Kamalaakucha choochuka kumkumatho
niyathaa runithaa thulaneelathano
kamalaayatha lochana lokapathe
vijayeebhava venkata shailapathe || (1)
Meaning: Lotus like breasts of Lord are ever red with the stains of
kumkum that is being sprinkled on his chest during the daily worships, whereas his body is blue-colored.
Victory to Thee, O Lord of Venkata hill, whose eyes are wide like lotus petals.
Sachathurmukha, shanmukha, panchamukha
pramukha akila daivatha moulimane
sharanaagatha vathsala saaranidhe
paripaalayamaam vrisha shailapathe || (2)
Meaning: Including the four-faced Brahma, six-faced Subrahmanya, and five-faced Hanuman, you are the greatest crown jewel among all Gods. You are the abode of kindness to those who submit themselves at your feet. O Lord of Vrisha hill, save me.
Athivelathayaa thava durvishai
anuvela krithair aparaadha shatai
bharitham thvaritam vrisha shailapathe
parayaa krupayaa paripaahi hare || (3)
Meaning: Extremely trembling on being committed various sins and hundreds of wrong deeds, I came running speedily to submit myself at your feet. O Lord of Vrishabha hill, shower mercy on me.
Adhivenkata shaila mudaaramathe
janathaabhi matha adhika daanarathaath
para devathayaa gadithaannigamai
kamalaa dayithaanna param kalaye || (4)
Meaning: O bounteous Lord of Venkata hill, who always gives away more than what your devotees desire, all the other gods are also praying to you, and none is equal to you.
Kala venu ravaa vasha gopa vadhoo
shathakoti vruthaat smara koti samaath
prathivallavi kaabhi mathaath sukhadaath
vasudeva suthaanna param kalaye || (5)
Meaning: With an enchanting music from your flute, you attracted the gopis and bestowed each one of them with their desired happiness that is equal to the happiness obtained from hundred crore penances or crores of prayers.
O Son of Vasudeva (Krishna), none is equal to you.
Abhiraama gunaakara daasharathe
jagad eka dhanur dhara dheera mathe
Raghu naayaka raama ramesha vibho
varadobhava deva dayaajaladhe || (6)
Meaning: You have been the lovely and virtuous son of Dasharatha; you are the only courageous and great archer of the entire world, the chief of Raghukula, the pleasing and entertaining Lord.
Please grant the boon to me, O Lord and Ocean of Mercy.
Avanee thanayaa kamaneeya karam
rajaneekara chaaru mukhaam buruham
rajanee chara raaja thamo mihiram
mahaneeyam aham raghu raama maye || (7)
Meaning: Your pretty hands are held by the daughter of Earth, Sita; and you are beautiful with your lotus-like face resembling the moon. You are the king dispelling all the darkness by walking in the nights.
Grant me refuge O Rama of Raghu clan.
Sumukham suhrudam sulabham sukhadam
svanujam cha sukhaaya mamogha sharam
apahaaya raghoodvaha manyam aham
na kathancha na kanchana jaatu bhaje || (8)
Meaning: You are pleasant-faced, good-hearted, easily reachable, and you are the provider of happiness, along with your brothers and with a never-ending flow of arrows. So, I never pray to anyone else even for a while except you, O Rama.
Vinaa venkatesam nanaadho nanaadhah
sadaa venkatesam smaraami smaraami
hare venkatesa praseeda praseeda
priyam venkatesa prayachcha prayachcha || (9) (two times)
Meaning: Without you, O Venkateshwara, I am an orphan (anadha). I always keep remembering your name. O Venkatesa, kindly be pleased with me and bestow me with your love and grace.
Aham doorataste padaambhoja yugmam
pranaamechcha yaagathya sevaam karomi
sakruthsevayaa nithya sevaa phalam thvam
prayachcha prayachcha prabho venkatesa || (10)
Meaning: I have been far away from your lotus-like feet and have now come with a wish to serve You. So, Lord Venkatesha, I request you, again and again, please allow me the benefit of performing daily service to you.
Ajnaaninaa mayaa doshaa naseshaan vihitaan hare
kshamasva tvam kshamasva tvam shesha saila shikhaamae || (11) (two times)
Meaning: The sins committed by me are all simply due to the sheer ignorance of mine; so kindly please pardon me, pardon me, O jewel of Sesha Shaila Mountain.
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With these few words, we will now proceed to understand the rest of the Vishnu Sahasranama Slokam as pronounced by Bhishmaacharya:
Slokam 51:
धर्मगुब्धर्मकृद्धर्मी सदसत्क्षरमक्षरम्।
अविज्ञाता सहस्रांशुर्विधाता कृतलक्षणः॥५१॥
dharmagubdharmakṛddharmī sadasatkṣaramakṣaram
avijñātā sahasrāṁśurvidhātā kṛtalakṣaṇaḥ
தர்மக்ருப் தர்மகுத் தர்மீ ஸதஸத் க்ஷரமக்ஷரம்|
அவிஜ்ஞாதா ஸஹஸ்ராமஸூர் விதாதா க்ருதலக்ஷண: || 51
475)Dharmagub - One who protects Dharma
476)Dharmakrud - One who acts according to Dharma
477)Dharmi - The Supporter of Dharma
478)Sat - Ever-present Principle of existence (Truth)
479)Asat - Principle of non-existence (Maya)
480)Ksharam - One Who perishes as many worldly forms
481)Aksharam - One Who ever remains imperishable
482)Avigyaata - He is Jeevatma in individuals (hence ignorant)
483)Sahashramsu - Thousand rayed Soorya Narayana
484)Vidhatha - Supports the entire universe of living creatures
485)Krutha-Lakshana - One Who is the author (Krita) of the Scriptures (Lakshana)
Slokam 52:
गभस्तिनेमिः सत्त्वस्थः सिंहो भूतमहेश्वरः।
आदिदेवो महादेवो देवेशो देवभृद्गुरुः॥५२॥
gabhastinemiḥ sattvasthaḥ siṁhō bhūtamaheśvaraḥ
ādidevō mahādevō deveśō devabhṛdguruḥ
கபஸ்தநேமிஸ் ஸத்வஸ்தஸ் ஸிம்ஹோ பூதமஹேஸ்வர: |
ஆதிதேவோ மஹாதேவோ தேவேஸோ தேவப்ருத் குரு: || 52
486)Gabhasti Nemi - One who is hub with rays of light as spokes (Surya Narayana)
487)Sattvastha - He is pure truthfulness in nature (Suddha Satya Svaroopa).
488)Simha - Incarnated as Narasimha
489)Bhuta-Maheshvara - He is ever the Ruler of All creature
490)Aadideva - He is the God of all gods
491)Mahaadeva - The Supreme Lord
492)Devesha - Lord of all Devas
493)Devabhrud-Guru - He is the advisor (guru) of Indra, the king of gods.
Slokam 53:
उत्तरो गोपतिर्गोप्ता ज्ञानगम्यः पुरातनः।
शरीरभूतभृद्भोक्ता कपीन्द्रो भूरिदक्षिणः॥५३॥
uttarō gōpatirgōptā jñānagamyaḥ purātanaḥ
śarīrabhūtabhṛdbhōktā kapīndrō bhūridakṣiṇaḥ
உத்தரோ கோபதிர் கோப்தா ஜ்ஞாநகம்ய: புராதந: |
ஸரீர பூதப்ருத் போக்தா கபீந்த்ரோ பூரிதக்ஷிண: || 53
494)Uttara - One who lifts us from (Uttarah) the ocean of Samsar.
495)Gopathi - One who played the part of a cowherd in His Krishna-incarnation
496)Goptaa - He is the Protector of all living creatures
497)Gyanagamya - One who is to be attained through subtle perception (Jnaana)
498)Puratana - He is called the Ancient, for, he transcends Time.
499)Sharira-Bhuta-Bhrud - One Who nourishes panacha boothas in our bodies
500)Bhokta - The enjoyer as jeevathma in our body
501)Kapindra - One Who is the Lord of the Monkeys-Sri Rama
502)Bhooridakshina - He who gives away large gifts
Slokam 54:
सोमपोऽमृतपः सोमः पुरुजित्पुरुसत्तमः।
विनयो जयः सत्यसंधो दाशार्हः सात्त्वतांपतिः॥५४॥
sōmapōmṛtapaḥ sōmaḥ purujit purusattamaḥ
vinayō jayaḥ satyasandhō dāśārhassātvatāṁ patiḥ
ஸோமபோம்ருதபஸ் ஸோம: புருஜித் புருஸத்தம: |
விநயோ ஜயஸ் ஸத்யஸந்தோ தாஸார்ஹஸ் ஸாத்வதாம் பதி: || 54
503)Somapa - One Who accepts soma juice in yagnas
504)Amrutapa - One Who accepts amruta
505)Soma - In the form of the moon-light, enrich all the plant-kingdom
506)Purujith - One who has won over many (Puru) enemies
507)Purushothama - Omnipresent (Purusha) and the Best (Uttamah)
508)Vinaya - He who shows the supreme humility
509)Jaya - One who has conquered all
510)Sathyasandha - His thoughts, feelings, words and actions are always truthful
511)Daashaarha - born in the Dasaarha race (Yaadava-kula) (Lord Krishna)
512)Saathvatampathi - The Lord of the Saattvic (devoted) people
Slokam 55:
जीवो विनयिता साक्षी मुकुन्दोऽमितविक्रमः।
अम्भोनिधिरनन्तात्मा महोदधिशयोऽन्तकः॥५५॥
jīvō vinayitāsākṣī mukundōmitavikramaḥ
ambhōnidhiranantātmā mahōdadhiśayōntakaḥ
ஜீவோ விநயிதா ஸாக்ஷீ முகுந்தோ அமிதவிக்ரம: |
அம்போநிதி ரநந்தாத்மா மஹோததி ஸயோந்தக: || 55
513)Jeeva - He Who experiences life as jeevatma
514)Vinayitha-Sakshi - He witnesses everything modestly as His own.
515)Mukunda - He liberates those who surrender
516)Amitha Vikrama - One whose step (Vikramah) is immeasurable (Vamana)
517)Ambhonidhi - He is the sub-stratum of all types of creatures
518)Ananthathma - One who manifests as the endless varieties of creatures
519)Mahodadhishaya - One who remains on a fig-leaf, upon deluge
520)Anthaka - He transcends end of time, when darkness discends.
