Blogs on Hindu Vedic Culture

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Subrahmanya Bhujangam - Text and Meaning

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Welcome to my Blog on Subrahmanya Bhujanga Stotram, sung by the great Sri Adi Sankaracharya, at Trichendur temple premises. The place where he was seated while reciting this unique hymn at the temple is marked with his image in one of the pillars in the Mani Mandapam near the Sanctum Sactorium. I am protected by Lord Subrahmanya, possessing eighteen eyes. He is immeasurably big, whose feet are worshipped by Prabra Vaama etc. He gives delight to the heart of Indra.

Before we proceed, let us listen to the krithi "Subrahmanyena Rakshithoham" by Muthuswami Dhikshidar

Meaning of the Krithi

He resides in KANKASHAILA (kazhukumalai) in the form of bliss. He is the beloved of Valli and Devasena. He is of the form of the primary syllable (Ohm) and of pure bliss. He is the bestower of enjoyment and salvation. The eternal one who manifests as the name and form of Venkateshwara. His great festival is celebrated in the month of Vishaka. He is Guruguha, who disclosed the secret of Suka. He is the son of Krittika Stars and has blemishless glory.


Sri Adi Sankara established 'shanmatha', six ways of worshipping the Brahman, of which 'Koumaram', worship of Lord Subrahmanaya, is oneThis composition of Subrahmanya Bhujangam by Sri Adi Shankara assumes great significance as it happened in the presence of Lord Subramanya at Trichendur, when Sankara reached out for  mercy to cure himself of the severe stomach ailment. In the temple, he saw a serpent performing pooja to the Lord and inspired by this, he out poured this Bhujanga stotram in praise of the Lord. Bujanga literally mean "serpent" in Sanskrit. His composition therefore assumed a metre, in which lyrics resembled the movement of the snake. The Lord is said to have sent the serpent along with the 'Ilai Vibhuti',the holy ash, which Sankara ate and got himself fully cured of his ailment.

Tiruchendur Gopuram

Sri Subramanya Bhujangam 

(Text and Meaning)

Click the link below to hear the full Bhujanga Stotram:

The following are the texts and meaning of this famous composition. There are 33 hymns, each describing His beauty in different ways. 

1. Prayer to Lord Vigneshwar:

सदा बालरूपाऽपि विघ्नाद्रिहन्त्री महादन्तिवक्त्राऽपि पञ्चास्यमान्या 
विधीन्द्रादिमृग्या गणेशाभिधा मे विधत्तां श्रियं काऽपि कल्याणमूर्तिः ॥१॥

Sada balaroopapi vignaadri hantri, 
Mahadanthi vakthrapi panchasyamaanya,
Vidheendraadhi mrugya ganesabhidha may, 
Vidathaam sriyam kaapi kalyana murthy. 

ஸதா பாலரூபாபி விக்னாத்ரிஹந்த்ரீ மஹாதந்தி வக்த்ராபி பஞ்சாஸ்யமான்யா
விதீந்த்ராதிம்ருக்யா கணேசாபிதாமே விதத்தாம் ச்ரியம் காபி கல்யாண மூர்த்தி .. 1 


I bow to Lord Vigneshwara, the destroyer of obstacles, the one with a child-like form, the one with a huge tusk, who is the favourite of five-faced Lord Shiva. I bow to that Lord, known as Ganesha, who is worshipped by Brahma (Vidhi), Indra and others. Oh auspecious one, please bestow mw with fame and prosperity (Sriyam).

2. Prayer for getting poetic skill 

 जानामि शब्दं  जानामि चार्थं  जानामि पद्यं  जानामि गद्यम् 
चिदेका षडास्या हृदि द्योतते मे मुखान्निःसरन्ते गिरश्चापि चित्रम् ॥२॥

Na janaami sabdham , na janaami cha artham, 
Na janami padyam, na janami gadhyam,
Chideka shadaasyaa hrudhi dyothathe may, 
Mukhanthissaranthe giraschapi chithram. 2

ந ஜானாமி சப்தம் ந ஜானாமி சார்த்தம் ந ஜானாமி பத்யம் ந ஜானாமி கத்யம்                                சிதேகா ஷடாஸ்யா ஹ்ருதி த்யோததே மே முகாந்நிஸ்ஸரந்தே கிரஸ்சாபி சித்ரம் .. 2 


Shankara prays to Lord that even though he does not know words nor their meaning and though he does not know prose or poetry, let the six headed Shanmuga reside in his heart and help him with the words flow from his heart without any let and let him vividly describe the indescribable.

