
101)Vrushakapi - One Who established dharma (virus) as a Varaha (Kapi) 
102)Ameyatma - He is of Virat form, innumerable manifestations
103)Sarva-Yoga-Vinihshruta -One Who is free from all attachments. 

Sloka 12:
वसुर्वसुमनाः सत्यः समात्माऽसम्मितः समः।
अमोघः पुण्डरीकाक्षो वृषकर्मा वृषाकृतिः॥१२॥
vasurvasumanāḥ satyaḥ samātmā sammitaḥ samaḥ
amōghaḥ puṇḍarīkākṣō vṛṣakarmā vṛṣākṛtiḥ
வஸுர் வஸுமநாஸ் ஸத்யஸ் ஸமாத்மா ஸம்மிதஸ்ஸம: |
அமோக: புண்டரீகாக்ஷோ வ்ருஷகர்மா வ்ருஷாக்ருதி: || 12
104) vasur - Beneficial
105)vasumanā - He Who has pure mind
106)satya - Nothing but the Truth
107)samātmā - Who treats all equally
108)sammita - Who is recognized by the experts
109)sama - Equal
110)amōgha - Unerring, unfailing
111)puṇḍarīkākṣa - Lotus-eye
112)vṛṣakarmā - Righteous
113)vṛṣākṛti - Personification of Dharma

Sloka 13:
रुद्रो बहुशिरा बभ्रुर्विश्वयोनिः शुचिश्रवाः।
अमृतः शाश्वत स्थाणुर्वरारोहो महातपाः॥१३॥
Rudro Bahushira Babhrur Vishva-Yonih Shuchi Sravah
Amrutah Shashvata-Sthanur Vararoho Maha-Tapah
ருத்ரோ பஹுஸிரா பப்ருர் விஸ்வயோநிஸ் ஸுசிஸ்ரவா: |
அம்ருதஸ் ஸாஸ்வதஸ் ஸ்தாணுர் வராரோஹோ மஹாதபா: || 13
114)Rudra - The fierce, mighty
115)Bahushira - Having many heads
116)Babhru - The ruler of the worlds
117)Vishva-Yonih - The womb of the universe
118)Shuchi Srava - Who hears only the vedas
119)Amruta - Immortal
120)Shashvatha-Sthanu - Permanent, immovable
121)Vararoha  - The glorious destination
122)Maha-Tapa - Great ascetic

Sloka 14:
सर्वगः सर्वविद्भानुर्विष्वक्सेनो जनार्दनः।
वेदो वेदविदव्यङ्गो वेदाङ्गो वेदवित् कविः॥१४॥
Sarvagah Sarva-Vid-Bhanur Vishvaksheno Janardanah
Vedo Vedavid Avyango Vedango Vedavit Kavih
ஸர்வகஸ் ஸர்வவித்பாநுர் விஷ்வக்ஸேநோ ஜநார்தந: |
வேதோ வேதவிதவ்யங்கோ வேதாங்கோ வேதவித்கவி: || 14
123)Sarvaga - All pervading 
124)Sarva-Vid-Bhanur - All- knowing and effulgent 
125)Vishvakshena - Whose powers are spread out all over  
126)Janardhana - Who gives joy to good people
127)Veda - embodiment of Vedas 
128)Vedavid -  The knower of Vedas 
129)Avyanga - Whose limbs are perfect without any defects
130)Vedanga - Whose limbs are the Vedas
131) Vedavith - Who is a Vedic scholar
132) Kavi - Great Seer

Sloka 15:
लोकाध्यक्षः सुराध्यक्षो धर्माध्यक्षः कृताकृतः।
चतुरात्मा चतुर्व्यूहश्चतुर्दंष्ट्रश्चतुर्भुजः॥१५॥
Lokadhyakshah Suradhyaksho Dharmadhyakshah Krutakrutah
Chaturatma Chaturvyuhas Chaturdamstras Chatur-Bhujah
லோகாத்யக்ஷஸ் ஸுராத்யக்ஷோ தர்மாத்யக்ஷ: க்ருதாக்ருத: |    
சதுராத்மா சதுர்வ்யூஹஸ் சதுர்தம்ஷ்ட்ரஸ் சதுர்புஜ: || 15
133)Lokadhyaksha - Who presides over all worlds
134)Suradhyaksha - Who presides over all Devas
135)Dharmadhyaksha - Who presides over all Dharmas
136)Kruta akruta - Who is in the form of created and not created
137)Chaturatma-four-fold self (creation, preservation, destruction, unmanifest)
138)Chaturvyuha - The four earthly emanations, or "Vyuhas", are identified as Samkarshana (Balarama-son of Vasudeva by Rohini), Vāsudeva (son of Vasudeva by Devaki), Pradyumna (son of Vasudeva by Rukmini) and Aniruddha (son of Pradyumna). 
139)Chaturdamstra - Who has four tusks (Varaha avatar?)
140) Chatur-Bhuja - Having four hands

Slokam 16:
भ्राजिष्णुर्भोजनं भोक्ता सहिष्णुर्जगदादिजः।
अनघो विजयो जेता विश्वयोनिः पुनर्वसुः॥१६॥
Bhrajishnur-Bhoja- nam Bhokta Sahishnur Jagad-Adhijah
Anagho Vijayo Jeta Vishva-Yonih Punar-Vasuh
ப்ராஜிஷ்ணுர் போஜநம் போக்தா ஸஹிஷ்ணுர் ஜகதாதிஜ: |     
அநகோ விஜயோ ஜேதா விஸ்வயோநி: புநர்வஸு: || 16
141)Bhrajishnu - Self-effulgent consciousness
142)Bhojanam - Experience of the sense objects
143)Bhokta - One who experiences and enjoys
144)Sahishnu - One Who puts up with the sufferings 
145)Jagad-Adhija - One Who was born at the beginning in this world
146) Anagha - The Sinless One
147) Vijaya - The victorious One 
148) Jeta - Ever Successful
149) Vishva-Yoni - The source of the universe
150)Punar-Vasu - He Who lives and lives again in all  beings

