Blogs on Hindu Vedic Culture

Wednesday, October 19, 2022



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Mantras are sacred utterance or chants of a sound, syllable or Sanskrit words. The use, structure, function, importance, and types of mantras vary according to the school. They are mathematically structured rhyming words, which are highly resonant and weaved like a thread on a loom. 

Mantras are basically used by practitioners to have psychological and spiritual powers. At its simplest, the word "" (Ohm) serves as a mantra. In more sophisticated forms, mantras are melodic phrases with spiritual interpretations such as a human longing for truth, reality, light, immortality, peace, love, knowledge, and action.

When we practice meditation, there are numinous qualitative improvements we can observe in our body; our mind start becoming focused, spine gets erect, and we gain blissfulness as well as an ability to handle stress. With a long practice of meditation we can remove diseases, which is the by-product of prolonged meditation. Use of mantra boosts such effect of meditation.

For relief from illnesses, there are many mantras prescribed in scriptures as per the devotees' frame of mind. Some pray to Lord Shiva in the form of  Vaidyanatha Swami, some pray to  Lord Subramanya. Vaishnavas pray to Lord Dhanvantri, by reciting Dhanvanthri Sloka. Sakthi worshipers resort to Soundarya Lahari recitation.

What do the Vedas Say:

If you browse the Vedas, it refers to Rudra (Lord Shiva) as the bestower of health. In Vedas, we do not have Dhanvantri, Ashwin twins and others as the healers. Rudra is popularly known as Vaidyanatha. 

Following are some of the excerpts from the Vedas:

शं न॑कर॒त्यर्व॑ते सु॒गं मे॒षाय॑ मे॒ष्ये॑  

नृभ्यो॒ नारि॑भ्यो॒ गवे॑ ॥६॥

May he grant health into our steeds, wellbeing to our rams and ewes,

To men, to women, and to kine. - Rig Veda, Mandala 1, 43rd Suktam.


इ॒मा रु॒द्राय॑ त॒वसे॑ कप॒र्दिने॑ क्ष॒यद्वी॑राय॒ प्र भ॑रामहे म॒तीः 

यथा॒ शमस॑द् द्वि॒पदे॒ चतु॑ष्पदे॒ विश्वं॑ पु॒ष्टं ग्रामे॑ अ॒स्मिन्न॑नातु॒रम् ॥१॥

To the strong Rudra we offer our songs of praise. We pray to him, the Lord of Suras, with the braided hair, that it be well with all our cattle and our men, that in this village all be healthy and well-fed. - Rig Veda, Mandala 1, 114th Suktam.

His hands are filled with sovran medicines.

दि॒वो व॑रा॒हम॑रु॒षं क॑प॒र्दिनं॑ त्वे॒षं रू॒पं नम॑सा॒ नि ह्व॑यामहे 

हस्ते॒ बिभ्र॑द् भेष॒जा वार्या॑णि॒ शर्म॒ वर्म॑ च्छ॒र्दिर॒स्मभ्यं॑ यंसत् ॥५॥

We offer our reverence to Him, Who, with the braided hair, shines like a dazzling red wild boar in the sky. May he, his hand filled full of sovran medicines, grant us protection, shelter, and a secure home. - Rig Veda, Mandala 1, 114th Suktam. 

It also further states:

त्वाद॑त्तेभी रुद्र॒ शंत॑मेभिः श॒तं हिमा॑ अशीय भेष॒जेभि॑

व्य१स्मद्द्वेषो॑ वित॒रं व्यंहो॒ व्यमी॑वाश्चातयस्वा॒ विषू॑चीः ॥२॥

With the most saving medicines which You give, Rudra, may I attain a hundred winters.  Please banish enmity and hatred amongst us, and to all quarters maladies and trouble. - Rig Veda, Mandala 2, 33rd Suktam.

He is the best among physicians as per the Vedas themselves.