3.Prayer for getting ability to praise Lord:

मयूराधिरूढं महावाक्यगूढं मनोहारिदेहं महच्चित्तगेहम् 
महीदेवदेवं महावेदभावं महादेवबालं भजे लोकपालम् ॥३॥

Mayurathi roodam Maha vakhya goodam,
Manohari deham, mahaschitha geham,
Mahee deva devam , maha veda bhavam,
Maha deva balam, Bhaje loka palam. 3

மயூராதிரூடம் மஹாவாக்ய கூடம் மனோஹாரிதேஹம் மஹத்சித்த கேஹம்                      மஹீதேவதேவம் மஹாவேத பாவம் மஹாதேவ பாலம் பஜே லோகபா லம் .. 3 


Shankara praises the Lord, who rides on a peacock, Who is the meaning of great Vedic vaakyams (like "Aham Brahmasmi"), Who has a very pretty body, Who always resides in Great minds, Who is the Lord of all the gods,  Who is the essence of all Vedas and Who is the son of Lord Mahadeva and Who protects the entire world,

4. For getting cured of birth and death.

यदा संनिधानं गता मानवा मे भवाम्भोधिपारं गतास्ते तदैव 
इति व्यञ्जयन्सिन्धुतीरे  आस्ते तमीडे पवित्रं पराशक्तिपुत्रम् ॥४॥

Yada sannidhanaam gatha maanaava may,
Bhavaambhodhi paaram gathaasthe thadaiva,
Ithi vyanjayan Sindhu there ya asthe,
Thameede pavithram Parashakthi puthram. 4

யதா ஸந்நிதானம் கதாமானவா மே பவாம் போதிபாரம் கதாஸ்தே ததைவ.                                       இதி வ்யஞ்ஜயன் ஸிந்து தீரேய ஆஸ்தே தமீடே பவித்ரம் பராசக்தி புத்ரம் .. 4 

Meaning :

Sankara praises Lord Subrahmanya, Who takes care of all His devotees who visit His Sannidhanam (Temple) and stand before Him, to help all of them get rid of their repeated births and deaths (பிறவிப் பிணி), thus offering them Mukthi. It is as if He sits on the shores of the sea at Trichendur only to help His devotees cross the ocean of Samsara. He is the holiest of all, Who is the son of Almighty Para-Sakthi.

5. For getting away from great sorrow, which never goes

यथाब्धेस्तरङ्गा लयं यन्ति तुङ्गाः तथैवापदः सन्निधौ सेवतां मे 
इतीवोर्मिपंक्तीर्नृणां दर्शयन्तं सदा भावये हृत्सरोजे गुहं तम् ॥५॥

Yadabhdhe stharanga layam yanthi thunga,
Sthadivaa pada sannidhou sevathaam may,
Ithivormepankthirnrunaam darsayantham,
Sadaa bhavaye hruthsaroje guham thaam. 5

யதாப்தேஸ்தரங்கா லயம் யாந்தி துங்கா ததைவாபத ஸந்நிதெள ஸேவதாம் மே.         இதீவோர்மிபங்தீர் ந்ருணாம் தர்சயந்தம் ஸதா பாவயே ஹ்ருத்ஸரோஜே குஹம் தம் .. 5 

Meaning :

Just like the powerful waves of the sea aggressively touch the shores, only to be weakened once it reaches the land at Trichendur, the great Lord weakens the sorrows and miseries of those who touch this holy land of Trichendur. We should therefore make the Lord reside in our hearts always.

6.For getting the effect of seeing Kailasa mountain.

गिरौ मन्निवासे नरा येऽधिरूढाः तदा पर्वते राजते तेऽधिरूढाः 
इतीव ब्रुवन्गन्धशैलाधिरूढाः  देवो मुदे मे सदा षण्मुखोऽस्तु ॥६॥

Girou mannivase nara yea dhirooda,
Sthada parvathe sarvadha thedhirooda,
Itheeva broovan gandha sailathi rooda,
Sa devo mudha may sada Shanmukhosthu. 6

கிரெள மந்நிவாஸே நரா யேஸ்தி ரூடா ததா பர்வதே ராஜதே தேஸ்தி ரூடா.                                  இதீவ ப்ருவன் கந்தசைலாதி ரூடா ஸதேவோ முதேமே ஸதா ஷண்முகோஸ்து .. 6 

Meaning :

The Lord at Trichendur is said to reside on the Sandal mount (Gandha Sailam). Those who visit this holy mount gain the same benefit as those climbing the great Mount Kailash. Let the Lord offer me perennial protection.

7. For getting rid of  great sins

महाम्भोधितीरे महापापचोरे मुनीन्द्रानुकूले सुगन्धाख्यशैले 
गुहायां वसन्तं स्वभासा लसन्तं जनार्तिं हरन्तं श्रयामो गुहं तम् ॥७॥

Mahaabhodhi theere maha papachore,
Muneendranukoole sugandhakhya shaile,
Guhayaam vasantham swabhasa lasantham,
Janaarthim harantham srayamo guham tham. 7

மஹாம்போதி தீரே மஹாபாபசோரே முனீந்த்ரானுகூலே ஸுகந்தாக்யசைலே.                                          குஹாயாம் வஸந்தம் ஸ்வபாஸா லஸந்தம் ஜனார்திம் ஹரந்தம் ச்ரயாமோ குஹம்தம் .. 7 

Meaning :

Lord Subrahmanya is stationed at the banks of the ocean (at Trichendur) to drive away the sins of His devotees. He resides in the caves of the sweet scented sandal Mount for the benefit of Sages. He shines on His own accord and removes the sufferings of His devotees. Let us surrender ourselves to Him.