Slokam 17:
उपेन्द्रो वामनः प्रांशुरमोघः शुचिरूर्जितः।
अतीन्द्रः संग्रहः सर्गो धृतात्मा नियमो यमः॥१७॥
Upendro Vamanah Pramshur Amoghah Suchir Urjitah
Ateendrah Samgrahah Sargo Dhrutatma Niyamo Yamah
உபேந்த்ரோ வாமந: ப்ராம்ஸு ரமோகஸ் ஸுசிரூர்ஜித: |        
அதீந்த்ரஸ் ஸங்க்ரஸ் ஸர்கோ த்ருதாத்மா நியமோ யம: || 17
151)Upendra  - The younger brother of Indra (Vamana) 
152)Vamana - He who has a small body (dwarf)
153)Praamshu - He Who has a very huge body
154)Amogha - He whose  acts are for great purpose
155)Suchi - Spotlessly clean
156)Urjita - He Who has infinite vitality
157)Ateendra - One Who surpasses Indra
158)Samgraha - One Who keeps everything together
159) Sargo - He Who created the World for Himself 
160)Dhrutatma - Established in Himself
161)Niyamo - The One Who is the appointing authority 
162)Yama - The administrator

Slokam 18:
वेद्यो वैद्यः सदायोगी वीरहा माधवो मधुः।
अतीन्द्रियो महामायो महोत्साहो महाबलः॥१८॥
vedyō vaidyaḥ sadāyōgī vīrahā mādhavō madhuḥ
atīndriyō mahāmāyō mahōtsāhō mahābalaḥ
வேத்யோ வைத்யஸ் ஸதாயோகீ வீரஹா மாதவோ மது: |         
அதீந்த்ரயோ மஹாமாயோ மஹோத்ஸாஹோ மஹாபல: || 18
163)Vedyo - That which is to be known
164)Vaidya - The Divine doctor
165)Sada-Yogi - Always in trance as yogi.
166)Veeraha - The mighty One
167)Maadhava - Descendant of Madhu (Krishna), Yadhava
168)Madhu - Pleasant One
169)Atindriya - He is beyond our sense organs (Indriyam)
170)Mahamaya - He is the great Maya
171)Mahotsaaha - Great enthusiast (Uthsaham)
172)Mahabala - Has enormous strength

Slokam 19:
महाबुद्धिर्महावीर्यो महाशक्तिर्महाद्युतिः।
अनिर्देश्यवपुः श्रीमानमेयात्मा महाद्रिधृक्॥१९॥
Mahabuddhir Mahaviryo Mahasakthir Mahadyuthih
Anirdesyavapuh Shriman Ameyatma Mahadridhruk
மஹாபுத்திர் மஹாவீர்யோ மஹாஸக்திர் மஹாத்யுதி: |                      
அநிர்தேஸ்யவபு: ஸ்ரீமாந் அமேயாத்மா மஹாத்ரி த்ருத் || 19
173)Mahabuddhi - The Supreme Cosmic Intelligence
174)Mahaveerya - The Supreme vigour/virility 
175)Mahasakthi - The All-powerful One
176)Mahadyuthi - highly luminous
177)Anirdesya vapu - He Who has indescribable forms
178)Shriman - The glorious One; Who always has Sri (Lakshmi)
179)Ameyatman - Possessing immense power of mind
180)Mahadri dhruk - He Who supports Mahendra mountain (Koorma)

Sloka 20:
महेष्वासो महीभर्ता श्रीनिवासः सतां गतिः।
अनिरुद्धः सुरानन्दो गोविन्दो गोविदां पतिः॥२०॥
maheṣvāsō mahībhartā śrīnivāsaḥ satāṁ gatiḥ
aniruddhaḥ surānandō gōvindō gōvidāṁ patiḥ
மஹேஷ்வாஸோ மஹீபர்த்தா ஸ்ரீநிவாஸஸ் ஸதாம்கதி: |                   
அநிருத்தஸ் ஸுராநந்தோ கோவிந்தோ கோவிதாம் பதி: || 20
181)Maheshvasa - Great Archer, wielding His Saranga
182)Mahi bharta - Husband of Mother Earth
183)Shrinivasa - The abode of Mahalakshmi.
184)Sataam Gati - The ultimate resort of the wise and the virtuous
185)Aniruddha - The unstoppable, unobstructed One
186)Surananda - One Who springs out happiness (Ananda)
187)Govinda - The protector of cattle
188)Govidaam Patih - Lord of all men and women of wisdom

Sloka 21:
मरीचिर्दमनो हंसः सुपर्णो भुजगोत्तमः।
हिरण्यनाभः सुतपाः पद्मनाभः प्रजापतिः॥२१॥
marīcirdamanō haṁsaḥ suparṇō bhujagōttamaḥ 
hiraṇyanābhaḥ sutapāḥ padmanābhaḥ prajāpati:
மரீசிர் தமநோ ஹம்ஸஸ் ஸுபர்ணோ புஜகோத்தம: |                   
ஹிரண்யநாபஸ் ஸுதபா: பத்மநாப: ப்ரஜாபதி: || 21
189)Mareechi - Radiant
190)Damana - Controller of Rakshasas
191)Hamsa - He is the Paramahamsa
192)Suparna - Garuda (the holy eagle)
193)Bhujagottama - Adi Sesha (the holy snake)
194)Hiranya-Nabha - Having a golden nabhi
195)Sutapa - The One Who has glorious tapas 
196)Padmanabha - Having a lotus springing out of His navel.
197)Prajapati - From Whom all creations emanante