Slokam 56:
अजो महार्हः स्वाभाव्यो जितामित्रः प्रमोदनः।
आनन्दो नन्दनो नन्दः सत्यधर्मा त्रिविक्रमः॥५६॥
ajō mahārhaḥ svābhāvyō jitāmitraḥ pramōdanaḥ
ānandō nandanō nandaḥ satyadharmā trivikramaḥ
அஜோ மஹார்ஹஸ் ஸ்வாபாவ்யோ ஜிதாமித்ர: ப்ரமோதந: |
ஆநந்தோ நந்தநோ நந்தஸ் ஸத்யதர்மா த்ரிவிக்ரம: || 56
521)Aja - The unborn, changeless, Eternal
522)Mahaarha - One who deserves the highest worship (Arhaa)
523)Svabhaavya - Ever-rooted in the nature of His own Self
524)Jithamitra - One Who has conquered His enemies
525)Pramodhana - One who is eternally Blissful
526)Ananda - Full of Bliss
527)Nandana - Intoxicating His devotees with Bliss
528)Nanda - One who is freed from all limited worldly pleasures
529)Satya-Dharma - Embodiment of Supreme Dharma
530)Trivikrama - One Who took three steps (Vamana)
Slokam 57:
महर्षिः कपिलाचार्यः कृतज्ञो मेदिनीपतिः।
त्रिपदस्त्रिदशाध्यक्षो महाशृङ्गः कृतान्तकृत्॥५७॥
maharṣiḥ kapilācāryaḥ kṛtajñō medinīpatiḥ
tripadastridaśādhyakṣō mahāśṛṅgaḥ kṛtāntakṛt
மஹர்ஷி: கபிலாசார்ய: க்ருதஜ்ஞோ மேதிநீபதி: |
த்ரிபதஸ் த்ரிதஸாத் யக்ஷோ மஹாஸ்ருங்க: க்ருதாந்த க்ருத்|| 57
531)Maharshi Kapilacharya - He Who incarnated as Sage Kapila
532)Krutagya - He is the knower of all that was created
533)Medini-Pathi - The consort of Mother Earth
534)Tripada - He Who took three steps (Tripathi, Vamana)
535)Tridashadhyaksha - He who sees the states of wakefulness, sleep and dream
536)Mahashrunga - The great-horned fish (Matsya)
537)Krutantakruth - Destroyer of all His creations
Slokam 58:
महावराहो गोविन्दः सुषेणः कनकाङ्गदी।
गुह्यो गभीरो गहनो गुप्तश्चक्रगदाधरः॥५८॥
mahāvarāhō gōvindaḥ suṣeṇaḥ kanakāṅgadī
guhyō gabhīrō gahanō guptaścakragadādharaḥ
மஹாவராஹோ கோவிந்தஸ் ஸுஷேண: கநகாங்கதீ|
குஹ்யோ கபீரோ கஹநோ குப்தஸ் சக்ர கதாதர: || 58
538)Mahavaraha - One who manifested as the Great Boar
539)Goivinda - One who is to be known (Vid) through Vedanta (Go)
540)Sushena - One with charming army of great sages
541)Kanakaangadhi - He Who wears golden ornaments
542)Guhya - to be realised in the secret chambers of the heart
543)Gabhira - Beyond our apprehension
544)Gahana - Beyond our penetration of mind
545)Gupta - Beyond our recognition
546)Chakra Gadha dhara - One who holds Discus and Mace
Let us pray to Govinda and seek His blessings:
Slokam 59:
वेधाः स्वाङ्गोऽजितः कृष्णो दृढः संकर्षणोऽच्युतः।
वरुणो वारुणो वृक्षः पुष्कराक्षो महामनाः॥५९॥
vedhāḥ svāṅgo’jitaḥ kṛṣṇo dṛḍhaḥ saṅkarṣaṇo’cyutaḥ
varuṇo vāruṇo vṛukṣaḥ puṣkarākṣo mahāmanāḥ
வேதாஸ் ஸ்வாங்கோ ஜித: க்ருஷ்ணோ த்ருடஸ் ஸங்கர்ஷணோச்யுத: |
வருணோ வாருணோ வ்ருக்ஷ: புஷ்கராக்ஷோ மஹாமநா: || 59
547)Vedha - Creator’ is called as Srashtaa, Prajaapatih or Vedhaah.
548)Sva anga - He has no instrument other than Himself for creation
549)Ajitha - One who is vanquished by none-
550)Krishna - The ’Unknown’, the ‘Dark’-Krishna
551)Drudha - One who is firm in His convictions, judgements, love and mercy.
552)Sankarshano Acyutha- who absorbs the whole world into Himself at the time of the deluge, and He who never falls away from His own Real Nature.
553)Varuna - Absorbs everything unto Himself, like the setting sun.
554)Vaaruna - The Lord, who manifested as Vasishta & Agastya, sons of Vaaruna
555)Vruksha - The world manifested from the Lord as a ‘Tree.’
556)Pushkaraaksha - One who has eyes as beautiful as the lotus flower (Pushkara)
557)Mahaamana - One who has a great mind
Slokam 60:
भगवान् भगहाऽऽनन्दी वनमाली हलायुधः।
आदित्यो ज्योतिरादित्यः सहिष्णुर्गतिसत्तमः॥६०॥
bhagavān bhagahānandī vanamālī halāyudhaḥ
ādityō jyōtirādityaḥ sahiṣṇurgatisattamaḥ
பகவாந் பகஹா நந்தி வநமாலீ ஹலாயுத: |
ஆதித்யோ ஜ்யோதிர் ஆதித்யஸ் ஸ்ஹிஷ்ணுர் கதிஸத்தம: || 60
558)Bhagavan - One who has all the Six Great Glories-Wealth, Power, Dharma, Fame, Character, Knowledge and Dispassion
559)Bhagaha - One who destroys, during the deluge, the above six glories.
560) Anandi - The one who gives delight.
561)Vanamali - One who wears garland of leavers and flowers named Vaijantee
562)Halayudha - One who has the plough as his weapon.” - Balarama
563)Aditya - One who was born as the son of Adhiti and Kasyapa as Vaamana
564)Jyothir Aditya - One Who radiates in the centre of the orb of the sun
565)Sahishnu - One Who is never influenced by experiences of others
566)Gathisatthama - The ultimate refuge for all devotees.
Slokam 61:
सुधन्वा खण्डपरशुर्दारुणो द्रविणप्रदः।
दिवःस्पृक् सर्वदृग्व्यासो वाचस्पतिरयोनिजः॥६१॥
sudhanvā khaṇḍaparaśurdāruṇō draviṇapradaḥ
divaspṛk sarvadṛgvyāsō vācaspatirayōnijaḥ
ஸுதந்வா கண்ட பரஸுர் தாருணோ த்ரவிணப்ரத: |
திவிஸ்ப்ருக் ஸர்வத்ருக் வ்யாஸோ வாசஸ்பதி ரயோநிஜ: || 61
567)Sudhanva - One who has his glorious bow-called “Saaranga"
568)Khanda parashu - One who has the axe- weapon-“Parasurama"
569)Daruna - Merciless to the unrighteous
570)Dravinaprada - One who bestows wealth to His devotees
571)Divah Spruk - The One Who reaches the Sky - Viswaroopa
572)Sarva-Drug Vyasa - One Who incarnated as Sri Veda Vyasa
573)Vachaspatir Ayonija - One who is a master of all knowledge and who is unborn through a mother’s womb.
Slokam 62:
त्रिसामा सामगः साम निर्वाणं भेषजं भिषक्।
संन्यासकृच्छमः शान्तो निष्ठा शान्तिः परायणम्॥६२॥
trisāmā sāmagaḥ sāma nirvāṇaṁ bheṣajaṁ bhiṣak
saṁnyāsakṛcchamaśyāntō niṣṭhā śāntiḥ parāyaṇam
த்ரிஸமா ஸாமகஸ்ஸாம நிர்வாணம் பேஷஜம் பிஷக்|
ஸந்யாஸக்ருச் சமஸ் ஸாந்தோ நிஷ்டா ஸாந்தி: பராயணம்|| 62
574)Trisaama - One who has been praised by the singers of the Saama Veda
575)Saamaga - One who performs the actions prescribed in the Saama Veda
576)Saama - Of Vedas He is the Saama Veda
577)Nirvaanam - He is fully liberated One.
578)Bheshajam - He who is the very specific cure for the diseases
579)Bhishak - He is the doctor (Dhanvantari)
580)Sanyasakrut - Lord Who enables qualities required for sanyasa
581)Chama - He teaches the life of calmness and quietude
582)Saantha - Actionless and peaceful
583)Nishtha - The Abode of all beings
584)Shaanthi - One whose very nature is Peace.
585)Paraayanam - He is the way to the Supreme Liberation (Moksha)
Slokam 63:
शुभाङ्गः शान्तिदः स्रष्टा कुमुदः कुवलेशयः।
गोहितो गोपतिर्गोप्ता वृषभाक्षो वृषप्रियः॥६३॥
śubhāṅgaḥ śāntidaḥ sraṣṭā kumudaḥ kuvaleśayaḥ
gōhitō gōpatirgōptā vṛṣabhākṣō vṛṣapriyaḥ
ஸுபாங்கஸ் ஸாந்திதஸ் ஸ்ரேஷ்டா குமுத: குவலேஸய: |
கோஹிதோ கோபதிர் கோப்தா வ்ருஷபாக்ஷோ வ்ருஷ ப்ரிய: || 63
586)Shubhanga - One who is enchanting
587)Shantidha - One who offers peace of mind of His devotees
588)Srashta - One Who creates all beings
589)Kumuda - He who delights in the Earth ('Ku' means Earth)
590)Kuvalesaya - 'Ku valaya' refers to the water surrounding the Earth. Vishnu is seen as reclining in waters.
591)Gohita - One Who serves cows. Go also means earth.
592)Gopathi - One Who protects cows. (Gopalan)
593)Gopta - One Who spins the world with veils of Maya
594)Vrushabhaksha - He fulfills the unexpressed desires of His devotees
595)Vrushapriya - Vrisha’ means’ Dharma. Vishnu delights in Dharma
Slokam 64:
अनिवर्ती निवृत्तात्मा संक्षेप्ता क्षेमकृच्छिवः।
श्रीवत्सवक्षाः श्रीवासः श्रीपतिः श्रीमतांवरः॥६४॥
anivartī nivṛttātmā saṁkṣeptā kṣemakṛcchivaḥ
śrīvatsavakṣāḥ śrīvāsaḥ śrīpatiḥ śrīmatāṁ varaḥ
அநிவர்த்தீ நிவ்ருத்தாத்மா ஸம்க்ஷேப்தா க்ஷேமக்ருச்சிவ: |
ஸ்ரீவத்ஸ வக்ஷாஸ் ஸ்ரீவாஸ: ஸ்ரீபதிஸ் ஸ்ரீமதாம்வர: || 64
596)Anivarthi - One Who never retreats from Dharma
597)Nivruthaathma - Reachable only through restricted indulgence of our senses
598)Samkshepta - One who never abandons His devotees
599)Kshema-Kruth - One Who takes care of the welfare of His devotees
600)Shiva - He Who identifies Himself as Shiva, the auspicious.
601)Shrivasta Vaksha - One Who adorns Srivtsam on His chest
602)Shrivasa - One in Whom Sri Lakshmi resides (Srinivasa)
603)Shripathi - Consort of Shree Devi
604)Shrimataam Varah - He Who blesses all students of the Vedas
Slokam 65:
श्रीदः श्रीशः श्रीनिवासः श्रीनिधिः श्रीविभावनः।
श्रीधरः श्रीकरः श्रेयः श्रीमाँल्लोकत्रयाश्रयः॥६५॥
śrīdaḥ śrīśaḥ śrīnivāsaḥ śrīnidhiḥ śrīvibhāvanaḥ
śrīdharaḥ śrīkaraḥ śreyaḥ śrīmān lōkatrayāśrayaḥ
ஸ்ரீதஸ் ஸ்ரீஸஸ் ஸ்ரீநிவாஸஸ் ஸ்ரீநிதிஸ் ஸ்ரீவிபாவந: |
ஸ்ரீதரஸ் ஸ்ரீகரஸ் ஸ்ரேயஸ் ஸ்ரீமாந் லோக த்ரயாஸ்ரய: || 65
605)Shrida - One Who provides wealth to His ardent devotees
606)Shrisha - One Who grants inner wealth
607)Srinivasa - One Who abides in purified hearts
608)Srinidhi - One Who is the storehouse of all wealth
609)Sri-Vibhaavana - One Who is the dispenser of wealth as per fruits of action
610)Sridhara - One Who always adorns Shree
611)Shrikara- One Who confers wealth
612)Shreyas - One Who liberates
613)Shriman - One Who possesses all forms of wealth
614)Loka-Trayaasraya - The only resort for all three worlds
Slokam 66:
स्वक्षः स्वङ्गः शतानन्दो नन्दिर्ज्योतिर्गणेश्वरः।
विजितात्माऽविधेयात्मा सत्कीर्तिश्छिन्नसंशयः॥६६॥
svakṣaḥ svaṅgaḥ śatānaṅdō naṅdirjyōtirgaṇeśvaraḥ
vijitātmā vidheyātmā satkīrtiśchinnasaṁśayaḥ
ஸ்வக்ஷஸ் ஸ்வங்கஸ் ஸதாநந்தோ நந்திர் ஜ்யோதிர் கணேஸ்வர: |
விஜிதாத்மா விதேயாத்மா ஸத்கீர்த்திஸ் சிந்நஸம்ஸய: || 66
615)Svaksha - One having beautiful eyes
616)Svanga - One having beautiful limbs (body)
617)Sathananda - One Who is bountiful with various joys
618)Nandi - One with infinite bliss
619)Jyotir gana eshvara - One Who illuminates all deva ganas (heavenly gods).