मा त्वा॑ रुद्र चुक्रुधामा॒ नमो॑भि॒र्मा दुष्टु॑ती वृषभ॒ मा सहू॑ती 

उन्नो॑ वी॒राँ अ॑र्पय भेष॒जेभि॑र्भि॒षक्त॑मं त्वा भि॒षजां॑ शृणोमि ४॥

Let us not anger thee with bad worship, Rudra.  I hear Rudra is famed as best of all physicians. - Rig Veda, Mandala 2, 33rd Suktam.

The hand of Sri Rudra gives health.

क्व१ स्य ते॑ रुद्र मृळ॒याकु॒र्हस्तो॒ यो अस्ति॑ भेष॒जो जला॑षः 

अ॒प॒भ॒र्ता रप॑सो॒ दैव्य॑स्या॒भी नु मा॑ वृषभ चक्षमीथाः ॥७॥

Where is that gracious hand of thine, O Rudra, the hand that gives health and brings comfort and removes the woes that gods have sent us? O Strong One, look on me with compassion. - Rig Veda, Mandala 2, 33rd Suktam.

We again ask Sri Rudra to give us medicines

कु॒मा॒रश्चि॑त् पि॒तरं॒ वन्द॑मानं॒ प्रति॑ नानाम रुद्रोप॒यन्त॑म् 

भूरे॑र्दा॒तारं॒ सत्प॑तिं गृणीषे स्तु॒तस्त्वं भे॑ष॒जा रा॑स्य॒स्मे ॥१२॥

I bend to thee as thou approachest, Rudra, even as a boy before the Guru who greets him. I praise thee bounteous giver, Lord of heroes: give medicines to us as thou art lauded. - Rig Veda, Mandala 2, 33rd Suktham.

We, again and again, ask him as cure-all our sickness.

 हि क्षये॑ण॒ क्षम्य॑स्य॒ जन्म॑न॒साम्रा॑ज्येन दि॒व्यस्य॒ चेत॑ति 

अव॒न्नव॑न्ती॒रुप॑ नो॒ दुर॑श्चरानमी॒वो रु॑द्र॒ जासु॑ नो भव ॥२॥

He, through his lordship, thinks of the living beings on this earth, on heavenly beings through his high imperial sway. Come willingly to our doors that gladly welcome thee, and heal all sickness in our families, Oh Rudra.

- Rig Veda, Mandala 7, 46th Suktam.


The below verse is regarding Soma and Rudra:

सोमा॑रुद्रा॒ वि वृ॑हतं॒ विषू॑ची॒ममी॑वा॒ या नो॒ गय॑मावि॒वेश॑ 

आ॒रे बा॑धेथां॒ निॠ॑तिं परा॒चैर॒स्मे भ॒द्रा सौ॑श्रव॒सानि॑ सन्तु ॥२॥

Soma and Rudra, chase away to every quarter, the sickness that has visited our dwellings. Drive Nirrti away into the distance, and give us excellence and happiness.

- Rig Veda, Mandala 6, 74th Suktam.


In the Rudra Prashna also ask Sri Rudra, to take his auspicious form which heals us.

या ते॑ रुद्र शि॒वा त॒नूः शि॒वा वि॒श्वाह॑ भेषजी 

शि॒वा रु॒द्रस्य॑ भेष॒जी तया॑ नो मृड जी॒वसे᳚ 

We invoke that auspicious form of yours, O Rudra, which is auspicious and ever healing, with the auspicious and healing (form of) Rudra, grant us bliss for life.

- Taittriya Samhita, 4th Khanda, 5th Praphataka, 10th Anuvakam. 

Mantra Resources for Healing

There are plenty of mantras to cure diseases. Hindu texts are a complete treasure-house of such rare mantras which produce magical effects. These mantras were given to us by great sages of our ancient times. Let's see the most popular ones:

1. Vaidhyanatha Ashtakam - The revered Vaidhyanatha swami temple in Kumbakonam. Writing about this temple would take a separate chapter, that’s for a different post. Sarva roga nivaranam, Vaidhyanatham!

2. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantram - It’s a lifesaving Mantra, removing fear of death. It can cure any disease and should be chanted with sincerity, faith and devotion. Chant as many times possible sitting next to people who are ill or under pain. Even a sick person can chant for himself or herself.

3. Dhanvantri Manram - Lord Vishnu appeared as Dhanvantri during the churning of Milky ocean. He established early medical practice in the form of Ayurveda.

4. Subrahmanya Bhujangam - The magical work composed by Adi Shankara when he was attacked by a spell in Thiruchendur - the whole meter reads like a snake’s movement.

5. Maha Sudharsana Mantram - Lord Vishnu's Chakra has special powers in healing all diseases.

6.  Sriman Narayaneeyam - That magnum opus of Narayana Bhattathri which cured him of his stroke. Especially, that magical sloka, which was advised by Kanchi mahaperiyavaa to cure cancer - “Asmin paraathman…” (The audio is on youtube for the ones that are keen).

7. Soundarya Lahari - very esoteric work and hence has multiple meanings associated with each shloka. There is even a verse in this, which, when chanted with faith for 6 months, gives one the power of Garuda - and with Garudas power, just a mere look will cure one of diseases.

8. Garuda Mantram - His moola-mantra is capable of curing many diseases. It can cure poisons in our body.

9.   Indrakshi Stotram - a very powerful Devi slokam, capable of curing many ailments.

10.Hanuman Chalisa - Another very powerful mantra invoking Lord Hanuman.

11.Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam - Recommended by Kanchi Periyava.

12.Narasimha Nakha-sthuti - Lord Vishnu's incarnation, Narasimha, is widely praised for removing fear and diseases.

1. Vaidhyanatha Ashtakam:



Vaidheeswaran Koil

Sri Vaidyanatha Ashtakam is a beautiful Hymn Composed by Sri Adi Shankara, devoted to Lord Shiva, Who is known as Vaidyanatha. Lord Shiva is considered as the king among physicians and many people pray to him for curing serious illness/disease when they or their family members are affected by it. Devotees who are desirous of getting cured of diseases may recite Shri Vaidyanatha Ashtakam thrice a day. 

श्री वैद्यनाथाष्टकम्

श्रीराम सौमित्रि जटायुवॆद-
षडाननादित्य कुजार्चिताय 
श्री नीलकण्ठाय दयामयाय
श्री वैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय   

Sree rama soumithri jatayu veda,
Shadanadithya kujarchithya,
Sree neelakandaya daya mayaya,
Sree vaidyanathaya nama Shivaya.

I salute that God Shiva, Who is the king among physicians. He is worshipped by Rama and Lakshmana, Jatayu, the Vedas, Lord Subrahmanya, Sun God and Mars. He has a blue neck, and is the personification of mercy.

त्रिलॊचनाय स्मरकालहन्त्रॆ 
समस्त दॆवैरपि पूजिताय
श्री वैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय   

Ganga pravahendu jada dharaya,
Trilochanaya smara kala hanthre,
Samstha devairapi poojithaya,
Sree vaidyanathata namasiv

I salute that God Shiva, Who is the king among physicians, Who wears the flow of Ganges and the moon on his head, Who has three eyes, Who had killed the God of love and death, and who is worshipped by all devas.

भक्तप्रियाय त्रिपुरान्तकाय
पिनाकिनॆ दुष्टहराय नित्यम् 
प्रत्यक्षलीलाय मनुष्यलॊकॆ
श्री वैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय   

Bhaktha priyaya, tripuranthakaya ,
Pinakine dushta haraya nithyam,
Prathyaksha leelaya manushya loke,
Sree vaidyanathaya namasivaya.