Sloka 22:
अमृत्युः सर्वदृक् सिंहः सन्धाता सन्धिमान् स्थिरः।
अजो दुर्मर्षणः शास्ता विश्रुतात्मा सुरारिहा॥२२॥
amṛtyuḥ sarvadṛk siṁhaḥ sandhātā sandhimān sthiraḥ 
ajō durmarṣaṇaḥ śāstā viśrutātmā surārihā
அம்ருத்யுஸ் ஸர்வத்ருக் ஸிம்ஹஸ் ஸந்தாதா ஸந்திமாந்ஸ்திர: | 
அஜோ துர்மர்ஷணஸ் ஸாஸ்தா விஸ்ருதாத்மா ஸுராரிஹா || 22
198)Amrutyu - He Who is beyond death 
199)Sarva-Druk - Predominant of all
200)Simha - The powerful One
201)Sandhaathaa - The regulator
202)Sandhimaan - Always existing in peace
203)Sthira - The most stable One
204)Ajah  Brahma
205)Durmarshana - Who cannot be conquered
206)Shaasta - The ruler of the universe
207)Vishruthaathmaa - The celebrated One
208)Suraarihaa - Destroyer of enemies of 

Slokam 23:
गुरुर्गुरुतमो धाम सत्यः सत्यपराक्रमः।
निमिषोऽनिमिषः स्रग्वी वाचस्पतिरुदारधीः॥२३॥
gururgurutamō dhāmaḥ satyaḥ satyaparākramaḥ   
nimiṣō nimiṣaḥ sragvī vācaspatirudāradhīḥ
குருர் குருதமோ தாம ஸத்யஸ் ஸத்ய பராக்ரம: |   
நிமிஷோ நிமிஷஸ் ஸ்ரக்வீ வாசஸ்பதி ருதாரதீ: || 23
209)Guru - He is the  teacher     
210)Gurutama - He is the greatest teacher      
211)Dhaama - He is the goal              
212)Satya - He is the Truth 
213)Satya-Parakrama - He is the powerful Truth  
214)Nimisha - One with meditative, closed eyes   
215)Animisha - One who is ever knowing, with  unwinking eyes  
216)Sragvi - One with undecaying garland of flowers 
217)Vachaspathi Udaradhi - Higly intelligent and wise Orator

Slokam 24:
अग्रणीर्ग्रामणीः श्रीमान् न्यायो नेता समीरणः।
सहस्रमूर्धा विश्वात्मा सहस्राक्षः सहस्रपात्॥२४॥
agraṇīrgrāmaṇīḥ śrīmān nyāyō netā samīraṇaḥ 
sahasramūrdhā viśvātmā sahasrākṣaḥ sahasrapāt
அக்ரணீர் க்ராமணீ: ஸ்ரீமாந் ந்யாயோ நேதா ஸமீரண: |    
ஸஹஸ்ரமூர்த்தா விஸ்வாத்மா ஸஹஸ்ராக்ஷஸ் ஸஹஸ்ரபாத் || 24
218)Agrani - He Who guides us in our journey to liberation
219)Gramani - He Who is the leader of all living beings
220)Shriman - The glorious One
221)Nyaya - The embodiment of justice
222)Neta - The Leader, Who rescues devotees
223)Sameerana - The able administrator of all living beings
224)Sahasra-Murdha - Having thousands of heads
225)Vishvatma - Speading His soul all over the universe.
226)Sahasraksha - Having thousands of eyes
227)Sahasrapath - Having thousands of feet

Sloka 25:
आवर्तनो निवृत्तात्मा संवृतः संप्रमर्दनः।
अहः संवर्तको वह्निरनिलो धरणीधरः॥२५॥
āvartanō nivṛttātmā saṁvṛtaḥ saṁpramardanaḥ 
ahaḥ saṁvartakō vahniranilō dharaṇīdharaḥ
ஆவர்த்தநோ நிவ்ருத்தாத்மா ஸம்வருதஸ் ஸம்ப்ரமர்த்ந: |                      
அஹஸ் ஸம்வர்த்தகோ வஹ்நி ரநிலோ தரணீதர: || 25
228)Aavrtana -  He Who repeats the life and death
229)Nivrutatma - Having Divine qualities
230)Samvruta - He Who spins a veil of Maya around the ignorant
231)Sampramardana - Persecutor of evil men
232)Ahah Samvartaka- Controller of the day to make it function properly
233)Vahni - He is the fire
234)Anila - He is the air
235)Dharani Dhara - He is the supporter of earth

Sloka 26:
सुप्रसादः प्रसन्नात्मा विश्वधृग्विश्वभुग्विभुः।
सत्कर्ता सत्कृतः साधुर्जह्नुर्नारायणो नरः॥२६॥
āvartanō nivṛttātmā saṁvṛtaḥ saṁpramardanaḥ 
ahaḥ saṁvartakō vahniranilō dharaṇīdharaḥ
ஸுப்ரஸாத: ப்ரஸந் நாத்மா விஸ்வருக் விஸ்வபுக் விபு : |                     
ஸத்கர்த்தா ஸதக்ருதஸ் ஸாதுர் ஜஹ்நுர் நாராயணோ நர: || 26
236)Suprasada - He Who profusely blesses devotees
237)Prasannatma - Ever pure without love or hatred
238)Vishva-Dhruk - Creator and supporter of the universe.
239)Vishva-Bhug - One Who experiences through various manifestations
240)Vibhu - Endless manifestations
241)Sat-Karta - One Who supports noble men
242)Sat-Kruta - Worshipped by noble men
243)Sadhu - One Who follows righteous codes
244)Jahnu - One Who shuns those without bhakthi
245)Narayana - He is the source and supporter of all beings
246) Nara - Protector of all living and non-living beings