620)Vijitaathma - One Who has conquered senses
621)Vidheyathma - One Who can be commanded by His devotees alone.
622)Sathkirthi - One Who is of pure fame
623)Chinna Samsaya - The One who clears all doubts
Slokam 67:
उदीर्णः सर्वतश्चक्षुरनीशः शाश्वतस्थिरः।
भूशयो भूषणो भूतिर्विशोकः शोकनाशनः॥६७॥
udīrṇaḥ sarvataścakṣuranīśaḥ śāśvatasthiraḥ
bhūśayō bhūṣaṇō bhūtirviśōkaḥ śōkanāśanaḥ
உதீர்ணஸ் ஸர்வதஸ்சக்ஷு ரநீஸஸ் ஸாஸ்வத ஸ்திர: |
பூஸயோ பூஷணோ பூதிர் விஸோக: ஸோகநாஸந: || 67
624)Udhirna - One Who is beyond all limitations and change
625)Sarvatha Chakshur - One Who sees through all eyes in the world
626)Aneesa - One Who is not ruled by anyone
627)Saasvatha Sthira- One Who is permanent and stable
628)Bhooshaya - One Who rests on Earth (Bhoodevi)
629)Bhooshana - One Who adorns the Earth with lovely creations.
630)Bhoothi - One Who is pure existence andtreasure-house of all Glories
631)Vishoka - One devoid of any sorrow
632) Shoka Nashana - the dispeller of sorrow
Slokam 68:
अर्चिष्मानर्चितः कुम्भो विशुद्धात्मा विशोधनः।
अनिरुद्धोऽप्रतिरथः प्रद्युम्नोऽमितविक्रमः॥६८॥
arciṣmānarcitaḥ kuṁbhō viśuddhātmā viśōdhanaḥ
aniruddhōpratirathaḥ pradyumnōmitavikramaḥ
அர்ச்சிஷ்மா நர்ச்சித: கும்போ விஸுத்தாத்மா விஸோதந: |
அநிருத்தோ ப்ரதிரத: ப்ரத்யும்நோ அமித விக்ரம: || 68
633)Archishman - The "Light" Which illumines all others
634)Architha - One Who is worshipped by devotees
635)Kumbha - The container of all beings
636)Vishuddhathma - The Pure Aathma, bereft of any defects
637)Visodhana - The great cleanser of all vaasanaas
638)Anirudha - He Who is invincible by any of His enemies
639)Aprathiratha - who has no enemies to even threaten Him
640)Pradhyumna - The richest of all
641)Amita-Vikrama - One who has un-measurable valour
Slokam 69:
कालनेमिनिहा वीरः शौरिः शूरजनेश्वरः।
त्रिलोकात्मा त्रिलोकेशः केशवः केशिहा हरिः॥६९॥
kālaneminihā vīraḥ śauriḥ śūrajaneśvaraḥ
trilōkātmā trilōkeśaḥ keśavaḥ keśihā hariḥ
காலநேமி நிஹா வீரஸ் ஸௌரி ஸூர ஜநேஸ்வர: |
த்ரிலோகாத்மா த்ரிலோகேஸ: கேஸவ கேஸிஹா ஹரி: || 69
642)Kalaneminiha - Sleyer of asura named Kaalanemini
643)Vira - ever victorious
644)Sauri - Born in the Soorasena-clan, in Jagannaath
645)Sura Janeshvara - Eswara of the Devas
646)Trilokathma - The Atman of the three-worlds
647)Trilokesha - Lord of the three worlds
648)Keshava - The rays of vishnu, called Kesas illumines the Sun
649)Kesiha - One Who sleyed asura named Kesi
650)Hari - Charming and beautiful
Let us listen to this lovely song on Sri Hari now:
Slokam 70:
कामदेवः कामपालः कामी कान्तः कृतागमः।
अनिर्देश्यवपुर्विष्णुर्वीरोऽनन्तो धनंजयः॥७०॥
kāmadevaḥ kāmapālaḥ kāmī kāntaḥ kṛtāgamaḥ
anirdeśyavapurviṣṇurvīrōnantō dhanañjayaḥ
காமதேவ: காமபால: காமீ காந்த: க்ருதாகம: |
அநிர்தேஸ்யவபுர் விஷ்ணுர் வீரோநந்தோ தநஞ்ஜய: || 70
651)Kaamadeva - One Who is to be loved and worshipped by the seekers
652)Kaamapaala - He Who satisfies the inner longings of devotees
653)Kami - Supreme Reality who desired to create
654)Kantha - Extremely charming with His Grace and Beauty
655)Krutha aagama - The author of the Scriptures (Aagamas).
656)Anirdeshya Vapur - He has an indefinable and indefinable form
657)Vishnu - One Who pervades the entire universe
658)Veera - The mighty and all powerful
659)Anantha - Of endless nature
660)Dhanamjaya - One Who wins huge wealth for His people
Jaya Krishna Mukunda Murare
Slokam 71:
ब्रह्मण्यो ब्रह्मकृद् ब्रह्मा ब्रह्म ब्रह्मविवर्धनः।
ब्रह्मविद् ब्राह्मणो ब्रह्मी ब्रह्मज्ञो ब्राह्मणप्रियः॥७१॥
brahmaṇyō brahmakṛdbrahmā brahma brahmavivardhanaḥ
brahmavidbrāhmaṇō brahmī brahmajñō brāhmaṇapriyaḥ
ப்ரஹ்மண்யோ ப்ரஹ்மக்ருத் ப்ரஹ்மா ப்ரஹ்ம ப்ரஹ்ம விவர்த்தந: |
ப்ரஹ்மவித் ப்ராஹ்மணோ ப்ரஹ்மீ ப்ரஹ்மஜ்ஞோ ப்ராஹ்மணப்ரிய: || 71
661)Brahmanya - A friend of all Jeevaathma
662)Brahmakrud - One Who is Brahman Himself
663)Brahmaa - He Who is the creator
664)Brahma - Existence-Knowledge Infinite
665)Brahma-Vivardhana - One Who expands True knowledge in devotees
666)Brahmavid - One Who instituted True knowledge (Vedas)
667)Brahmana - One Who is realised as the Supreme Brahman
668)Brahmi - One Who is associated with Truth
669)Brahmgna - One Who has knowledge of Brahman
670)Brahmana-Priyah - One Who loves those realised souls
Slokam 72:
महाक्रमो महाकर्मा महातेजा महोरगः।
महाक्रतुर्महायज्वा महायज्ञो महाहविः॥७२॥
mahākramō mahākarmā mahātejā mahōragaḥ
mahākraturmahāyajvā mahāyajñō mahāhaviḥ
மஹாக்ரமோ மஹாக்ரமா மஹாதேஜா மஹோரக: |
மஹாக்ரதுர் மஹாயஜ்வா மஹாயஜ்ஞோ மஹாஹவி: || 72
671)Mahakrama - One Who takes long Steps (Vamana)
672)Mahakarma - One Who performs great deeds, like creation
673)Mahateja - Greatest light, the Light of Consciousness,
674)Mahoragah - Great serpent (Urgah), Ananta Seshan.
675)Mahakratu - one who is of the very form of Yaaga
676)Mahayajva - One Who performs Great Yajnas (Sir Rama - Aswametha Yaga)
677)Mahayagnya - He is of the form of great yagna (sacrificial rite)
678)Mahahavi - The great offering. We offer to Brahman that which is Brahman, in the fire which is Brahman, and the act of offering is also Brahman.
Slokam 73:
स्तव्यः स्तवप्रियः स्तोत्रं स्तुतिः स्तोता रणप्रियः।
पूर्णः पूरयिता पुण्यः पुण्यकीर्तिरनामयः॥७३॥
stavyaḥ stavapriyaḥ stōtraṁ stutiḥ stōtā raṇapriyaḥ
pūrṇaḥ pūrayitā puṇyaḥ puṇyakīrtiranāmayaḥ
ஸ்தவ்யஸ் ஸ்தவப்ரியஸ் ஸ்தோத்ரம் ஸ்துதி: ஸ்தோதா ரணப்ரிய: |
பூர்ண: பூரயிதா புண்ய: புண்யகீர்த்தி ரநாமய: || 73
679)Sthavya - One Who deserves all our praise and praised by all
680)Sthavapriya - One Who loves to hear devotees' chants
681)Sthothram - He is in the form of sacred hymns
682)Sthuthi - He is in the form of praise by His devotee.
683)Sthothaa - He is also in the form of the devotee who praises the Lord
684)Ranapriya - Ever ready to fight the battles of evolution
685)Poorna - Remains irreducible and without a change.