8. For getting  peace of mind

लसत्स्वर्णगेहे नृणां कामदोहे सुमस्तोमसंछत्रमाणिक्यमञ्चे 
समुद्यत्सहस्रार्कतुल्यप्रकाशं सदा भावये कार्तिकेयं सुरेशम् ॥८॥

Lasad swarna gehe nrunaam kaamadhohe,
Sumasthoma sanchanna manikya manche,
Samudhyath sahasrarka thulya prakasam,
Sada bhavaye karthikeyam suresam. 8

லஸத்ஸ்வர்ணகேஹே ந்ருணாம் காமதோஹே ஸுமஸ்தோம ஸஞ்ச்சன்ன மாணிக்ய மஞ்சே 

ஸமுத்யஸ் ஸஹஸ்ரார்க துல்ய ப்ரகாசம் ஸதாபாவயே கார்த்திகேயம் சுரேசம் .. 8 

Meaning :

Let us always meditate on Lord Subrahmanya, Who was brought up by six Karthika women, and Who is the God of all Devas. He shines with the brightness of thousands of Suns.  Seated on a bed studded with all gems, in His golden sanctum santorium, He is offered a mountain of fragrant flowers. He is the one who fulfils the wishes of all His devotees.

9. Protection by His lotus feet.

रणद्धंसके मञ्जुलेऽत्यन्तशोणे मनोहारिलावण्यपीयूषपूर्णे
मनःषट्पदो मे भवक्लेशतप्तः सदा मोदतां स्कन्द ते पादपद्मे ॥९॥

Ranadwamsake manjule athyantha sone,
Manohari lavanya peeyusha poorne,
Mana shat padho may bhava klesa thaptha,
Sada modathaam skanda they pada padma. 9

ரணத்தம்ஸகே மஞ்சுளேத்யந்த சோணே மனோஹாரி லாவண்ய பீயூஷபூர்ணே
மனஷ்ஷட்பதோ மே பவக்லேசதப்த ஸதா மோததாம் ஸ்கந்த தே பாதபத்மே .. 9 

Meaning :

My mind is already burdened with the mundane worries and is looking for relief. Like a humming bee looking for honey, my burdened mind surrenders at the lotus feet of Lord Skanda, looking for bliss. This red, pretty lotus feet is always surrounded by the mantra sounds from His devotees.

10.Meditate on His waist to get rid of darkness:

सुवर्णाभदिव्याम्बरैर्भासमानां क्वणत्किङ्किणीमेखलाशोभमानाम् 
लसद्धेमपट्टेन विद्योतमानां कटिं भावये स्कन्द ते दीप्यमानाम् ॥१०॥

Suvarnaabha divya ambarair basa maanaam,
Kwanath kinkini mekhala shobhamaanaam,
Lasadhema pattena vidhyotha maanaam,
Katim bhavaye skanda thedeepya maanaam. 10

ஸுவர்ணாபதிவ்யாம்பரைர் பாஸமானாம் க்வணத்கிங்கிணீ மேகலா சோபமானாம்
லஸத்தேம பட்டேன வித்யோதமானாம் கடிம் பாவயே ஸ்கந்த தே தீப்ய மானாம் .. 10 

To remove darkness in my mind, I mediate on the luminous waist portion of the Lord, which is adorned with golden garment and a 'mekala', a jewelled belt with tingling bells, covered by lustrous upper garment.

11. Meditating on His Chest to obtain His love and affection:

नमस्यामहं तारकारे तवोरः स्वभक्तावने सर्वदा सानुरागम् ॥११॥

Pulindesa kanya ghanaa bhoga thunga,
Sthanalingana aasaktha kasmeera ragam,
Namasyanyaham tharakare thavora,
Swa bakthavane sarvadhaa sanuragam. 11

புளிந்தேச கன்யாக நாபோக துங்க ஸ்தனாலிங்க நாஸக்த காச்மீரராகம்.                      நமஸ்யாம்யஹம் தாரகாரே தவோர ஸ்வபக்தாவனே ஸர்வதா ஸானுராகம் .. 11 

Meaning :

Pulin Desam (Hunter's country) refers to the country belonging to Sri Valli. She meditated upon Lord Muruga for a long period and thus obtained His love and affection.  Because of the Lord embracing Sri Valli, His chest became red. Let us mediate on the red chest of the Lord, Who defeated demon Tharaka, so that we can also get His love and affection as done by Sri Valli.

12. Taking refuge in His arms:

विधौ कॢप्तदण्डान् स्वलीलाधृताण्डान् निरस्तेभशुण्डान् द्विषत्कालदण्डान् 
हतेन्द्रारिषण्डाञ्जगत्त्राणशौण्डान् सदा ते प्रचण्डान् श्रये बाहुदण्डान् ॥१२॥

Vidhow Kluptha dandaan , swaleela druthaandaan,
Nirasthebha sundaan , dwishath kala dandaan,
Hathedraari shandaan , jagat thrana soundaan,
Sadaa they prachandaan , srayee bahu dandan. 12

விதெளக்லுப்த தண்டான் ஸ்வலீலாத்ருதாண்டான் நிரஸ்தே பசுண்டான் த்விஷத்காலதண்டான்

ஹதேந்த்ராரிஷண்டான் ஜகத்ராண செளண்டான் ஸதாதே ப்ரசண்டான் ச்ரயே பாஹுதண்டான் .. 12 

Let us take refuge in His twelve arms, 
-which once punished even Lord Brahma,
-which carried the entire universe, 
-which are longer than the trunk of an elephant, 
-which award severe punishment to the enemies as done by the god of death, 
-which vanquished the entire Asura Sena, 
-which are capable of protecting the whole world, and 
-which are strongest of all.