Slokam 27:
असंख्येयोऽप्रमेयात्मा विशिष्टः शिष्टकृच्छुचिः।
सिद्धार्थः सिद्धसंकल्पः सिद्धिदः सिद्धिसाधनः॥२७॥
asaṅkhyeyō prameyātmā viśiṣṭaḥ śiṣṭakṛcchuciḥ  
siddhārthaḥ siddhasaṅkalpaḥ siddhidaḥ siddhisādhanaḥ
அஸங்க்யேயோ ப்ரமேயாத்மா விஸிஷ்டஸ் ஸிஷ்டக்ருச் சுசி: |
ஸித்தார்த்தஸ் ஸித்த ஸங்கல்பஸ் ஸித்திதஸ் ஸித்திஸாதந: || 27
247)Asankhyeya - Has countless forms, both living and non-living
248)Aprameyatma - Pervades all objects
249)Visista - Different from all, having special skill
250)Shishtakruch - Imparts good character in devotees
251)Shuchi - Embodiment of purity. Lord of auspiciousness.
252)Siddhartha - Well accomplished, has everything,  needs nothing from us.
253)Siddha Sankalpa - Can accomplish whatever He decides
254)Siddhida - Grants His devotees' wishes
255)Siddhisadhana - Grants pleasant  experiences

Slokam 28:
वृषाही वृषभो विष्णुर्वृषपर्वा वृषोदरः।
वर्धनो वर्धमानश्च विविक्तः श्रुतिसागरः॥२८॥
vṛṣāhī vṛṣabhō viṣṇurvṛṣaparvā vṛṣōdaraḥ 
vardhanō vardhamānaśca viviktaḥ śrutisāgaraḥ
வ்ருஷாஹீ வ்ருஷபோ விஷ்ணுர் வ்ருஷபர்வா வ்ருஷோதர: |                             
வர்த்தநோ வர்த்தமாநஸ்ச விவிக்தஸ் ஸுருதி ஸாகர: || 28
256)Vrushahi - Maintainer of Dharma
257)Vrushabha - One Who showers blessing on devotees
258)Vishnu - Protector of all Who reaches him
259)Vrushaparva - Makes dharma as steps to reach Him
260)Vrushodara - From Whose belly life springs out
261)Vardhanan  - Nurturer of devotees, makes His devotees happy
262)Vardhamaanan - He Who is happier when His devotees are happy
263)Vivikta - He is unique, different from all 
264)Shruti Sagarah - Like ocean to rivers, He is to Vedas

Slokam 29:
सुभुजो दुर्धरो वाग्मी महेन्द्रो वसुदो वसुः।
नैकरूपो बृहद्रूपः शिपिविष्टः प्रकाशनः॥२९॥
subhujō durdharō vāgmī mahendrō vasudō vasuḥ 
naikarūpō bṛhadrūpaḥ śipiviṣṭaḥ prakāśanaḥ
ஸுபுஜோ துர்த்தரோ வாக்மீ மஹேந்த்ரோ வஸுதோ வஸு: |                        
நைகரூபோ ப்ருஹத்ரூபஸ் ஸிபிவிஷ்ட: ப்ரகாஸந: || 29
265)Subhuja - Having broad shoulders to lean on and surrender
266)Durdhara - He cannot be known by the weak minded
267)Vaagmee - He Who utters sweet words
268)Mahendra - Supreme Lord of Indra and Devas
269)Vasuda - He Who grants all wealth  
270)Vasu - He is the wealth sought after by those who do not desire anything else
271)Naikarupa - Appears in forms as desired by the devotees
272)Bruhad Rupa - He has large and all pervading form
273)Shipivishta - He is the cause of brilliance of all luminous objects like Sun.
274)Prakashana - He Who illuminates all objects

Slokam 30:
ओजस्तेजोद्युतिधरः प्रकाशात्मा प्रतापनः।
ऋद्धः स्पष्टाक्षरो मन्त्रश्चन्द्रांशुर्भास्करद्युतिः॥३०॥
ōjastejōdyutidharaḥ prakāśātmā pratāpanaḥ 
ṛddhaḥ spaṣṭākṣarō mantraścandrāṁśurbhāskaradyutiḥ
ஓஜஸ்தேஜோ த்யுதிர: ப்ரகாஸாத்மா ப்ரதாபந: |                                              
ருத்தஸ் ஸ்பஷ்டாக்ஷரோ மந்த்ரஸ் சந்த்ராம்ஸுர் பாஸ்கர த்யுதி: || 30
275)Ojas Tejo Dyuti-Dhara - Possesses might, strength and brilliance.
276)Prakashatma - Even the ignorant can feel His effulgent self
277)Pratapana - Capable of burning away our sins as well as emenies
278)Ruddha - Always bountiful and prosperous
279)Spahstaakshara - Pranava Swaroopi - He is indicated by Ohm.
280)Mantra -He is mantra swaroopi 
281)Chandramshu - Delightful as the moon.
282)Bhaskaradyuthi - Dispeller of darkness, like the Sun.

Slokam 31:
अमृतांशूद्भवो भानुः शशबिन्दुः सुरेश्वरः।
औषधं जगतः सेतुः सत्यधर्मपराक्रमः॥३१॥
amṛtāṁśūdbhavō bhānuḥ śaśabinduḥ sureśvaraḥ 
auṣadhaṁ jagataḥ setuḥ satyadharmaparākramaḥ
அம்ருதாம் ஸூத்பவோ பாநு: ஸஸபிந்து ஸுரேஷ்வர: |                            
ஔஷதம் ஜகதஸ் ஸேதுஸ் ஸத்யதர்ம பராக்ரம: || 31
283)Amrtamshu udbhava - He, Who created the moon from churning of ocean
284)Bhanu - (Moon)
285)Shashabindu - The Moon, having rabbit-like spot
286)Sureshvara- Lord of the gods
287)Aushadham - He is the cure /medicine for avoiding rebirth
288)Jagathahsethu - He is the bridge connecting material world to the eternal 
289)Satya-Dharma-Prarakramah-One who champions heroically for truth and righteousness

Slokam 32:
भूतभव्यभवन्नाथः पवनः पावनोऽनलः।
कामहा कामकृत्कान्तः कामः कामप्रदः प्रभुः॥३२॥
bhūtabhavyabhavannāthaḥ pavanaḥ pāvanōnalaḥ 
kāmahā kāmakṛt kāntaḥ kāmaḥ kāmapradaḥ prabhuḥ
பூதபவ்ய பவந்நாத: பவந: பாவநோ நல: |                                           
காமஹா காமக்ருத் காந்த: காம: காமப்ரத ப்ரபு: || 32
290)Bhuta-Bhavya-Bhavan-Natha - He is the Lord of past, present and future.
291)Pavana - He is the motive force for wind energy
292)Paavana - He who grants sanctity to air and water
293)Anala - He is unsatisfied with any amount of help to the devotees.
294)Kaamaha - He Who protects His devotees from  unnecessary desires 
295)Kamakrut - He, Who creates a desire in His devotees to reach Him.
296)Kaanta - One Who has a magnetic, enchanting form.
297)Kama - He is the beloved for His devotees.
298)Kamaprada - He Who fulfills the desires of His devotees.
299)Prabhu - He is the Lord.