686)Poorayitha - He is the fulfiller of devotees' desires
687)Punya - He is in the form of all that is pure and auspicious
688)Punyakirthi - He is famous for His purity and holiness
689)Anaamaya - He is untouched by karmic effects
Slokam 74:
मनोजवस्तीर्थकरो वसुरेता वसुप्रदः।
वसुप्रदो वासुदेवो वसुर्वसुमना हविः॥७४॥
manōjavastīrthakarō vasuretā vasupradaḥ
vasupradō vāsudevō vasurvasumanā haviḥ
மநோஜவஸ் தீர்த்தகரோ வஸுரேதா வஸுப்ரத: |
வஸுப்ரதோ வாஸுதேவோ வஸுர் வஸுமநாஹவி: || 74
690)Manojava - One Who is swift like the speed of mind (Mano vekam)
691)Theerthakara - One Who teaches Vidhya and tantra
692)Vasuretha - One Who is golden womb (refers to hiranyagharbha)
693)Vasuprada - One Who bestows worldy wealth
694)Vasuprada - One Who bestows liberation
695)Vasudeva - One Who is jeevaatma in all beings
696)Vasu - The refuge for all
697)Vasumana - One Who acts as the cosmic mind in all beings
698)Havih - the oblations
Slokam 75:
सद्गतिः सत्कृतिः सत्ता सद्भूतिः सत्परायणः।
शूरसेनो यदुश्रेष्ठः सन्निवासः सुयामुनः॥७५॥
sadgatiḥ satkṛtiḥ sattā sadbhūtiḥ satparāyaṇaḥ
śūrasenō yaduśreṣṭhaḥ sannivāsaḥ suyāmunaḥ
ஸத்கதிஸ் ஸத்க்ருதிஸ் ஸத்தா ஸத்பூதிஸ் ஸத்பராயண: |
ஸூரஸேநோ யதுஸ்ரேஷ்டஸ் ஸந்நிவாஸ் ஸுயாமுந: || 75
699)Sadgati - The resort for noble souls
700)Sat-Kruti -One with noble actions
701)Sattha - One Who remains the same without any change
702)Sad-Bhoothi - One Who has eternal glories in various avatars
703)Sat-Paraayana - Who pursue the path of Truth
704)Surasena - One Who has heroic army men
705)Yadushreshtha - One Who is the best among Yadavas
Slokam 76:
भूतावासो वासुदेवः सर्वासुनिलयोऽनलः।
दर्पहा दर्पदो दृप्तो दुर्धरोऽथापराजितः॥७६॥
bhūtāvāsō vāsudevaḥ sarvāsunilayōnalaḥ
darpahā darpadō dṛptō durdharōthāparājitaḥ
பூதாவாஸோ வாஸுதேவஸ் ஸர்வாஸு நிலயோ நல: |
தர்ப்பஹா தர்ப்பதோ த்ருப்தோ துர்தரோ தாபராஜித: || 76
708)Bhoothavasa - He is the residing place for the pancha-bhoothas
709)Vaasudeva - He is the Lord of all living beings
710)Sarvaasu-Nilaya - He is the residing place for all creatures
711)Anala - One Who has limitless glories
712)Dharpaha - Destroyer of false pride of the bad ones
713)Dharpadha - One Who makes the devotees feel proud
714)Dhruptha - One Who deserves to be proud always
715)Durdhara- Difficult to reach even for yogis; (but easier for true devotees)
716)Aparaajitha - One Who cannot be conquered
Slokam 77:
अनेकमूर्तिरव्यक्तः शतमूर्तिः शताननः॥७७॥
anekamūrtiravyaktaḥ śatamūrtiḥ śatānanaḥ
விஸ்வமூர்த்திர் மஹாமூர்த்திர் தீப்தமூர்த்தி ரமூர்த்திமாந்|
அநேகமூர்த்தி ரவ்யக்தஸ் ஸதமூர்த்திஸ் ஸதாதந: || 77
717)Visvamurthi - The whole of universe is His divine form
718)Mahamurthi - The greatest of all
719)Deepthamurthi - Having splendour of thousands of suns
720)Amurthiman - He has no form of His own (beyong nama and roopa)
721)Anekamurthi - At the same time, He assumes many forms of His creations
722)Avyaktha - Uncreated One
723)Sathamurthi - Having multiple roopa
724)Sathanana - Having multiple faces
Slokam 78:
एको नैकः सवः कः किं यत् तत्पदमनुत्तमम्।
लोकबन्धुर्लोकनाथो माधवो भक्तवत्सलः॥७८॥
ekō naikaḥ savaḥ kaḥ kiṁ yattatpadamanuttamam
lōkabandhurlōkanāthō mādhavō bhaktavatsalaḥ
ஏகோ நைகஸ் ஸவ: க:கிம் யத்தத் பதமநுத்தமம்|
லோகபந்துர் லோகநாதோ மாதவோ பக்தவத்ஸல: || 78
725)Eka - One and only Brahman
726)Anaika - Appears as many
727)Sava - He is of the form of oblation
728)Ka - He is full of bliss
729)Kim - "What is He ?" is to be enquired into
730)Yath - "Which one ?" - Ask for it
731)Tath - "That One" - You got it.
732)Padam-Anuttamam - The Unexcelled Protector of His devotees. That which is unsurpassed by anything else, and for whose attainment knowledge and effort deserve to be undertaken.
733)Lokabandhu - Friend of the world
734)Lokanatha - Lord of the world
735)Madhava - The divine consort (Dhava) of Ma (Mother Lakshmi)
736)Bhaktavastala - One Who cares for His devotees
Slokam 79:
सुवर्णवर्णो हेमाङ्गो वराङ्गश्चन्दनाङ्गदी।
वीरहा विषमः शून्यो घृताशीरचलश्चलः॥७९॥
suvarṇavarṇō hemāṅgō varāṅgaścandanāṅgadī
vīrahā viṣamaḥ śūnyō ghṛtāśīracalaścalaḥ
ஸுவர்ணவர்ணோ ஹேமாங்கோ வராங்கஸ் சந்தநாங்கதீ|
வீரஹா விஷமஸ் ஸூந்யோ க்ருதாஸீ ரசலஸ்சல: || 79
737)Suvarna Varna - Glowing with golden hue
738)Hema anga - One with limbs of gold
739)Varaanga - One with loveable limbs
740)Chandanaangadee - One who is smeared with sandal paste in limbs
741)Veeraha - The valient hero
742)Vishama - One who has no equals
743)Soonya - One Who has no emotions, the pure Self
744)Ghrutaasee - One Who has no needs
745)Achalaa - He has no movements
746)Chalaa - He is full of movements
Slokam 80:
अमानी मानदो मान्यो लोकस्वामी त्रिलोकधृक्।
सुमेधा मेधजो धन्यः सत्यमेधा धराधरः॥८०॥
amānī mānadō mānyō lōkasvāmī trilōkadhṛt
sumedhā medhajō dhanyaḥ satyamedhā dharādharaḥ
அமாநீ மாநதோ மாந்யோ லோகஸ்வாமி த்ரலோக த்ருத்|
ஸுமேதா மேதஜோ தந்யஸ் ஸத்யமேதா தராதர: || 80
747)Amaani - One without any attachment with self
748)Maanada - One Who has no attachment with body
749)Maanya - One Who deserved honour
750)Lokaswami - Lord of all the worlds
751)Triloka-Dhruk - Supported of all three worlds
752)Sumedha - One Who has pure intelligence
753)Medhaja - One Who is present in sacrifices of all kinds
754)Dhanya - One Who is fortunate
755)Satya medha - One Who is truly intelligent
756)Dharadhara - One Who is the basis of all gross matter
Slokam 81:
तेजोवृषो द्युतिधरः सर्वशस्त्रभृतां वरः।
प्रग्रहो निग्रहो व्यग्रो नैकशृङ्गो गदाग्रजः॥८१॥
tejōvṛṣō dyutidharaḥ sarvaśastrabhṛtāṁ varaḥ
pragrahō nigrahō vyagrō naikaśṛṅgō gadāgrajaḥ
தேஜோ வ்ருக்ஷோ த்யுதிதரஸ் ஸர்வஸ் ஸத்ர ப்ருதாம் வர: |
ப்ரக்ரஹோ நிக்ரஹோ வ்யக்ரோ நைகஸ்ருங்கோ கதாக்ரஜ: || 81
757)Tejovrusha - One Who blesses the world with His Light
758)Dyuti-Dhara - He, as Atman, gives strength to the world to experience
759)Sarva Shastra Bhrutam Varah - the best among those who wield weapons
760)Pragraha - One Who is the controller of devotees' sense organs
761)nigraha - One Who absorbs the devotee into Himself
762)Vyagra - The fulfiller of all desires
763)Naika shrunga - One Who has many (Anaika) peak (Shunga) strengths
764)Gadhaagraja - One who is invoked through mantras (Gada)
Slokam 82:
चतुरात्मा चतुर्भावश्चतुर्वेदविदेकपात्॥८२॥
caturātmā caturbhāvaścaturvedavidekapāt
சதுர்மூர்த்திஸ் சதுர்பாஹும் சதுர்வ்யூஹஸ் சதுர்கதி: |
சதுராத்மா சதுர்ப்பாவஸ் சதுர்வேத விதேகபாத்|| 82
765)Chathurmurthi - He is in the form of Waker, Dreamer, Deep-sleeper and the Pure Self.
766)Chaturbahu - The four-armed
767)Chathurvyuha - He exhibits Himself as four different activites, as a Jeevatma in body, as an essence in mantras, as the vedas and as the Pure Consciousness.
768)Chaturgathi - He is the goal in all the four stages of life, namely, Brahmachrin, grahastha, vanaprastha and the sanyasa aasramaas.
769)Chaturaatma - Having four anthakaranas - manas, buddhi, chitta and ahamkara
770)Chaturbhava -He is the source of the four purusharthas- Righteousness (Dharma), Wealth (Artha), Pleasure (Kaama) and Spiritual Liberation (Moksha)
771)Chaturvedavid - He is knower of all four vedas
772)Ekapaadh - The whole of universe is contained in His one foot.
Slokam 83:
समावर्तोऽनिवृत्तात्मा दुर्जयो दुरतिक्रमः।
दुर्लभो दुर्गमो दुर्गो दुरावासो दुरारिहा॥८३॥
samāvartō nivṛttātmā durjayō duratikramaḥ
durlabhō durgamō durgō durāvāsō durārihā
ஸமாவர்த்தோ நிவ்ருத்தாத்மா துர்ஜயோ துரதிக்ரம: |
துர்லபோ துர்கமோ துர்கோ துராவாஸோ துராரிஹா|| 83
773)Samaavartha - He is the efficient controller of the wheel of time.
774)Anivruthathma - One who never turns away from anything, but is into everything.
775)Dhur jaya - One who cannot be conquered by anyone
776)Dhur athikrama - He is the ultimate destination of all evolution beyond which there is no one.
777)Dhur labha - Reachable only through for steadfast efforts.
778)Dhur gama - Who can be realised through strenuous path
779)Dhur ga - Difficult to cross the veil of maayaa to reach Him
780)Dhur aavaasa - It not easy to contemplate steadily upon due to distractions
781)Dhur aariha - One Who is the slayer of the devilish tendencies in us
Slokam 84:
शुभाङ्गो लोकसारङ्गः सुतन्तुस्तन्तुवर्धनः।
इन्द्रकर्मा महाकर्मा कृतकर्मा कृतागमः॥८४॥
śubhāṅgō lōkasāraṅgaḥ sutantustantuvardhanaḥ
indrakarmā mahākarmā kṛtakarmā kṛtāgamaḥ
ஸுபாங்கோ லோகஸாரங்க: ஸுதந்துஸ் தந்துவர்த்ந: |
இந்த்ரகர்மா மஹாகர்மா க்ருதகர்மா க்ருதாகம: || 84
782)Shubhaanga - His sacred limbs are of auspicious beauty
783)Lokasaaranga - One Who knows the source of the universe
784)Suthanthu - One from Whom the universe expands beautifully
785)Tantu-Vardhana - He Who grants fertility in the family for expansion
786)Indrakarma - One Who performs supremely auspicious actions
787)Mahakarma - One Who performs great actions, like creation.
788)Krutakarma - One Who completes his actions perfectly
789)Krutaagama - One Who is the author of Vedas
Slokam 85:
उद्भवः सुन्दरः सुन्दो रत्ननाभः सुलोचनः।
अर्को वाजसनः शृङ्गी जयन्तः सर्वविज्जयी॥८५॥
udbhavaḥ sundaraḥ sundō ratnanābhaḥ sulōcanaḥ
arkō vājasanaḥ śṛṅgī jayantaḥ sarvavijjayī
உத்பவஸ் ஸுந்தரஸ் ஸுந்தோ ரத்நநாபஸ் ஸுலோசந: |
அர்க்கோ வாஜஸநஸ் ஸ்ருங்கீ ஜயந்தஸ் ஸர்வவிஜ்ஜயீ|| 85
790)Udbhava - One from whom all creations spring up.
791)Sundara - Having divine beauty
792)Sunda - The merciful, forgives all our ignorant mistakes
793)Ratnanabha - His navel, seat of nascent manifestation of all thoughts, is to be meditated upon as brilliant jewel, Ratna.
794)Sulochana - One Who has auspicious eyes
795)Arka - One Who shines as the Sun
796)Vaajasana - He provides the source of food for the body, mind and intellect.