13. Facial Beauty

सदा शारदाः षण्मृगाङ्का यदि स्युः समुद्यन्त एव स्थिताश्चेत्समन्तात् 
सदा पूर्णबिम्बाः कलङ्कैश्च हीनाः तदा त्वन्मुखानां ब्रुवे स्कन्द साम्यम् ॥१३॥

Sadaa Saradaa shanmugangaa yadisu,
Samudhyantha eva sdithascheth samanthaath,
Sada poorna bimbaa, kalangaischa heena,
Sthadha thwanmukhaanaam bruve skanda samyam.13

ஸதா சாரதா ஷண்ம்ருகாங்கா யதி ஸ்யு ஸமுத்யந்த ஏவ ஸ்திதாச்சேத் ஸமந்தாத்.                           ஸதா பூர்ணபிம்பா கலங்கைஸ்ச ஹீனா ததா த்வன்முகானாம் ப்ருவே ஸ்கந்த ஸாம்யம் .. 13 

Even if six full moons, devoid of all their defects, throw their light brightly in the sky, how can they compete with the beauty of Lord Shanmuga's six faces.

14Facial Beauty (continued...)

स्फुरन्मन्दहासैः सहंसानि चञ्चत् कटाक्षावलीभृङ्गसंघोज्ज्वलानि 
सुधास्यन्दिबिम्बाधरणीशसूनो तवालोकये षण्मुखाम्भोरुहाणि ॥१४॥

Sphuran manda hasai sahamsaani chanjal,
Kadakshavaleem brunga sangojjwalani,
Sudhasyandhee bimbaadaraneesa soono,
Thavalokaye Shanmukhomburuhaani. 14

ஸ்புரன் மந்தஹாஸை ஸஹம்ஸானி சஞ்சத் கடாக்ஷாவலீப்ருங்க ஸங்கோ ஜ்வலானி.         ஸுதாஸ்யந்தி பிம்பா தராணீச ஸூனோ தவாலோகயே ஷண்முகாம் போரு ஹாணி .. 14 

The Lord has a beaming smile (manthahasam) which shines like a group of swans (hamsa). He casts a long side glance (Kataksha) on His devotees which flows like a group of bees. His blood red coloured lips shower their nectar all around.

15. Seeking His side glance:

विशालेषु कर्णान्तदीर्घेष्वजस्रं दयास्यन्दिषु द्वादशस्वीक्षणेषु 
मयीषत्कटाक्षः सकृत्पातितश्चेद् भवेत्ते दयाशील का नाम् हानिः ॥१५॥

Visaaleshu karnanthabheer geshwajasram,
Dayasyandeeshu dwadasasweekshaneshu,
Mayeeshat kadaksha sakrud pathithasched,
Bhavethey daya sheela kaa naama hani. 15

விசாலேஷு கர்ணாந்த தீர்க்கேஷ் வஜஸ்ரம் தயாஸ்யந்திஷு த்வாதசஸ் வீக்ஷணேஷு.                              மயீஷத் கடாக்ஷ ஸக்ருத் பாதித ஸ்சேத் பவேத்தே தயாசீல கா நாமஹானி .. 15 

Lord Subrahmanya has very beautiful eyes, twelve of them, extending up to his ears on both sides, which always shower mercy on His devotees. Oh Lord! Please let me have the benefit of your side glance, however short spell it may be. That would suffice for me.

16. Worshipping His six heads:

सुताङ्गोद्भवो मेऽसि जीवेति षड्धा जपन्मन्त्रमीशो मुदा जिघ्रते यान् 
जगद्भारभृद्भ्यो जगन्नाथ तेभ्यः किरीटोज्ज्वलेभ्यो नमो मस्तकेभ्यः ॥१६॥

Sudhangothbhavo may asi jeevethi shadsa,
Japan mantrameeso mudha jigrathe yaan,
Jagad bhaara brudhbhyo jagannatha thebhya,
Kireetojjwalebhyo namo masthakebhya. 16

ஸுதாங்கோத் பவோ மேஸி ஜீவேதி ஷட்தா ஜபன்மந்த்ரமீசோ முதா ஜிக்ரதே யான்.                               ஜகத்பாரப்ருத்யோ ஜகந்நாத தேப்ய கிரீடோஜ்வலேப்யோ நமோ மஸ்தகேப்ய .. 16 

Lord Subrahmanya was kissed on His heads and blessed by Lord Shiva, by repeating the Vedas six times, so that Shiva's son, Who was born out of Shiva Himself, shall live forever. Let us worship the Lord of this universe, with His six heads wearing shining crowns and offer blessings to devotees.

17. Request for appearance:

स्फुरद्रत्नकेयूरहाराभिरामः चलत्कुण्डलश्रीलसद्गण्डभागः 
कटौ पीतवास करे चारुशक्ति पुरस्तान्ममास्तां पुरारेस्तनूज ॥१७॥

Sphurad rathna keyoora haaradhi rama,
Schalath kundala sree lasad ganda bhaga,
Katou peetha vasa, kare charu shakthi,
Purasthan mamasthaam puraresthanuja. 17

ஸ்புரத்ரத்ன கேயூரஹாராபிராம ஸ்சலத் குண்டல ச்ரீலஸத் கண்டபாக.                                                     கடெள பீதவாஸா கரே சாருசக்தி புரஸ்தான் மமாஸ்தாம் புராரேஸ் தனூஜ .. 17 

Lord Subrahmanya is adorned with garlands (haaraa) of Gems and rubies (Rathna). His ear studs (Kundala) play on His lovely cheeks as if it is a playground. He wears a yellow silk garment (peetha vastram) on His waist. He holds the powerful Spear (Vel) given by Parasakthi. Oh! Son of Lord Shiva who destroyed Tripura, please appear before me and bless me.