Slokam 33:
युगादिकृद्युगावर्तो नैकमायो महाशनः।
अदृश्यो व्यक्तरूपश्च सहस्रजिदनन्तजित्॥३३॥
yugādikṛdyugāvartō naikamāyō mahāśanaḥ 
adṛśyō vyaktarūpaśca sahasrajidanantajit
யுகாதிக்ருத் யுகாவர்த்தோ நைகமாயோ மஹாஸந: |                 
அத்ருஸ்யோ (அ)வ்யக்த ரூபஸ்ச ஸஹஸ்ர ஜிதநந்தஜித்|| 33
300)Yugadikruth - Creator of the Yugas (Time)
301)Yugavarta - Establishes the dharma for every Yuga by His avatar.
302)Naikamaya - Uses many amazing stratagems  or actions
303)Mahaasana - great eater! He swallows all beings during deluge
304)Adrushya - Doing unexplainable deeds. 
305)Vyakta-Rupa - Having manifested form(s)
306)Sahasrajith - Has thousands of victories to His credit
307)Anantajith - Having endless victories, ever victorious

Slokam 34:
इष्टोऽविशिष्टः शिष्टेष्टः शिखण्डी नहुषो वृषः।
क्रोधहा क्रोधकृत्कर्ता विश्वबाहुर्महीधरः॥३४॥
iṣṭō’viśiṣṭaḥ śiṣṭeṣṭaḥ śikhaṇḍī nahuṣō vṛṣaḥ 
krōdhahā krōdhakṛtkartā viśvabāhurmahīdharaḥ
இஷ்டோவிஸிஷ்டஸ் ஸிஷ்டேஷ்ட: ஸிகண்டி நஹுஷோ வ்ருஷ: |           
க்ரோதஹா க்ரோதக்ருத் கர்த்தா விஸ்வபாஹுர் மஹீதர: || 34
308)Ishta - He is always wanted by His devotees
309)vishista - He Who is noblest and most sacred
310))Shishtesta - Adored by great shishyas like Markandeya 
311)Sikhandi - Wearing peacock's feather on His hair/crown
312)Nahusha - He Who binds all with Maya.
313)Vrushah - He Who drenches devotees with His sweetness
314)Krodhaha - He Who destroys  with anger (Parashurama) 
315)Krodhakrut Karta - He Who creates anger against  wrong doers
316)Vishva-Bahu - He Who spread His auspicious arms everywhere
317)Mahidhara - Supports world after eliminating the wicked

Slokam 35:
अच्युतः प्रथितः प्राणः प्राणदो वासवानुजः।
अपांनिधिरधिष्ठानमप्रमत्तः प्रतिष्ठितः॥३५॥
acyutaḥ prathitaḥ prāṇaḥ prāṇadō vāsavānujaḥ 
apāṁnidhiradhiṣṭhānamapramattaḥ pratiṣṭhitaḥ
அச்யுத: ப்ரதித: ப்ராண: ப்ராணதோ வாஸவாநுஜ: |                                
அபாந்நிதி ரத்ஷ்டாந மப்ரமத்த: ப்ரதிஷ்டித: || 35
318)Achyutha - Never changes His qualities  
319)Prathitha - Famous throughout the world 
320)Praana - Prana in all living beings
321)Praanada -  He Who grants prana to all living beings
322)Vaasavaanuja - Vasava means Indra and anuja is younger brother.the Lord took avatar for the sake of Indra, after Indra prayed for His help, like lifting the great Mandira mountain. (koorma avatar)
323)Apam-Nidhi - He Who has the treasure of waters (Milky ocean)
324)Adhishthaanam - He supported the mountain from sinking
325)Apramattha - Enthusiastic in protecting devotees.
326)Prathishtita -  Eshtablished on His own accord.

Slokam 36:
स्कन्दः स्कन्दधरो धुर्यो वरदो वायुवाहनः।
वासुदेवो बृहद्भानुरादिदेवः पुरन्दरः॥३६॥
skandaḥ skandadharō dhuryō varadō vāyuvāhanaḥ 
vāsudevō bṛhadbhānurādidevaḥ purandaraḥ
ஸ்கந்தஸ் ஸ்கந்ததரோ துர்யோ வரதோ வாயுவாஹந: |
வாஸுதேவோ ப்ருஹத்பாநுர் ஆதிதேவ: புரந்தர: || 36
327)Skanda - He, Who expresses Himself as Lord Subramanya
328)Skanda-Dhara - He, Who is of the form of Lord Shiva
329)Dhura - He, Who is responsibile for creation, preservation and destruction.
330)Varada - One Who offers boons 
331)Vayuvahana - He Who controls the power of wind
332)Vasudeva - One Who dwells in all beings as Jeevatma
333)Bruhad-Bhanu - One who illumines the world with rays of the Sun 
334)Aadhideva - The first One to emerge 
335)Purandara -  He, as Lord Shiva, destroyed the three cities