797)Shrungi - One Who has horn (Matsya or Varaaha)
798)Jayantha - One Who defeats all enemies
799)Sarva-Vij-Jayi - One who is victorious over all men of wisdom.
Slokam 86:
सुवर्णबिन्दुरक्षोभ्यः सर्ववागीश्वरेश्वरः।
महाह्रदो महागर्तो महाभूतो महानिधिः॥८६॥
suvarṇabindurakṣōbhyaḥ sarvavāgīśvareśvaraḥ
mahāhradō mahāgartō mahābhūtō mahānidhiḥ
ஸுவர்ணபிந்து ரக்ஷோப்யஸ் ஸர்வவாகீஸ்வரேஸ்வர: |
மஹாஹ்ரதோ மஹாகர்த்தோ மஹாபூதோ மஹாநிதி|| 86
800)Suvarna Bindu - One Who is radiant like gold
801)Akshobhya - One Who is not disturbed by desires
802)Sarva-Vaagishvareshvara - He is the Lord of all speech
803)Maha Hrada - The great pond for wisemen to swim
804)Maha Gartha - He is of the form of a great chariot
805)Maha-Bhutha - He is the source of panchabootha elements
806)Maha-Nidhi - He is the greatest treasure for His devotees
Slokam 87:
कुमुदः कुन्दरः कुन्दः पर्जन्यः पावनोऽनिलः।
अमृतांशोऽमृतवपुः सर्वज्ञः सर्वतोमुखः॥८७॥
kumudaḥ kundaraḥ kundaḥ parjanyaḥ pāvanōnilaḥ
amṛtāśōmṛtavapuḥ sarvajñaḥ sarvatōmukhaḥ
குமுத: குந்தர: குந்த: பர்ஜந்ய: பாவநோ நில: |
அம்ருதாம் ஸோம்ருதவபுஸ் ஸர்வஜ்ஞஸ் ஸர்வதோமுக: || 87
807)Kumudha - One Who creates the universe with joy.
808)Kundhara - One Who tore the earth in Varaha avatar.
809)Kunda - One Who is as attractive as the kunda flower
810)Parjanya - One Who brings joy like the dark rainy clouds
811)Paavana - One Who purifies our mind and intellect
812)Anila - One Who grants life line like the air
813)Amruth aasha - One Whose desires are always fruitful
814)Amrutha vapu - One Whose form is changeless, not affected by time
815)Sarvagnya - The all knowing
816)Sarvatho Mukha - One Who is facing everywhere
Slokam 88:
सुलभः सुव्रतः सिद्धः शत्रुजिच्छत्रुतापनः।
sulabhaḥ suvrataḥ siddhaḥ śatrujicchatrutāpanaḥ
ஸுலபஸ் ஸுவ்ரதஸ் ஸித்தஸ் ஸத்ருஜிச் சத்ருதாபந: |
ந்யக்ரோதோ தும்பரோ ஸ்வத்தஸ் சாணூராந்த்ர நிஷூதந: ||
817)Sulabha - Easily available to true devotees
818)Suvratha - One Who is strict in observing religious vows
819)Siddha - One Who is perfection, personified
820)Shatru-Jith - One Who always wins over enemies
821)Shatru-Tapana - One Who scorches His enemies
822)Nyagrodha - The invisible force of life, like the roots of a tree hidden below.
823)Adumbara- He Who provides nourishment
824)Asvattha - He Who is like the perennial tree of life
825)Chanurandhra Nishudhana - Slayer of Chanoora, great wrestler in Kamsa's court
Slokam 89:
सहस्रार्चिः सप्तजिह्वः सप्तैधाः सप्तवाहनः।
अमूर्तिरनघोऽचिन्त्यो भयकृद्भयनाशनः॥८९॥
sahasrārciḥ saptajihvaḥ saptaidhāḥ saptavāhanaḥ
amūrtiranaghōcintyō bhayakṛdbhayanāśanaḥ
ஸஹஸ்ரார்ச்சிஸ் ஸப்தஜிஹ்வஸ் ஸப்தைதாஸ் ஸப்த வாஹந: |
அமூர்த்தி ரநகோசிந்த்யோ பயக்ருத் பயநாஸந: || 89
826)Sahasrarchi - Mighty splendour with thousands of rays
827)Sapta Jihva - He Who grants us perception of this world through seven organs, namely, two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and a mouth in our face. He resides in our hearts as a flame with seven tongues
828)Saptaidha - He is the power behind those seven flames
829)Sapta Vahana - One Who has seven horses for His chariot (The Sun)
830)Amurti - One Who has no form
831)Anagha - One Who is beyond sorrow
832)Achinthya - One Who is beyond human comprehension
833)Bhayakrud - One Who terrorises the evil ones
834)Bhaya Nashana - One Who removes fear of His devotees
Slokam 90:
अणुर्बृहत्कृशः स्थूलो गुणभृन्निर्गुणो महान्।
अधृतः स्वधृतः स्वास्यः प्राग्वंशो वंशवर्धनः॥९०॥
aṇurbṛhatkṛśaḥ sthūlō guṇabhṛnnirguṇō mahān
adhṛtassvadhṛtasvāsyaḥ prāgvaṁśō vaṁśavardhanaḥ
அணுர்ப்ருஹத் க்ருஸஸ் ஸ்தூலோ குணப்ருந் நிர்குணோ மஹாந்|
அத்ருதஸ் ஸ்வத்ருதஸ் ஸ்வாஸ்ய: ப்ராக்வம்ஸோ வம்ஸவர்த்தந: || 90
835)Anu - One Who is subtlest of all
836)Bruhath - One Who is larger than the largest
837)Krusa - One Who is thinnest
838)Sthul - One Who is fattest
839)Gunabrun - One Who has three gunas (Satva, Rajas and Tamas)
840)Nirguna - One Who has no gunas
841)Mahaan - The great learned One
842)Adhrutha - Supporter of the entire universe
843)Svadhruta - One Who supports Himself and is not supported by anyone
844)Svaasya - One Who is enchanting
845)Praag vamsa - One Who has the oldest origin
846)Vamsa vardhana - One Who has created His descendants (all creation)
Slokam 91:
भारभृत् कथितो योगी योगीशः सर्वकामदः।
आश्रमः श्रमणः क्षामः सुपर्णो वायुवाहनः॥९१॥
bhārabhṛt kathitō yōgī yōgīśaḥ sarvakāmadaḥ
āśramaḥ śramaṇaḥ, kṣāmaḥ suparṇō vāyuvāhanaḥ
பாரப்ருத் கதிதோ யோகீ யோகீஸஸ் ஸர்வகாமத: |
ஆஸ்ரமஸ் ஸ்ரமண: க்ஷாமஸ் ஸுபர்ணோ வாயுவாஹந: || 91
847)Bhara-Bhrut - The load bearer of this universe
848)Kathitha - One Who is praised in the Puraanaas
849)Yogi - One Who is the greatest yogi
850)Yogeesha - The Lord of all Yogins
851)Sarva-Kaamadha - One Who fulfils all the desires of His devotees
852)Aashrama - He is the resort for troubled minds
853)Shramana - One Who tires out people by His Maya.
854)Kshaama - One Who dissolves everything in the end
855)Suparna - Holy leaf on which He floats
856)Vaayu Vaahana - Prime mover of vaayu (air)
Slokam 92:
धनुर्धरो धनुर्वेदो दण्डो दमयिता दमः।
अपराजितः सर्वसहो नियन्ताऽनियमोऽयमः॥९२॥
dhanurdharō dhanurvedō daṅḍō damayitā damaḥ
aparājitassarvasahō niyantā niyamō yamaḥ
தநுர்த்தரோ தநுர்வேதோ தண்டோ தமயிதாதம: |
அபராஜிதஸ் ஸர்வஸஹோ நியந்தா நியமோயம: || 92
857)Dhanurdhara - He is Sri Rama, Who wields His bow.
858)Dhanurveda - He is the propounder of art of archery
859)Danda - One Who awards punishments for evil doings
860)Damayitha - One Who tames those who deviate from truth
861)Dama - One Who establishes dharma
862)Aparajitha - One Who is undefeatable
863)Sarvasaha - One Who supports as material cause of the universe
864)Aniyanta - One Who has none above Him
865)Aniyama - One Who need not follow any rules
866)Ayama - One Who is beyond death
Slokam 93:
सत्त्ववान् सात्त्विकः सत्यः सत्यधर्मपरायणः।
अभिप्रायः प्रियार्होऽर्हः प्रियकृत् प्रीतिवर्धनः॥९३॥
sattvavān sāttvikaḥ satyaḥ satyadharmaparāyaṇaḥ
abhiprāyaḥ priyārhōrhaḥ priyakṛt pritivardhanaḥ
ஸத்வவாந் ஸாத்விகஸ் ஸத்யஸ் ஸத்ய தர்ம பராயண: |
அபிப்ராய: ப்ரயார்ஹோர்ஹ ப்ரியக்ருத் ப்ரீதிவர்த்தந: || 93
867)Satthvavan - One Who is courageous
868)Saathvika - He is peace-loving
869)Sathya - The embodiment of Truth
870)Satya-Dharma-Parayana - One Who protects Truth and righteousness
871)Abhipraya - One Who approaches us to liberate us from our sufferings
872)Priyarha - One Who is dear to us
873)Arha - The One Who is worthy of our devotion
874)Priyakruth - One fulfils wishes which are dear to us
875)Prithivardhana - One Who nourishes devotees' love for him
Slokam 94:
विहायसगतिर्ज्योतिः सुरुचिर्हुतभुग्विभुः।
रविर्विरोचनः सूर्यः सविता रविलोचनः॥९४॥
vihāyasagatirjyōtiḥ surucirhutabhugvibhuḥ
ravirvirōcanaḥ sūryaḥ savitā ravilōcanaḥ
விஹாய ஸகதிர் ஜ்யோதிஸ் ஸுருசிர் ஹுதபுக் விபு: |
ரவிர் விரோசநஸ் ஸூர்யஸ் ஸவிதா ரவிலோசந: || 94
876)Vihaayasagathi - One Who moves in space
877)Jyothi - He remains as the Paramaatma in Jyothi swaroopam