18. He is a sweet Child:

इहायाहि वत्सेति हस्तान्प्रसार्याह्वयत्यादशच्छङ्करे मातुरङ्कात् 
समुत्पत्य तातं श्रयन्तं कुमारं हराश्लिष्टगात्रं भजे बालमूर्तिम् ॥१८॥

Ihayaahi vathsethi hasthou prasarya,
Hyayathya darachchangare mathurangath,
Samuthpathya thatham srayantham kumaram,
Haraslishta gathram bhaje bala moorthim. 18

இஹாயாஹி வத்ஸேதி ஹஸ்தான் ப்ரஸார்யா ஹவயத்யாதராச் சங்கரே மாதுரங்காத்
ஸமுத்பத்ய தாதம் ச்ரயந்தம் குமாரம் ஹராஸ்லிஷ்டகாத்ரம் பஜே பாலமூர்த்திம் .. 18 

Lord Subrahmanya resides in Trichendur as "Bala Subrahmanyam", in child form. Hence Sankara narrates an incident, when the Lord was sitting on His mother Parvathi's lap. Lord Shiva called Him to come over to Him and immediately the child rushed into the extended arms of His father and embraced Him. Let us offer our prayers to this sweet child, Subrahmanya.

19. Prayer for eternal protection:

कुमारेशसूनो गुह स्कन्द सेनापते शक्तिपाणे मयूराधिरूढ 
पुलिन्दात्मजाकान्त भक्तार्तिहारिन् प्रभो तारकारे सदा रक्ष मां त्वम् ॥१९॥

Kumaresa soono, Guha, skanda, senaa,
Pathe shakthipane mayooradhi rooda,
Pulindathmaja kantha bhaktharthi haarin,
Prabho, tharakare, sada Raksha maam thwam. 19

குமாரேச ஸூனோ குஹ ஸ்கந்த ஸேனா பதே சக்தி பாணே மயூரா திரூட
புளிந்தாத்மஜாகாந்த பக்தார்த்தி ஹாரின் ப்ரபோ தாரகாரே ஸதா ரக்ஷமாம் த்வம் .. 19 

Sankara variously praises Lord Subrahmanya as (1) Kumara, (2) Son of Eesa, Lord Shiva, (3) Guha, who resides in our hearts (4) Skanda (5) Sena pathe, Chief of the Army of Devas  (6) holder of weapon Vel, or spear given by Sakthi (7) One who rides on Peacock as His vehicle (8) One who is dear to Valli (9) Protector of His devotees from sins (10) One who Lords over Demon, Tharakasura . Praising thus, Sankara seeks His protection for ever. 

20. Seeking protection during old age:

प्रशान्तेन्द्रिये नष्टसंज्ञे विचेष्टे कफोद्गारिवक्त्रे भयोत्कम्पिगात्रे 
प्रयाणोन्मुखे मय्यनाथे तदानीं द्रुतं मे दयालो भवाग्रे गुह त्वम् ॥२०॥

Prasanthendriye, nashta samgne, vicheshte,
Kaphod gari vakthre, bhayath kambhi gathre,
Praynayan unmughe, mayyanadhe thadaneem,
Drutham may dayalo bhavagre guha thwam. 20

ப்ரசாந்தேந்த்ரியே நஷ்டஸம்க்ஞே விசேஷ்டே கபோத்காரி வக்த்ரே பயோத்கம்பி காத்ரே
ப்ரயாணோன்முகே மய்யநாதே ததானீம் த்ருதம் மே தயாளோ பவாக்ரே குஹத்வம் .. 20 

Sankara gives us a prayer to Lord Subrahmanya, such that He may come rushing to help us when we suffer the onset of old age, when we loose all our senses and intelligence, when we are unable to move an inch, when our lungs are caught up fully with phlegm, when we start shivering due to fear of death, when no one is willing to come near us to help. Let us pray to Him in advance and get His support on time, without waiting for the D day.

21. Prayer to get rid of fear of death

कृतान्तस्य दूतेषु चण्डेषु कोपाद् दहच्छिन्द्धि भिन्द्धीति मां तर्जयत्सु 
मयूरं समारुह्य मा भैरिति त्वं पुरः शक्तिपाणिर्ममायाहि शीघ्रम् ॥२१॥

Kruthanthasya dhootheshu chandeshu kopaa,
Ddaha Chindi bhindeethi maam tharjayadsu,
Mayooram samaruhyamaa bhaireethi thwam,
Pura shakthi panir mama yahi seegram. 21

க்ருதாந்தஸ்ய தூதேஷு சண்டேஷுகோபா த்தஹச்சின்தி பிந்தீதி மாம் தர்ஜயத்ஸு
மயூரம் ஸமாருஹ்ய மாபைரி தித்வம் புர சக்திபாணிர் மமாயாஹி சீக்ரம் .. 21 

Sankara continues to guide us with this prayer when we are in the death bed, seeking Lord's swift protection from Yama Dootha, the fearsome messengers of the God of death, when they finally arrive, shouting angrily, “burn him, tear him, cut him into pieces”. Let us pray now and seek Lord's presence and protection at that time, riding on the peacock and armed with holy spear (Vel). 