Slokam 37:
अशोकस्तारणस्तारः शूरः शौरिर्जनेश्वरः।
अनुकूलः शतावर्तः पद्मी पद्मनिभेक्षणः॥३७॥
aśōkastāraṇastāraḥ śūraḥ śaurirjaneśvaraḥ 
anukūlaḥ śatāvartaḥ padmī padmanibhekṣaṇaḥ
அஸோகஸ் தாரணஸ் தாரஸ் ஸூரஸ் ஸௌரிர் ஜநேஸ்வர: |
அநுகூலஸ் ஸதாவர்த்த: பத்மீ பத்ம நிபேக்ஷண: || 37
336)Ashoka - He Who transends sorrow 
337)Thaarana - Enables us to safely cross the pitfalls of samsara
338) Taaraa - One Who saves 
339)Soora - The valiant One
340)Sauri - He Who incarnated as grandson of Soorasena (Lord Kishna)  
341)Janeshvara - Eashwara of the people
342)Anukula - Well-wisher of everyone  
343)Shatavartha - One who takes infinite varieties of forms
344)Padmi - Having a Lotus
345)Padma- Nibhekshanah - One whose eyes are as beautiful as the Lotus

Slokam 38:
पद्मनाभोऽरविन्दाक्षः पद्मगर्भः शरीरभृत्।
महर्द्धिरृद्धो वृद्धात्मा महाक्षो गरुडध्वजः॥३८॥
padmanābhōravindākṣaḥ padmagarbhaḥ śarīrabhṛt 
maharddhir ṛddhō vṛddhātmā mahākṣō garuḍadhvajaḥ
பத்மநாபோ அரவிந்தர்க்ஷ: பத்மகர்ப்பஸ் ஸரீரப்ருத்|                               
மஹர்த்திர் ருத்தோ வ்ருத்தாத்மா மஹாக்ஷோ கருடத்வஜ: || 38
346)Padmanabha - Having a lotus on His navel
347)Aravindaksha - One whose eyes are as beautiful as the Lotus
348)Padmagarbha - One Who springs forth Lotus on His navel 
349)Sarirabhruth - the very cause for the sustenance of the body
350)Mahariddhi - One Who has prosperity and power
351)Ruddha - One who has manifested Himself as the entire world of plurality
352)Vruddhatma - He is the Self whose manifestations are the world of plurality
353)Mahaksha - He has great  "eyes" to see all happenings in and around
354)Garuda Dhvajah - One who has the Garuda as His insignia on His flag

Slokam 39:
अतुलः शरभो भीमः समयज्ञो हविर्हरिः।
सर्वलक्षणलक्षण्यो लक्ष्मीवान् समितिञ्जयः॥३९॥
atulaḥ śarabhō bhīmaḥ samayajñō havirhariḥ 
sarvalakṣaṇalakṣaṇyō lakṣmīvān samitiñjayaḥ
அதுலஸ் ஸரபோ பீமஸ் ஸமயஜ்ஞோ ஹவிர்ஹரி: |    
ஸர்வ லக்ஷண லக்ஷண்யோ லக்ஷ்மீவாந் ஸமிதிஞ்ஜய: || 39
355)Atulah - Nothing that we know of can be comparable with Him.
356)Sarabha - Lord, who is of the nature of Paramesvara (Sarabheswarar)
357)Bhima - mighty and terrible to those who are cruel and sensuous
358)Samayagna - One who knows time for creation, preservation and destruction 
359)Havir Hari - The receiver of all oblation through yagnas
360)Sarvalakshana Lakshanyo - One Self that is ultimately proved by all methods
361)Lakshmivaan - The consort of Sri Lakshmi 
362)Samitin jaya - Winner in all battles

Slokam 40:
विक्षरो रोहितो मार्गो हेतुर्दामोदरः सहः।
महीधरो महाभागो वेगवानमिताशनः॥४०॥
vikṣarō rōhitō mārgō heturdamodarassahaḥ 
mahīdharō mahābhāgō vegavānamitāśanaḥ
விக்ஷரோ ரோஹிதோ மார்கோ ஹேதுர் தாமோதரஸ் ஸஹ: |         
மஹீதரோ மஹாபாகோ வேகவா நமிதாஸந: || 40
363)Vikshara - The imperishable (same as Akshara) 
364)Rohitha - One who incarnated as a fish
365)Marga - He is the way and the goal
366)Hethu - One who is the cause for the whole universe
367)Damodara - One who is known by purified mind (Udara) & self-control (dama)
368)Saha - One who has enormous patience and forgives all
369)Mahidhara - One who supports all forms in the universe
370)Mahabhaga - He whose  limbs are of extreme beauty
371)Vegavaan - One who is the fastest in reaching the devotee 
372)Amithaashana -Consumes all during involution (Pralaya)

Slokam 41:
उद्भवः क्षोभणो देवः श्रीगर्भः परमेश्वरः।
करणं कारणं कर्ता विकर्ता गहनो गुहः॥४१॥
udbhavaḥ, kṣōbhaṇō devaḥ śrīgarbhaḥ parameśvaraḥ 
karaṇaṁ kāraṇaṁ kartā vikartā gahanō guhaḥ
உத்பவ: க்ஷோபணோ தேவஸ் ஸ்ரீகர்ப்ப: பரமேஸ்வர: |                   
கரணம் காரணம் கர்த்தா விகர்த்தா கஹநோ குஹ: || 41
373)Udbhava - One who is again and again born as the endless jivas 
374)Kshobhana - He is the cause of life without Him as prime mover.
375)Deva - There is only one Deva 
376)Shrigarbhah - Containing all glories within
377)Parameshvara - The supreme Lord
378)Karanam - He is the instrument of creation
379)Kaaranam - He is the cause of creation
380)Karta - He is the doer
381)Vikarta - One who has created out of Himself
382)Gahana - One who cannot be comprehended by any knowledge
383)Guha - One who dwells in the cave of the heart