878)Suruchi - He Who exhibited a good desire to create this universe
879)Hootha-Bhug - One Who enjoys all oblations (aahoothi) during yagna
880)Vibhu - Unlimite, all pervading
881)Ravi - He is Surya Narayana
882)Virochana - He is the Sun, Moon and all other shining objects
883)Surya - He nurtures and nourishes all, like the Sun
884)Savita - One Who emerges as the energy of the sun
885)Ravilochana - One Who has the Sun as His eye
Slokam 95:
अनन्तो हुतभुग्भोक्ता सुखदो नैकजोऽग्रजः।
अनिर्विण्णः सदामर्षी लोकाधिष्ठानमद्भुतः॥९५॥
anantō hutabhugbhōktā sukhadō naikajōgrajaḥ
anirviṇṇaḥ sadāmarṣī lōkādhiṣṭhānamadbhutaḥ
அநந்தஹூதபுக் போக்தா ஸுகதோ நைகதோக்ரஜ: |
அநிர்விண்ணஸ் ஸதாமர்ஷீ லோகாதிஷ்டாந மத்புத: || 95
886)Anantha - One Who is endless
887)Hootha-Bhug - One Who enjoys all oblations (aahoothi) during yagna
888)Bhoktha - The enjoyer of the universe
889)Sukhadha - One Who grants pleasures
890)Naikaja - Born many times in various incarnations
891)Agraja - One Who is the first born, eldest
892)Anirvinna - One Who always remains satisfied
893)Sadhaa marshi - One Who always forgives our mistakes
894)Loka adhishthaanam - The foundation of this universe
895)Adbhutha - The wonder of all
Slokam 96:
सनात्सनातनतमः कपिलः कपिरव्ययः।
स्वस्तिदः स्वस्तिकृत्स्वस्ति स्वस्तिभुक्स्वस्तिदक्षिणः॥९६॥
sanātsanātanatamaḥ kapilaḥ kapiravyayaḥ
svastidaḥ svastikṛt svasti svastibhuk svastidakṣiṇaḥ
ஸநாத் ஸநாத நதம: கபில: கபி ரவ்யய: |
ஸ்வஸ்திதஸ் ஸ்வஸ்திக்ருத் ஸ்வஸ்தி ஸ்வஸ்திபுக் ஸ்வஸ்தி தக்ஷிண: || 96
896)Sanaath - Beyond time; no beginning and no end
897)Sanaathanathama - The first Aatma to experience beginning of time
898)Kapila - He incarnated a Rishi Kapila
899)Kapi - Just as the Sun evaporates (drinks) water, Lord evaporates our worries
900)Avyaya - One Whi is changeless
901)Svasthidha - One Who gives all auspiciousness to devotees
902)Svastikruth - One Who brings Auspiciousness by His very thought
903)Svasthi - He is the source of all auspiciousness
904)Svastibhuk - One Who is full of auspiciousness
905)Svasti Dakshina - One Who quickly gifts auspiciousness
Slokam 97:
अरौद्रः कुण्डली चक्री विक्रम्यूर्जितशासनः।
शब्दातिगः शब्दसहः शिशिरः शर्वरीकरः॥९७॥
araudraḥ kunḍalī cakrī vikramyūrjitaśāsanaḥ
śabdātigaḥ śabdasahaḥ śiśiraḥ śarvarīkaraḥ
அரௌத்ர: குண்டலீ சக்ரீ விக்ரம்யூர்ஜித ஸாஸந: |
ஸப்தாதிகஸ் ஸப்தஸஹ: ஸிஸிரஸ் ஸர்வரீகர: || 97
906)Araudra - One Who does not possess anger
907)Kundalee - One Who wears the Makara Kundalam
908)Chakree - One Who holds the Sudarsana Chakram
909)Vikramee - One Who is fearless
910)Urjita-Saasana - One Who commands through established dharma
911)Shabdaathiga - He Who cannot be described by words
912)Shabdasaha - One Who is invoked through sabdha (Vedic mantra)
913)Sisira - One Who is soothing like the cool season
914)Sarvari-Kara - He veils darkness through maayaa
Slokam 98:
अक्रूरः पेशलो दक्षो दक्षिणः क्षमिणांवरः।
विद्वत्तमो वीतभयः पुण्यश्रवणकीर्तनः॥९८॥
akrūraḥ peśalō dakṣō dakṣiṇaḥ, kṣamiṇāṁ varaḥ
vidvattamō vītabhayaḥ puṇyaśravaṇakīrtanaḥ
அக்ரூர: பேஸலோ தக்ஷோ தக்ஷிண: க்ஷமிணாம்வர: |
வித்வத்தமோ வீதபய: புண்ய ஸ்ரவண கீர்த்தந: || 98
915)Akrura - One Who is never cruel
916)Pesala - One Who is very soft hearted
917)Daksha - One Who is ever alert in helping the devotees
918)Dakshina - One Who readily offers gifts to devotees
919)Kshiminam Vara - One Who grants boons by forgiving our sins
920)Vidvath thamo - One Who possesses True Knowledge
921)Veetha bhaya - One Who has conquered fear
922)Punya-Shravana-Kirtana - One Whose merits are heard and sung.
Slokam 99:
उत्तारणो दुष्कृतिहा पुण्यो दुःस्वप्ननाशनः।
वीरहा रक्षणः सन्तो जीवनः पर्यवस्थितः॥९९॥
uttāraṇō duṣkṛtihā puṇyō duḥsvapnanāśanaḥ
vīrahā rakṣaṇassaṁtō jīvanaḥ paryavasthitaḥ
உத்தாரணோ துஷ்க்ருதிஹா புண்யோ துஸ்ஸவப்ந நாஸந: |
வீரஹா ரக்ஷணஸ்ஸந்தோ ஜீவந: பர்யவஸ்தித: || 99
923)Uttharana - One Who lifts us up from our sufferings
924)Dushkrutiha - One Who destroys our bad actions
925)Punya - Being pure, He purifies our hearts too
926)Duhr Swapna Nasana - One Who saves us from bad dreams
927)Veeraha - One Who exhibits multifarious activities
928)Rakshana - One Who is the protector of all
929)Santha - He Who is present in the company of noble people
930)Jeevana - One Who is present in all beings as their Jeeva
931)Paryavasthitha - One Who is omnipresent
Slokam 100:
चतुरश्रो गभीरात्मा विदिशो व्यादिशो दिशः॥१००॥
caturaśrō gabhīrātmā vidiśō vyādiśō diśaḥ
அநந்தரூபோ நந்தஸ்ரீ: ஜிதமந்யுர் பயாபஹ: |
சதுரஸ்ரோ கபீராத்மா விதிஸோ வ்யாதிஸோ திஸ: || 100
932)Anantha Rupa - One Who has endless forms of creations
933)Anantha Shri - One Who has endless glories
934)Jithamanyu - One Who has conquered anger (manyu)
935)Bhayapaha - One Who removes our fears
936)Chathurasra - One who is evenly spread in four directions at all times
937)Gabhirathma - One Who is profound beyond our comprehension
938)Vidhisha - One Who grants the wishes of devotees liberally
939)Vyadhisha - One Who commands over all others
940)Dhisha - One Who directs and uplifts
Let us now make a short visit to Srirangam temple with this melody:
Slokam 101:
अनादिर्भूर्भुवो लक्ष्मीः सुवीरो रुचिराङ्गदः।
जननो जनजन्मादिर्भीमो भीमपराक्रमः॥१०१॥
anādirbhūrbhuvō lakṣmīssuvīrō rucirāṅgadaḥ
jananō janajanmādirbhīmō bhīmaparākramaḥ
அநாதிர் பூர்புவோ லக்ஷ்மீஸ் ஸுவீரோ ருசிராங்கத: |
ஜநநோ ஜநஜந்மாதிர் பீமோ பீம பராக்ரம: | | 101
941)Anadhi - One Who has no beginning
942)Bhurbhuva - The supporter of the universe
943)Lakshmi - The residing place of Shree
944)Suvira - One Who is valorous for good causes
945)Ruchiraangadha - One Who has lovely shoulders
946)Janana - One Who is the creator of all beings
947)Janajanmadhi - One Who is the cause of birth of all beings
948)Bhima - One Who exhibits fearful form to the sinners
949)Bhima Parakrama - One Who is terrible and powerful
Slokam 102:
आधारनिलयोऽधाता पुष्पहासः प्रजागरः।
ऊर्ध्वगः सत्पथाचारः प्राणदः प्रणवः पणः॥१०२॥
ādhāranilayōdhātā puṣpahāsaḥ prajāgaraḥ
ūrdhvagassatpathācāraḥ prāṇadaḥ praṇavaḥ paṇaḥ
ஆதாரநிலயோ தாதா புஷ்பஹாஸ: ப்ரஜாகர: |
ஊர்த்வகஸ் ஸத்பதாசார: ப்ராணத: ப்ரணவ: பண: || 102
950)Adharanilaya - One Whois the foundation
951)Adhata - The ultimate law maker
952)Pushpahasa - One Who has a smile as soft as a flower
953)Pra jaagara - One Who is always alert to help devotees
954)Urdhvaga - One Who is above all
955)Sath Pathaa chaara - One Who always follows the path of Truth
956)Praanadha - One Who gives prana to living beings
957)Pranava - One Who is of the form of Ohmkaaraa
958)Pana - The administrator of the universe
Slokam 103:
प्रमाणं प्राणनिलयः प्राणभृत्प्राणजीवनः।
तत्त्वं तत्त्वविदेकात्मा जन्ममृत्युजरातिगः॥१०३॥
pramāṇaṁ prāṇanilayaḥ prāṇabhṛt prāṇajīvanaḥ
tattvaṁ tattvavidekātmā janmamṛtyujarātigaḥ
ப்ரமாணம் ப்ராணநிலய: ப்ராணப்ருத் ப்ராணஜீவந: |
தத்வம் தத்வ விதேகாத்மா ஜந்மம்ருத்யு ஜராதிக: || 103
959)Pramaanam - One Who is the proof of all scriptures
960)Praananilaya - He in whom all ‘praanas’ stand established.