22. Seeking His Mercy: 

प्रणम्यासकृत्पादयोस्ते पतित्वा
प्रसाद्य प्रभो प्रार्थयेऽनेकवारम् 
 वक्तुं क्षमोऽहं तदानीं कृपाब्धे
 कार्यान्तकाले मनागप्युपेक्षा ॥२२॥

Pranamya sakruth padayosthe padhithwa,
Prasadhya prabho prarthane aneka veeram,
Na Vakthum kshmo aham thadaneem krupabdhe,
Nea Karanthakale maagapyupekshaa. 22

ப்ரணம்யா ஸக்ருத் பாதயோஸ்தே பதித்வா ப்ரஸாத்ய ப்ரபோ ப்ரார்த்தயேனேக வாரம்
நவக்தும் க்ஷமோஹம் ததானீம் க்ருபாப்தே நகார்யாந்தகாலே மனாகப்யுபேக்ஷா .. 22 

Sankara tells us that when we are in our death bed we may not be in a position to even offer our prayers to the Lord, since we will be overwhelmed with the fear of death. Hence Sankara advises us to pray and fall at Lord's lotus feet even now and seek His mercy and gracious presence without fail, at the time of our soul's departure. Let Him forgive our sins and protect us.

23. Pleadings to get rid of afflictions

सहस्राण्डभोक्ता त्वया शूरनामा हतस्तारकः सिंहवक्त्रश्च दैत्यः 
ममान्तर्हृदिस्थं मनःक्लेशमेकं  हंसि प्रभो किं करोमि क्वामि ॥२३॥

Sahasranda bhoktha thwaya soora nama,
Hathastharaka simha vakthrascha daithya,
Mamantha hrudistham mana klesa mekam,
Na hamsi , prabho kim karomi, kwa yami. 23

ஸஹஸ்ராண்ட போக்தா த்வயா ஸூரநாமா ஹதஸ்தாரக ஸிம்ஹவக்த்ரச்ச தைத்ய
மமாந்தர் ஹ்ருதிஸ்தம் மன க்லேசமேகம் ந ஹம்ஸி ப்ரபோ கிம் கரோமி க்வயாமி .. 23 

Sankara now pleads to Lord Subrahmanya to solve his worries. Sankara reminds the Lord about His valour in vanquishing the great Asura Soorapadman, who ruled over thousands of universes, along with his brothers, Tarakasura and the lion faced Simhamugha. Sankara asks why the Lord is yet to attend on his miseries so far, when in fact, He could perform great feats such as killing the Asuras. Sankara seeks to know what he should do to make the Lord attend to the afflictions in his heart. 

24. Prayer to get cured of mental sufferings:

अहं सर्वदा दुःखभारावसन्नो भवान्दीनबन्धुस्त्वदन्यं  याचे 
भवद्भक्तिरोधं सदा कॢप्तबाधं ममाधिं द्रुतं नाशयोमासुत त्वम् ॥२४॥

Aham sarvadha Dukha baravasanna,
Bhavan dheena bandhusthwadanyam nay ache,
Bhavat bakthi rodham, sadha knuptha baadham,
Mamadhim drutham nasayo umasutha thwam. 24

அஹம் ஸர்வதா துக்கபாரா வஸந்நோ பவான் தீனபந்து ஸ்த்வதன்யம் நயாசே
பவத்பக்தி ரோதம் ஸதா க்லுப்த பாதம் மமாதிம் த்ருதம் நாசயோமா ஸுதத்வம் .. 24 

Sankara further prays to the Lord that he is always burdened with deep sorrows and miseries in this life. Since he knew that Lord Subrahmanya is the friend of all those who suffer, he did not look for help from any other gods. All these day-to-day worries are preventing him from having peaceful devotion towards the Lord. Hence he requests the Lord, son of Uma, to destroy all his deep set sufferings immediately. Let us pray to the Lord for similar mercy to be showered on us too.

25. Effect of Ilai Vibhuti:

अपस्मारकुष्टक्षयार्शः प्रमेहज्वरोन्मादगुल्मादिरोगा महान्तः 
पिशाचाश्च सर्वे भवत्पत्रभूतिं विलोक्य क्षणात्तारकारे द्रवन्ते ॥२५॥

Apasmara , kushta, kshayarsa prameha,
Jwaronmadhagulmaadhi rogo mahantha,
Pisachascha sarve bhavath pathra bhootheem,
Vilokya kshanaa tharakare dravanthe. 25

அபஸ்மார குஷ்ட க்ஷயார்ச ப்ரமேஹ ஜ்வரோன்மாத குல்மாதிரோஹான் மஹாந்த
பிசாசாஸ்ச ஸர்வே பவத் பத்ர பூதிம் விலோக்ய க்ஷணாத் தார காரே த்ரவந்தே .. 25 

Sankara proclaims that the Vibhuti given in folded panneer leaf in the presence of Lord, who defeated Tarakasura, has dramatic effects in curing even the greatest of diseases like Epilepsy, leprosy, tuberculosis, fever, madness, etc, in addition to driving away evil forces that trouble humans. The effect is instantaneous, says Sankara.  