Slokam 42:
व्यवसायो व्यवस्थानः संस्थानः स्थानदो ध्रुवः।
परर्द्धिः परमस्पष्टस्तुष्टः पुष्टः शुभेक्षणः॥४२॥
vyavasāyō vyavasthānaḥ saṁsthānaḥ sthānadō dhruvaḥ 
pararddhiḥ paramaspaṣṭastuṣṭaḥ puṣṭaḥ śubhekṣaṇaḥ
வ்யவஸாயோ வ்யவஸ்தாநஸ் ஸம்ஸ்தாநஸ் ஸ்தாநோதோ த்ருவ: |          
பரர்த்தி: பரமஸ்பஷ்டஸ் துஷ்ட: புஷ்டஸ் ஸுபேக்ஷண: || 42
384)Vyavasaya - One who is of Pure Wisdom, resolute with no vacillation 
385)Vyavasthaana - one who is substratum for the entire pluralistic world
386)Samsthana - The Ultimate Authority, State or Goal
387)Sthaanada - One who gives appropriate abode to each individual 
388)Dhruva - That which is Imperishable in the midst of all perishing
389)Parardhi - One who has Supreme Manifestations (Riddhi)
390)Parama-Spashta - The extremely vivid. He who is extremely clear
391)Tushta - One who is happy at the minimum offering of a devotee
392)Pushta - He is Infinitely Full- nothing can we take out of It, nor can we add to It
393)Subhekshana - One whose glance brings auspiciousness to the devotee 

Slokam 43:
रामो विरामो विरजो (or विरतो) मार्गो नेयो नयोऽनयः।
वीरः शक्तिमतां श्रेष्ठो धर्मो धर्मविदुत्तमः॥४३॥
rāmō virāmō virajō mārgō neyō nayōnayaḥ 
vīraḥ śaktimatāṁ śreṣṭhō dharmō dharmaviduttamaḥ
ராமோ விராமோ விரஜோ மார்கோ நேயோ நயோநய: |   
வீரஸ் ஸக்திமதாம் ஸ்ரேஷ்டோ தர்மோ தர்ம விதுத்தம: || 43
394)Raamaa - The Supreme self. The most handsome. 
395)Viraamaa - In whom all creatures finally rest
396)Viraja - Passionless, without Rajas 
397)Marga - The path to liberation
398)Neya - He who guides and ultimately takes the seeker to the Reality
399)Naya - one who leads the  seeker
400)Anaya - He has none to lead Him, (as He is the Supreme)
401)Veera - The valient
402)Shaktimatam Shreshta - The best among those who have power 
403)Dharma - The only Self in all beings, without which there is no being.
404)Dharmavid Uttamah - One who is the highest among men of realisation

Slokam 44:
वैकुण्ठः पुरुषः प्राणः प्राणदः प्रणवः पृथुः।
हिरण्यगर्भः शत्रुघ्नो व्याप्तो वायुरधोक्षजः॥४४॥
vaikuṇṭhaḥ puruṣaḥ prāṇaḥ prāṇadaḥ praṇavaḥ pṛthuḥ 
hiraṇyagarbhaḥ śatrughnō vyāptō vāyuradhōkṣajaḥ
வைகுண்ட: புருஷ ப்ராண: ப்ராணத: ப்ரணவ: ப்ருது: |          
ஹிரண்யகர்ப்பஸ் ஸத்ருக்நோ வ்யாப்தோ வாயு ரதோக்ஷஜ: || 44
405)Vaikuntha - He prevents men from going astray, abode of the Supreme Lord.
406)Purusha - One who dwells in all bodies (Puris)
407)Praana - As Praana, He causes movements
408)Praanada - Giver of Prana
409)Pranava - He is Ohmkhaaraa
410)Pruthu - The all-pervasive
411)Hiranya-Garbhah - The Golden womb of all creations
412)Shatrughna - Destroys all the negative tendencies in all serious seekers
413)Vyaapta - He who pervades everything
414)Vayu - He is the life-giving power in air. 
415)Adhokshaja - at no time His vitality flows downwards

Slokam 45:
ऋतुः सुदर्शनः कालः परमेष्ठी परिग्रहः।
उग्रः संवत्सरो दक्षो विश्रामो विश्वदक्षिणः॥४५॥
ṛtuḥ sudarśanaḥ kālaḥ parameṣṭhī parigrahaḥ 
ugraḥ saṁvatsarō dakṣō viśrāmō viśvadakṣiṇaḥ
ருதுஸ் ஸுதர்ஸந: கால: பரமேஷ்டி பரிக்ரஹ: |
உக்ரஸ் ஸம்வத்ஸரோ தக்ஷோ விஸ்ராமோ விஸ்வ தக்ஷிண: || 45
416)Ritu - He Who governs the seasons
417)Sudarshana - His audience (dharshan) removes all worries
418)Kaala - Lord of time
419)Parameshti - One Who is readily available for experience
420)Parigraha - One Who accepts even small offerings
421)Ugra - One Who terrorises the evil
422)Samvatsara - The whole year of experience
423)Daksha - One Who acts with ease and efficiency, diligence and promptitude.
424)Vishraama - The peaceful resort for troubled minds
425)Vishva-Dakshinah - The source of all skill and efficiency

Slokam 46:
विस्तारः स्थावरस्थाणुः प्रमाणं बीजमव्ययम्।
अर्थोऽनर्थो महाकोशो महाभोगो महाधनः॥४६॥
vistāraḥ sthāvaraḥsthāṇuḥ pramāṇaṁ bījamavyayam 
arthōnarthō mahākōśō mahābhōgō mahādhanaḥ
விஸ்தாரஸ் ஸ்தாவர ஸ்தாணு: ப்ரமாணம் பீஜமவ்யயம்|             
அர்த்தோ நர்த்தோ மஹாகோஸோ மஹாபோகோ மஹாதந: || 46
426)Visthaara - He Who has ample accommodation for all 
427)Sthavara Sthanuh - The firm and the fixed, all pervasive
428)Pramanam - The very authority behind all Dharma
429)Bijamavyayam - The indestructible and changeless seed of the world
430)Artha - Sought after by both gnanis and materialists
431)Anartha - one who has no desires
432)Mahakosha - One who has the macrocosmic sheaths of the universe
433)Mahabhoga - one from whom the greatest bliss can be realised by the seekers
434)Mahadhana - one from whom His devotees gain great wealth