961)Pranabhruth - One Who is the Lord of all pranks
962)Pranajivana - One Who remains the life-line for all pranas
963)Thathvam - The one and only Truth
964)Thathvavidh - One Who is fully realised
965)Ekaathma - Brahmam okate, the One Which contains all
966)Janma Mrutyu Jara athiga - One Who is beyond birth, death and old age
Slokam 104:
भूर्भुवःस्वस्तरुस्तारः सविता प्रपितामहः।
यज्ञो यज्ञपतिर्यज्वा यज्ञाङ्गो यज्ञवाहनः॥१०४॥
bhūrbhuvaḥsvastarustāraḥ savitā prapitāmahaḥ
yajñō yajñapatiryajvā yajñāṅgō yajñavāhanaḥ
பூர்புவ: ஸ்வஸ்த ருஸ்தாரஸ் ஸவிதா ப்ரபிதாமஹ |
யஜ்ஞோ யஜ்ஞபதிர் யஜ்வா யஜ்ஞாங்கோ யஜ்ஞவாஹந: || 104
967)Bhur bhuva swas tharu - One Who nourishes the tree-of-life in all three worlds
968)Thara - One Who helps us cross the ocean of life safely, the boat-man
969)Savitha - One Who is the mother of all
970)Pra pithamaha - The father of Brahma
971)Yagnya - Personification of offerings
972)Yagnya pathi- The Lord of all yagnyas
973)Yajva - One Who is the kartha of yagnas
974)Yagnyanga - One Who is embedded in all activities of yagna
975)Yagya-Vahana - One Who is the instrument for completing the yagna
Slokam 105:
यज्ञभृद् यज्ञकृद् यज्ञी यज्ञभुक् यज्ञसाधनः।
यज्ञान्तकृद् यज्ञगुह्यमन्नमन्नाद एव च॥१०५॥
yajñabhṛdyajñakṛdyajñī yajñabhugyajñasādhanaḥ
yajñāntakṛdyajñaguhyamannamannāda Eva ca
யஜ்ஞப்ருத் யஜ்ஞக்ருத் யஜ்ஞீ யஜ்ஞபுக் யஜ்ஞஸாதந: |
யஜ்ஞாந்தக்ருத் யஜ்ஞகுஹ்ய மந்நமந்நாத ஏவ ச || 105
976)Yagnyabhrud - One Who accepts the oblations of yagnya
977)Yagyakrud - One Who started the process of yagna
978)Yagnyi - One Who is happy when yagna is performed properly
979)Yagnyabhrug - One Who is the recipient of all oblations
980)Yagnya sadhana - One Who supports all yagnya
981)Yagnya ananta krud - One Who helps in concluding the yagnya
982)Yagnyaguhyam - One Who is the hidden agenda or purpose of the yagna
983)Annam - One Who is the food
984)Annada - One Who consumes the food
Slokam 106:
आत्मयोनिः स्वयंजातो वैखानः सामगायनः।
देवकीनन्दनः स्रष्टा क्षितीशः पापनाशनः॥१०६॥
ātmayōniḥ svayaṁjātō vaikhānaḥ sāmagāyanaḥ
devakīnandanaḥ sraṣṭā kṣitīśaḥ pāpanāśanaḥ
ஆத்மயோநிஸ் ஸ்வயஞ்ஜாதோ வைகாநஸ் ஸாமகாயந: |
தேவகீ நந்தநஸ் ஸ்ரஷ்டா க்ஷிதீஸ: பாபநாஸந: || 106
985)Atmayoni - One Who Himself is the cause of His existence
986)Swayamjatha - One Who is born on His own accord (Not through anyone else)
987)Vaikhana - One Who dug through the earth (Varaha avatar)
988)Saamagaayana - One Who is fond of Sama Veda
989)Devaki Nandana - One Who is the son of Devaki
990)Srashtha - One Who is the creator
991)Kshitheesha - One Who is the Lord of the earth
992)Papanashana - One Who destroys our sins
Slokam 107:
शङ्खभृन्नन्दकी चक्री शार्ङ्गधन्वा गदाधरः।
रथाङ्गपाणिरक्षोभ्यः सर्वप्रहरणायुधः॥१०७॥
सर्वप्रहरणायुध ॐ नम इति।
śaṅkhabhṛnnandakī cakrī śārṅgadhanvā gadādharaḥ
rathāṅgapāṇirakṣōbhyaḥ sarvapraharaṇāyudhaḥ
ஸங்கப்ருந் நந்தகீ சக்ரீ ஸார்ங்கதந்வா கதாதர: |
ரதாங்கபாணி ரக்ஷோப்யஸ் ஸர்வ ப்ரஹரணாயுத: || 107
Sree Sarva praharana yudha Om nama Ithi
ஸ்ரீ ஸர்வ ப்ரஹரணாயுத ஓம் நம இதி
993)Shankhabrun - One Who blows the Panchajanyam
994)Nandakee - One Who wields His swaod, named Nandakee
995)Chakri - One Who carries Sudarsana chakra always
996)Saranga dhanva - One Who holds the bow, called Saranga
997)Gadadhara - One Who has a divine mace called Kaumodakam
998)Rathanga Pani - One Who sports the wheel of the chariot as a weapon
999)Akshobhya - One Who cannot be tiered out by anyone
1000)Sarva-Praharana ayudha - One Who has all implements as His weapons
Slokam 108:
वनमाली गदी शार्ङ्गी शङ्खी चक्री च नन्दकी।
श्रीमान् नारायणो विष्णुर्वासुदेवोऽभिरक्षतु॥१०८॥
श्री वासुदेवोऽभिरक्षतु ॐ नम इति।
vanamālī gadī śārṅgī śaṅkhī cakrī ca nandakī
śrīmān nārāyaṇō viṣṇurvāsudevōbhirakṣatu
வநமாலீ கதீ ஸார்ங்கீ ஸங்கீ சக்ரீ ச நந்தகீ|
ஸ்ரீமாந் நாராயணோ விஷ்ணுர் வாஸுதேவோபி ரக்ஷது|| …………….3
ஸ்ரீ வாஸுதேவோபி ரக்ஷது ஓம் நம இதி
Protect us O’ Lord Narayana, Who wears the garland of forest flowers, Who has the Mace, Conch, Sword and the Discus, and Who is also called Vishnu and Vasudeva.
Let us listen to Saint Purandaradasa's melodious Krithi on Lord Venkateswara:
Concluding Part
At the end of the Vishnu Sahasranamam, Bhishma explains the benefits of chanting the thousand names of Narayana in the following words:
Iteedham keertaneeyasya keshavasya mahatmanah |
Naamnaam sahasram divyaanaam asheshena prakeerthitham
இதீதம் கீர்த்தநீயஸ்ய கேஸவஸ்ய மஹாத்மந: |
நாம்நாம் ஸஹஸ்ரம் திவ்யாநாம் அஸேஷேண: ப்ரகீர்த்திதம்||
Bhishma said: In the above verses I have given an enumeration of the thousand divine names of the Great Being Keshava, who is the fit object for all praise and prayer.
Ya idam shrunuyath nityam yaschhapi parikeertayeth
Nashubham praapnuyaath kinchith somuthreha cha manavah
ய இதம் ஸ்ருணுயாந் நித்யம் யஸ்சாபி பரிகீர்த்தயேத் |
நாஸுபம் ப்ராப்நுயாத் கிஞ்சித் ஸோமுத்ரேஹ ச மாநவ: ||
He who faithfully recites the thousand names of Vishnu on a daily basis, shall never fall into bad ways in this life or the next.
Vedanthago bramhanasyath kshathriyo vijayee baveth
Vaisyo dhana samruddha syath shoodras sukha mavapnuyath
வேதாந்தகோ ப்ராஹ்மண ஸ்யாத் க்ஷத்ரியோ விஜயீ பவேத் |
வைஸ்யோ தநஸம்ருத்த ஸ்யாத் ஸூத்ரஸ் ஸுக மவாப்நுயாத் ||
The objectives of the 4 varnas will be satisfied i.e. the Brahmin will receive knowledge, Kshatriya will be victorious, the Vaishya will receive wealth and others will gain happiness upon reciting or hearing this chant.
Dharmaarthee praapnuyath dharma martharthee chaartha maapnuyath
Kaamaanavaapnuyath kamee prajaarthee chaapnuyath prajaam
தர்மார்த்தீ ப்ராப்நுயாத் தர்ம மர்த்தார்தீ சார்த்த மாப்நுயாத் |
காமாநுவாப்நுயாத் காமீ ப்ரஜார்த்தீ சாப்நுயாத் ப்ரஜா: ||
The four aims of life Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha will be attained by chanting the thousand names.
Bhaktiman yasa sthothaya shuchis thadhgatha maanasah
Sahasram Vasudhevasya Namnam ethath Prakeerthayeth
பக்திமாந் யஸ ஸ்தோத்தாய ஸுசிஸ் தத்கத மாநஸ: |
ஸஹஸ்ரம் வாஸுதேவஸ்ய நாம்நாமேதத் ப்ரகீர்த்தயேத் ||
Yashah praapnothi vipulam yathi praadhanya meva cha
Achalam shriya mapnothi shreyah prapno thyanutthamam
யஸ: ப்ராப்நோதி விபுலம் யாதி ப்ராதந்ய மேவ ச|
அசலாம் ஸ்ரிய மாப்நோதி ஸ்ரேய: ப்ராப்நோ த்யநுத்தமம் ||
He who recites these names with devotion to Vaasudeva, will achieve greatness, fame, riches, health and virtues in the world. Sickness will be cured, the shackles of Maya will be freed, fear will be overcome and remain safe.
Na bhayam kvachidhapnothi veeryam thejasya vindhathi
Bhavathyarogo dhyuthiman balaroopa gunanvithah
ந பயம் க்வசிதாப்நோதி வீர்யம் தேஜஸ்ய விந்ததி |
பவத்யரோகோ த்யுதிமாந் பலரூப குணாந்வித: | |
Sickness will be cured, the shackles of Maya will be freed, fear will be overcome and remain safe.
Rogarto muchyathe rogath baddho muchyethe bandhanath
Bhayan muchyathe bheethasthu muchyethapanna aapadha
ரோகார்த்தோ முச்யதே ரோகாத் பத்தோ முச்யதே பந்தநாத் |
பயாந் முச்யதே பீதஸ்து முச்யேதாபந்ந ஆபத: ||
He who chants these thousand names will cross the ocean of miseries of this world easily. The man who takes Krishna as shelter will be rid of all sins, be purer than pure and will ultimately reach ParaBrahman, Who has existed forever.
Durganyathi thrathyashu purushah purushotthamam
Sthuvan naamasahasrena nithyam bhakti Samanvithah
துர்காண்யதி தரத்யாஸு புருஷ: புருஷோத்தமம் |
ஸ்துவந் நாமஸஹஸ்ரேண நித்யம் பக்தி ஸமந்வித: ||
He who chants these holy thousand names with devotion to Purushottama, will cross the miseries without fail, that otherwise cannot be crossed.
Vasudhevashrayo marthyo Vasudheva Parayanah
Sarvapaapa vishudhatma yathi brahma sanathanam
வாஸுதேவாஸ்ரயோ மர்த்யோ வாஸுதேவ பராயண: |
ஸர்வபாப விஸுதாத்மா யாதி ப்ரஹ்ம ஸநாதநம் ||
The man who nears Vasudeva, the man who takes Him as shelter, would get rid of all sins and become purer than the pure, and will reach Brahmam, which existed forever.
Na Vasudheva bhakthaanaam ashubham vidhyathe kvachith
Janma mrithyu jara vyaadhi bhayam naivapa jaayate
ந வாஸுதேவ பக்தாநாம் அஸுபம் வித்யதே க்வசித் |
ஜந்ம ம்ருத்யு ஜராவ்யாதி பயம் நைவோபஜாயதே ||
The devotees of Vasudeva the great, never fall into days that are difficult and never forever suffer, of birth, death, old age and fear.
Emam sthava madheeyaanah shraddha bhakthi samanvithah
Yujyethaathama sukhakshanthi shree dhruthi smruthi keertjibhih
இமம் ஸ்தவ மதீயாந: ஸ்ரத்தா பக்தி ஸமந்வித: |
யுஜ்யேதாத்மா ஸுக்க்ஷாந்தி ஸ்ரீ த்ருதி ஸ்ம்ருதி கீர்த்திபி: ||
He who recites these names with devotion will get great pleasures, patience to allure, wealth to attract, bravery and memory to excel.
Na krodho na mathsaryam na lobho na shubhaamatih
Bhavanti krutha punyaanaam bhakthanaam Purushotthame
ந க்ரோதோ ந ச மாத்ஸர்யம் ந லோபோ நாஸுபாமதி: |
பவந்தி க்ருத புண்யாநாம் பக்தாநாம் புருக்ஷோத்தமே ||
The devotees of Lord Purushottama have no anger, fear, avarice or bad thoughts.
Dhyous chandrarka nakshatraa khamdisho bhoormahodadhih
Vasudhevasya veeryena vidhruthani mahaathmanah
த்யௌஸ் சந்த்ரார்க்க நக்ஷத்ரா கம்திஸோ பூர்மஹோததி: |
வாஸுதேவஸ்ய வீர்யேண வித்ருதாநி மஹாத்மந: ||
All this world of sun and stars, moon and sky, sea and the directions are but borne by great valour of the God Vasudeva.
Sasuraasura gandharvam sayakshoraga raakshasam
Jagad vashe Vartathedham Krishnasya saracharam
ஸஸுராஸுர கந்தர்வம் ஸயக்ஷோரக ராக்ஷஸம்|
ஜகத் வஸே வர்த்ததேதம் க்ருஷ்ணஸ்ய சராசரம் ||
All the worlds, which move and do not move, which have Devas, Asuras, Gandharvas, Rakshasas and also nagas, are with Lord Krishna without fail.
Indriyani manobhuddhis satvam thejo balam dhrutih |
Vasudevaath mahaan yaahuh kshetram kshetragyna eva cha
இந்த்ரியாணி மநோபுத்திஸ் ஸத்வம்தேஜோ பலம் த்ருதி: |
வாஸுதேவாத் மஹாந் யாஹு: க்ஷேத்ரம் க்ஷேத்ரஜ்ஞ ஏவ ச ||
The learned ones say that all our organs, mind, wisdom, thoughts as well as strength, bravery, body and the soul, are nothing but Vasudeva himself.