26. Dedicating all our actions to Lord:

दृशि स्कन्दमूर्तिः श्रुतौ स्कन्दकीर्तिः मुखे मे पवित्रं सदा तच्चरित्रम् 
करे तस्य कृत्यं वपुस्तस्य भृत्यं गुहे सन्तु लीना ममाशेषभावाः ॥२६॥

Drusi skanda murthy sruthou skanda keerthir,
Mukhe may pavithram, sada thacharithram,
Kare thasya kruthyam , vapusthasya bruthyam,
Guhe santhu leena mamaa sesha bhavaa. 26

த்ருசி ஸ்கந்த மூர்த்தி ச்ருதெள ஸ்கந்தகீர்த்தி முகே மே பவித்ரம் ஸதா தச்சரித்ரம்
கரே தஸ்ய க்ருத்யம் வபுஸ்தஸ்ய ப்ருத்யம் குஹே ஸந்து லீனா மமாசேஷ பாவா .. 26 

Let us dedicate ourselves fully to the praise of the Lord. Let our eye always observe the holy form of Skanda. Let our ears always hear the holy praise of Skanda. Let our mouth always utter the pure sacred story of Skanda. Let our hand always be engaged in the sacred works of Skanda. Let our entire body always serve Skanda. And let all my feelings be always absorbed in Skanda.

27. He grants grace to lowest people as well:

मुनीनामुताहो नृणां भक्तिभाजांm अभीष्टप्रदाः सन्ति सर्वत्र देवाः 
नृणामन्त्यजानामपि स्वार्थदाने गुहाद्देवमन्यं  जाने  जाने ॥२७॥

Muneenamuthaho nrunaam bhakthi bhaja,
Mabeeshtapradhaa santhi sarvathra deva,
Nrunamanthya janam api swartha dane,
Guha deva manyam na jane na jane. 27

முனீனா முதாஹோ ந்ருணாம் பக்தி பாஜா மபீஷ்டப்ரதா ஸந்தி ஸர்வத்ர தேவா
ந்ருணாமந்த்ய ஜாநாமபி ஸ்வார்த்ததானே குஹாத்தைவமன்யம் நஜானே நஜானே .. 27 

Sankara says that he has heard of many Devas and Gods, who grant desired boons to sages and ascetics, who are great men. But he has not heard of any god, excepting Guha (Lord Subrahmanya), who grants His grace on the lowest of human beings. He emphasises this point by saying this twice "I do not know, I do not know". We are all simple human beings, who cannot be compared in anyway with the great sages, who are high in esteem and knowledge. But we do not have to worry about it anyway, since we have Lord Guha on our side. 

28. Let the whole family worship Kumaran:

कलत्रं सुता बन्धुवर्गः पशुर्वा नरो वाथ नारि गृहे ये मदीयाः 
यजन्तो नमन्तः स्तुवन्तो भवन्तं स्मरन्तश्च ते सन्तु सर्वे कुमार ॥२८॥

Kalthram suthaa bandhu vargaa pasurvaa,
Nari vaadha naaree gruhe yea madheeya,
Yajantho namantha sthuvantho bhavantham,
Smaranthascha they santhu sarva kumara. 28

களத்ரம் ஸுதா பந்துவர்க பசுர்வா நரோவாத நாரீ க்ருஹே யே மதீயா
யஜந்தோ நமந்த ஸ்துவந்தோ பவந்தம் ஸ்மரன் தஸ்ச்ச தே ஸந்து ஸர்வே குமார .. 28 

Let me pray to Lord Subrahmanya (Kumara) that my wife (Kalathram), my children (Sudha), my relatives (Bandhu), my cattle (Pasu), not only that, all the gents (Vaadha) and ladies (Naaree) in my house, always worship, offer obeisance and respects, sing in praise of the Lord, and meditate on Him seeking His grace. Let the entire family gain from His worship. 

29. Protection from  pain and poison:

मृगाः पक्षिणो दंशका ये  दुष्टाः तथा व्याधयो बाधका ये मदङ्गे 
भवच्छक्तितीक्ष्णाग्रभिन्नाः सुदूरे विनश्यन्तु ते चूर्णितक्रौञ्चशौल ॥२९॥

Mruga pakshino damsaka ye cha dushtaa,
Sthadha vyadhayo bhadahakaa ye madange,
Bhavaschakthi theeshnagra binna sudhoore,
Vinasyanthu they choornitha krouncha saila. 29

ம்ருகா பக்ஷிணோ தம்சகாயே சதுஷ்டா ததா வ்யாதயோ பாதகா யே மதங்கே
பவச்சக்தி தீக்ஷ்ணாக்ர பின்னா ஸுதூரே விநச்யந்து தே சூர்ணித க்ரெளஞ்ச சைல .. 29 

Let us pray to Lord Subrahmanya to protect us from offensive animals, birds and biting insects and also seek His protection from pain and suffering due to diseases. Let Him throw His spear  (Sakthi Vel) and blow them to pieces in the same way He  broke the Krouncha Mountain to pieces.  