Slokam 47:
अनिर्विण्णः स्थविष्ठोऽभूर्धर्मयूपो महामखः।
नक्षत्रनेमिर्नक्षत्री क्षमः क्षामः समीहनः॥४७॥
anirviṇṇaḥ sthaviṣṭhōbhūrdharmayūpō mahāmakhaḥ 
nakṣatranemirnakṣatrī kṣamaḥ, kṣāmaḥ samīhanaḥ
அநிர்விண்ணஸ் ஸ்தவிஷ்டோபூர் தர்மயூபோ மஹாமக: |        
நக்ஷத்ரநேமிர் நக்ஷத்ரீ க்ஷாம: க்ஷாமஸ் ஸமீஹந: || 47
435)Anirvinna - who is griefless
436)Sthavishtha - Widely spread over the entire universe
437)bhoo - Who has Bhooma Devi with Him always
438)Dharma Yupa- He is the pillar to which Dharma is tied up.
439)Maha-Makha - One Who accepts all sacrifices
440)Nakshatra-Nemir - He is the hub around which all stars revolve
441)Nakshatri - He is the moon. Geeta says, “among the stars I am the moon.
442)Kshama - One who forgives the stupidities of his devotees. 
443)Kshaama - One Who remains abundant, without scarcity
444)Samihana - He desires the well-being of all His creatures at all times.

Slokam 48:
यज्ञ इज्यो महेज्यश्च क्रतुः सत्रं सतां गतिः।
सर्वदर्शी विमुक्तात्मा सर्वज्ञो ज्ञानमुत्तमम्॥४८॥
yajña ijyō mahejyaśca kratuḥ satraṁ satāṁ gatiḥ 
sarvadarśī vimuktātmā sarvajñō jñānamuttamam
யஜ்ஞ இஜ்யோ மஹேஜ்யஸ்ச க்ரதுஸ் ஸத்ரம் ஸதாங்கதி: |               
ஸர்வதர்ஸீ விமுக்தாத்மா ஸர்வஜ்ஞோ ஜ்ஞாந முத்தமம்|| 48
445)Yajna -  All yajnas are of the nature of Vishnu  
446)Ijya - One who is fit to be invoked through yajnas
447)Mahejyas - One who most certainly is to be invoked in every ritual
448)Kratu - He is the receiver of all forms of sacrifices
449)Sathram - The Lord who protects the good (Sat)
450)Sathaamgathi - One who is the refuge for the good people (sat)
451)Sarvadarshi - He is the eye of the universe, the Illuminator of every- thing 
452)Vimuktaatma - He remains in ever-liberated (Mukti) bliss
453)Sarvagyo - Illuminator of all sense perceptions in an individual
454)Gynanam Uttamam-The Supreme knowledge-"Satyam Jnaanam, Anantam Brahma"

Slokam 49:
सुव्रतः सुमुखः सूक्ष्मः सुघोषः सुखदः सुहृत्।
मनोहरो जितक्रोधो वीरबाहुर्विदारणः॥४९॥
suvrataḥ sumukhaḥ sūkṣmaḥ sughōṣaḥ sukhadaḥ suhṛt 
manōharō jitakrōdhō vīrabāhurvidāraṇaḥ
ஸுவ்ரதஸ் ஸுமுகஸ் ஸூக்ஷ்ம ஸுகோஷஸ் ஸுகதஸ் ஸுஹ்ருத்|
மநோ ஹரோ ஜிதக்ரோதோ வீரபாஹுர் விதாரண: || 49
455)Suvrata - To give shelter to all living creatures-this is His holy vow.
456)Sumukha - who beams with joy at the devotion of the surrender
457)Sukshma - One who is subtler than the subtlest
458)Sughosha - Auspicious sound of Vishn, the vedas, the conch of Krishna
459)Sukhadha - One who confers happiness.
460)Suhruth - Friend of all living beings
461)Manohara - One Who steals the minds of devotees.
462)Jita-Krodha - One Who has won anger
463)Veerabahu - One with strong arms
464)Vidharana - 'Dhara' means to split or to tear open, like Narasimha

Slokam 50:
स्वापनः स्ववशो व्यापी नैकात्मा नैककर्मकृत्।
वत्सरो वत्सलो वत्सी रत्नगर्भो धनेश्वरः॥५०॥
svāpanassvavaśō vyāpī naikātmā naikakarmakṛt 
vatsarō vatsalō vatsī ratnagarbhō dhaneśvaraḥ
ஸ்வாபந: ஸ்வவஸோ வ்யாபீ நைகாத்மா நைக கர்மக்ருத்|
வத்ஸரோ வத்ஸலோ வத்ஸீ ரத்நகர்ப்போ தநேஸ்வர: || 50
465)Svaapana - He deludes everybody through Maya
466)Svavasha - One who has everything under His own personal control 
467)Vyaapi - He pervades all and everything at all times
468)Naika atma - He Who expresses Himself as the many (Aneka) souls
469)Naika Karma Krut - One Who  does many acts simultaneously
470)Vathsara -  He alone is the Abode of the creatures
471)Vathsala -  One who loves his devotees extremely
472)Vathsi - One who has infinite number of children, the Father of all
473)Ratna-Garbha - One who has rich wealth concealed in Himself
474)Dhaneshvara - Lord of the Goddess Lakshmi and hence Master-of-all-wealth

We have come to the end of this blog for now. We will continue with the rest of the slogans soon.

Sadasiva Brahmendra was a saint, composer of Carnatic music and Advaita philosopher, who lived near Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, during the 18th century. He composed songs mainly in Sanskrit. Only a few of his compositions have survived, but they are recognised as great compositions of Carnatic music. Listen to Sadasiva Brahmendra's Bruhi Mukundethi:

Ohm Krishnarpanam

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