Sarvaa gamaanaam aacharah prathamam parikalpate
Aachara prabhavo dharmo dharmasya prabhur achyutah
ஸர்வா கமாநாம் ஆசார: ப்ரதமம் பரிகல்பதே |
ஆசார ப்ரபவோ தர்மோ தர்மஸ்ய ப்ரபுரச்யுத: ||
Right conduct was first born; from it came Dharma; from it came Achyutha, the Lord. It means that through right conduct one can establish dharma, which will lead us to Lord Achyutha.
Rishayah pitharo devah mahaabhoothani dhaavathah |
Jangamaa jangamam chedam jagan Narayanodh bhavam
ரிஷய: பிதரோ தேவா மஹாபூதாநி தாவத: |
ஜங்கமா ஜங்கமஞ்சேதம் ஜகந்நாராயணோத் பவம் ||
All the sages, ancestors, devas, pancha boothaas, all the pleasures, all the luck, all that moves, all that does not move, all came only from the great Narayana.
Yogo gynanam thatha saankhyam vidhya shilpaadi karma cha
Vedah shasthraani vigynaanam ethath sarvam Janardhanath
யோகோ ஜ்ஞாநம் ததா ஸாங்க்யம் வித்யா ஸில்பாதி கர்ம ச |
வேதாஸ் ஸாஸ்த்ராணி விஜ்ஞாநம் ஏதத் ஸர்வம் ஜநார்தநாத் ||
The art of Yoga, the science of Sankhya. the treasure of knowledge, the divine art of sculpture and all Vedas as well as sciences, all these came from Janardhana.
Eko Vishnur mahadh bhootham pruthag bhootan yanekasah
Trilon lokan vyaapya bhoothaathma bhunkthe vishva bhugavyayah
ஏகோ விஷ்ணுர் மஹத்பூதம் ப்ருதக்பூதா ந்யநேகஸ: |
த்ரீந் லோகாந் வ்யாப்ய பூதாத்மா புங்க்தே விஸ்வ புகவ்ய்ய: ||
He is one, but He divides Himself and exists in all beings and becomes many, pervading in all three worlds and rules all of them, without death and decay.
Emam sthavam bhagavatho Vishnor Vyasena keertitam
Padedhya Echheth Purushah shreyah praapthum sukhaani cha
இமம் ஸ்தவம் பகவதோ விஷ்ணோர் வ்யாஸேந கீர்த்திதம் |
படேத்ய இச்சேத் புருஷ: ஸ்ரேய: ப்ராப்தும் ஸுகாநி ச ||
He who sings these names with devotion will enjoy great pleasures, patience to allure, wealth to attract, bravery and memory to excel.
Vishveshvara majam devam jagatah prabhu mavyyam
Bhajanthi ye pushkaraaksham nathe yanthi parabhavam
Na the yanti paraabhava Om nama ithi
விஸ்வேஸ்வர மஜம் தேவம் ஜகத: ப்ரபுமவ்ய்யம் |
பஜந்தி யே புஷ்கராக்ஷம் ந தே யாந்தி பராபவம் || 129
நதே யாந்தி பராபவ ஓம் நம இதி
Vishnu, Who is never born, Who is stable and shines brightly and Who blesses us with His lotus-eyes, is the undisputed Lord of this universe. He who chants His thousand names shall never fail. This is the Truth.
Arjuna uvaacha
அர்ஜுந உவாச
Padmapatra vishaalaaksha padmanaabha surotthama
Bhaktaanam anurakthaanaam thraataa bhava Janaardhana
பத்மபத்ர விஸாலாக்ஷ பத்மநாப ஸுரோத்தம |
பக்தாநாம் அநுரக்தாநாம் த்ராதா பவ ஜநார்தந ||
On hearing these words from Bhishma, Arjuna prays to Lord Krishna to protect all the devotees who reach out to Him for help. He further praises Lord of having large eyes, like the leaves of a lotu,s to see everything around, springing forth a lotus from His naval and the God of all Suras (Devas).
Shree Bhagavan Uvacha
ஸ்ரீ பகவாநுவாச
Yo maam naama sahasrena sthothu michhathi paandava
Shoham ekena slokena sthutha eva na samsayah
Sthutha eva na samsaya Om nama ithi
யோ மாம் நாம ஸஹஸ்ரேண ஸ்தோதுமிச்ச தி பாண்டவ |
ஸோஹமேகேந ஸ்லோகேந ஸ்துத ஏவ ந ஸம்ஸய: ||
ஸ்துவ ஏவ ந ஸம்ஸய ஓம் நம இதி
Krishna states that even chanting one stanza of the entire thousand names will make Him happy and content.
Vyasa uvacha
வ்யாஸ உவாச
Vasanaadh Vasudhevsaya vaasitham bhuvanathrayam
Sarvabootha nivaasosi Vaasudheva namosthuthe
Vasudheva namosthutha Om nama ithi
வாஸநாத் வாஸுதேவஸ்ய வாஸிதம் புவனத்ரயம் |
ஸர்வபூத நிவாஸோஸி வாஸுதேவ நமோஸ்து தே ||
ஸ்ரீ வாஸுதேவ நமோஸ்துத ஓம் நம இதி
Rishi Vyasa also salutes and praises Lord Vasudeva as the omnipresent resident of the three worlds and also as the One Who reside in all living beings as Jeevatma.
Parvathi uvacha
Kenopaayena laghunaa Vishnor naama sahasrakam
Pathyathe Panditheir nithyam shrothumichchaam yaham prabho
கேநேபாயேந லகுநா விஷ்ணோர் நாம ஸஹஸ்ரகம் |
பட்யதே பண்டிதைர் நித்யம் ஸ்ரோதுமிச்சாம் யஹம் ப்ரபோ ||
Goddess Parvathi, the sister of Vishnu, who was watching this, told Lord Shiva that She desired to know if there is any easy way for pandits to recite the thousand names.
Eshwara uvacha
ஸ்ரீ ஈஸ்வர உவாச
Shree Rama Rama raamethi rame Raama manorame
Sahasranaama thatthulyam Raama naama varaanane
(Read the above 2 lines 2 more times)
ஸ்ரீராம ராம ராமேதி ரமே ராம மநோரமே |
ஸஹஸ்ர நாம தத்துல்யம் ராமநாம வராநநே || ........3
Raama naama varaanana Om nama ithi
ஸ்ரீராமநாம வராநந ஓம் நம இதி
Lord Shiva replied that merely chanting the name of Rama is equivalent to having recited the entire Vishnu Sahasranamam. If one is unable to recite the thousand names, by simply chanting the name of Rama with full devotion, the devotee will receive the same benefits as chanting all the names would.
Bramho uvacha
Namosthu ananthaaya Sahasramurthaye
Sahasra paadhaakshi siroru bahave
Sahasra naamne purushaaya saasvathe
Sahasrakoti yugadhharine namaha
Sahasrakoti yugadharine nama Om nama ithi
நமோஸ் த்வநந்தாய ஸஹஸ்ர மூர்த்தயே
ஸஹஸ்ர பாதாக்ஷி ஸிரோரு பாஹவே |
ஸஹஸ்ரநாம்நே புருஷாய ஸாஸ்வதே
ஸஹஸ்ரகோடி யுக தாரிணே நம: ||
ஸஹஸ்ரகோடி யுக தாரிணே நம ஓம் நம இதி
Lord Brahma, Who was also watching this event, offered His salutations to Lord Krishna and said that Lord Vishnu has thousands of forms (Moorthi), thousands of feet (Paatham), thousands of eyes (Akshi), thousands of heads (Siro), thousands of arms (Baha), thousands of names (naam) and is in absolute existence (saasvatham) for thousand crore yugas without end.
Sanjaya uvacha
ஸஞ்ஜய உவாச
Yatra yogesvarah Krushno yathra paartho dhanurdharah
Thatra Shreeh vijayo bhoothih dhruva neethih mathir mama
யத்ர யோகேஸ்வர: க்ருஷ்ணோ யத்ர பார்த்தோ தநுர்தர: |
தத்ர ஸ்ரீர் விஜயோ பூதி: த்ருவா நீதிர் மதிர் மம ||
Sanjaya, while explaining the war events to Dridharashtra, said that wherever Lord Krishna, Who is the Lord of all Yogas, as well as, Arjuna, the able archer, are present, there will obviously exist all the wealth (Shree), victories (Vijaya), all fame (boothi), all justice (Dhruva neethi) in this world.
Shree Bhagawan uvacha
ஸ்ரீ பகவாநுவாச
Ananyas chinthayantho maam ye janaah paryupaasathe
Thesham nithyabhiyukthaanaam Yogakshemam Vahaamyaham
அநந்யாஸ் சிந்தயந்தோ மாம் யே ஜநா: பர்யுபாஸதே |
தேஷாம் நித்யாபியுக்தாநாம் யோக்க்ஷேமம் வஹாம் யஹம் ||
Parithranaaya saadhunaam vinaasaaya cha dushkrithaam,
Dharma samsthapanaarthaaya sambhavaami yuge yuge
பரித்ராணாய ஸாதூநாம் விநாஸாய ச துஷ்க்ருதாம் |
தர்ம ஸம்ஸ்தாப நார்த்தாய ஸம்பவாமி யுகே யகே||
Lord Krishna pronounced with authority that He will take care of the worries of those men who always think about Him and serve Him. He assured that He will be born on earth time and again to establish Dharma, to protect all good men and destroy all those who are bad. He said,"Those who are worried, sad, feel broken, afraid, severely ill, heard bad news - chant my name, I shall surely take care of them".
Aartha vishannas shithilaas cha bheethah ghoreshu cha vyaadhishu Varthamanah
SamkeerthyacNaarayana shabdhamaathram vimuktha duhghahs sukhino bhavanthu
ஆர்த்தா விஷண்ணஸ் ஸிதிலாஸ் ச பீதா: கோரேஷு ச வ்யாதிஷு வர்த்தமாநா: |
ஸங்கீர்த்ய நாராயண ஸப்தமாத்ரம் விமுக்த துக்காஸ் ஸுகிநோ பவந்து ||
Anyone who is downtrodden, depressed, devastated, fearful or suffering from a dreaded disease will get relief and happiness just by reciting the Nama of Sriman Narayana’.
Sri Thirumangai Azhwar’s Periya Thirumozhi Pasuram (1.1.9):
குலம்தரும் செல்வம் தந்திடும் அடியார் படுதுயராயினவெல்லம்,
நிலந்தரஞ்செய்யும் நீள்விசும்பருளும் அருளொடுபெருநிலமளிக்கும்,
வலந்தரும்மற்றுந்தந்திடும் பெற்ற தாயினு மாயினசெய்யும்,
நலந்தருஞ்சொல்லை நான் கண்டுகொண்டேன் நாராயணாவென்னும்நாமம்.
Kayena vaacha manasendhriyeirva
Buddhyatmanaavaa prakrutheswabhawath
Karomi yadyad sakalam parasmai
Naaraayanayethi samarpayami
காயேந வாசா மநஸேந்தியைர் வா
புத்யாத்மநா வா ப்ரக்ருதே: ஸ்வபாவாத் |
கரோமி யத்யத் ஸகலம் பரஸ்மை
ஸ்ரீ நாராயணாயேதி ஸமர்ப்பயாமி
Whatever I do with my body, speech, mind, my senses of body, intellect and soul, I dedicate everything to Lord Narayana.
Sarvam Shree Krishnaarpanam