30. Prayer for tolerance:

जनित्री पिता  स्वपुत्रापराधं सहेते  किं देवसेनाधिनाथ 
अहं चातिबालो भवान् लोकतातः क्षमस्वापराधं समस्तं महेश ॥३०॥

Janithri pithaa cha swaputhra aparadham,
Sahethe na kim deva senathinadha,
Aham cha athi balo, Bhavan loka thatha,
Kshmaswaparadham samastham mahesa. 30

ஜநித்ரீ பிதாச ஸ்வபுத்ரா பராதம் ஸஹேதே ந கிம் தேவசேனாதி நாத
அஹம் சாதிபாலோ பவான் லோக தாத க்ஷமஸ்வாபராதம் ஸமஸ்தம் மஹேச .. 30 

Sankara asks Lord Subrahmanya: "Oh! Chief of army of Devas. Will not a mother and father tolerate and forgive the faults of their children ? You are the father of this whole universe and I am your child. Oh Mahesa! Please therefore be kind enough to tolerate, forgive and pardon me".  

31. Our obeisance to all:

नमः केकिने शक्तये चापि तुभ्यं नमश्छाग तुभ्यं नमः कुक्कुटाय 
नमः सिन्धवे सिन्धुदेशाय तुभ्यं पुनः स्कन्दमूर्ते नमस्ते नमोऽस्तु ॥३१॥

Nama kekine sakthaye chaapi thubhyam,
Nama chaga thubhyam, nama kukkudaya,
Nama sindhave sindhu desaya thubhyam,
Nama skanda murthe, punasthe namosthu. 31

நம கேகினே சக்தயே சாபி துப்யம் நமச்சாக துப்யம் நம குக்குடாய                                                  நம ஸிந்தவே ஸிந்து தேசாய துப்யம் புன ஸ்கந்த மூர்த்தே நமஸ்தே நமோஸ்து .. 31 

Let us bow down and offer obeisance to His vehicle - the peacock, His weapon - the holy Vel or spear, His goat, His flag - the rooster, His township and His temple near the sea shore and of course to the great Skanda himself. Let us offer our salutations again and again to Skanda and to all.

32. Victory to my Lord:

जयानन्दभूमञ्जयापारधामन् जयामोघकीर्ते जयानन्दमूर्ते 
जयानन्दसिन्धो जयाशेषबन्धो जय त्वं सदा मुक्तिदानेशसूनो ॥३२॥

Jayananda bhuman jyapaara dhaman,
Jayamogha keerthe, jayananda murthe,
Jayananda sindho jayasesha bandho,
Jaya thwam sada mukthi danesa soono. 32

ஜயாநந்த பூமன் ஜயாபார தாமன் ஜயாமோக கீர்த்தே ஜயாநந்த மூர்த்தே
ஜயாநந்த ஸிந்தோ ஜயாசேஷபந்தோ ஜயத்வம் ஸதாமுக்திதானேசஸூனோ .. 32 

Oh  Lord, Son of Eesa (Shiva), Victory to You - the Blissful Consciousness, Victory to You - the abode of limitless bliss, Victory to You whose glory extends all over the inner and outer realms, Victory to You - the embodiment of Aananda or Bliss, Victory to you - the ocean of mercy and bliss, Victory to You - who extends unbounded friendship. Victory to you always my Lord, who grants Mukthi or liberation. 

33. Phalasruthi; Benefits of reciting:

भुजङ्गाख्यवृत्तेन कॢप्तं स्तवं यः पठेद्भक्तियुक्तो गुहं संप्रणम्य 
 पुत्रान्कलत्रं धनं दीर्घमायुः लभेत्स्कन्दसायुज्यमन्ते नरः सः ॥३३॥

Bhunjangakhya vruthena knuptham sthavam ya,
Padeth bhakthi yuktho guham sampranamya,
Sa puthraan kalathram dhanam deergam ayur,
Labeth skanda sayujyamanthe nara sa.

புஜங்காக்யவ்ருத்தேன க்லுப்தம் ஸ்தவம் ய படேத் பக்தியுக்தோ குஹம் ஸம்ப்ரணம்ய
ஸபுத்ரான் களத்ரம் தனம் தீர்கமாயுர் லபேத் ஸ்கந்தஸாயுஜ்யமந்தே நரஸ்ஸ .. 33 .

Whoever recites this Bhujanga Stotram, filled with bhakthi and submits before Guha, is certain to get good spouse, good progeny, wealth, long life and in addition would attain sayujyam, or nearness with Skanda for ever. 

எந்த மனிதன் பக்தி யுடன் எழிலார் புஜங்க விருத்த மதை
சிந்தை கனிந்து படித் திடிலோ செல்வம் கீர்த்தி ஆயுளுடன்
சுந்தர மனைவி புத்தி ரர்கள் சூழ ஆண்டு பல வாழ்ந்து
கந்தன் பதத்தை அடைந் திடுவார் காசினி மீதில் நிச்சயமே.

வேலும் மயிலும் துணை.

Before you exit my blog on this great work of Sankara, please listen to the following
musical recital, "Sri Valli DevaSena pathe" by Smt. Bombay Jayashree.


To hear Subrahmanya Mangalashtakam click following link: 


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