I salute that God Shiva, Who is the king among physicians, Who is the lover of his devotees, Who has destroyed the three cities, Who holds the bow called Pinaka, Who destroys bad people daily, and who plays in the world of humans.

प्रभूतवातादि समस्त रॊग-
प्रणाशकर्त्रॆ मुनिवन्दिताय 
श्री वैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय   

Prabhootha vadadhi samastha roga,
Pranasa karthre muni vandhthithaya,
Prabhakarennd wagni vilochanaya,
Sri vaidyanathaya nama sivaya.

I salute that God Shiva, Who is the king among physicians, Who cures all great diseases like rheumatism and arthritis, Who is saluted by great sages,and to whom, the Sun god, Moon and God of fire are eyes. 

श्री वैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय   

Vakchrothra nethrangiri viheena jantho,
Vakchrothra nethrangiri sukha pradaya,
Kushtadhi sarvonnatha roga hanthre,
Sri Vaidyanathaya nama sivaya.

I salute that God Shiva, Who is the king among physicians, Who blesses those beings who have lost their speech, hearing, sight and ability to walk, With these abilities and who provides cure for devastating diseases like leprosy.

वॆदान्तवॆद्याय जगन्मयाय
त्रिमूर्तिरूपाय सहस्रनाम्नॆ
श्री वैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय   

Vedantha vedhyaya jagan mayaya,
Yogiswara dhyeya Padambujaya,
Trimurthy roopaya sahasra namne,
Sri vaidyanathaya nama sivaya.

I salute that God Shiva, Who is the king among physicians, Who can be known through vedantha, Who is spread throughout the universe, Who has a lotus feet that is meditated upon by great sages, Who is of the form of the holy trinity and who has thousand names.

स्वतीर्थ मृत् भस्मभृदंगभाजां
आत्म स्वरूपाय शरीरभाजां
श्री वैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय   

Swatheertha mrudbasma brudanga bajam,
Pisacha dukha arthi bhayapahaya,
Athma swaroopaya sareera bajaam,
Sri Vaidyanaathaya namasivaya.

I salute that God Shiva, Who is the king among physicians , Who removes all sufferings Caused by bad spirits, sorrows and fears by dip in his holy tank, by the holy ash in the temple, and by the mud below the Neem tree of the temple, and who is the personification of soul,Occupying human body.

श्री नीलकण्ठाय वृषध्वजाय
सुपुत्र दारादि सुभाग्यदाय
श्री वैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय   

Sree neelakandaya vrushaba dwajaya,
Sarakkanda basmadhya abhi shobithaya,
Suputhradarathi subagyathaya,
Sri vaidyanathaya nama sivaya.

I salute that God Shiva,Who is the king among physicians,Who has a blue neck,Who has the the bull on his flag,Who shines by flowers, sacred ash and sandal, Who grants good children and good wife and who blesses us with all good luck. 

वालाम्बिकेश वैद्येश भवरोगहरेति च।
जपेन्नामत्रयं नित्यं महारोगनिवारणम्॥९॥

Balambikesa vaidyesa bava roga haredi cha,
Japen nama thrayam nithyam maha roga nivaranam.

Those who recite this prayer thrice a day with devotion and pray the Lord Vaidyanatha, Who is with his consort Balambika, and who removes the fear of birth and death would get cured of all great diseases.

This completes Shri Vaidyanatha Ashtakam.


2.   Maha Mrityunjaya Mantram:


 त्रयम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्  

उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् म्रुत्योर्मुक्षिय मामृतात्  

Om Trayambakam Yajamahe, Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam,                                                                                          

Urvarukmiv Bandhanat, Mrityurmukshiya Maamratath.

Chanting of Maha Mrityunjaya generates divine vibrations that ward off all the negative and evil forces and creates a powerful protective shield. Regular chanting will protect you from sudden death, accidents, famine, misfortunes of any kind, calamity and unexplained situations. But don't chant mentally it should be audible to you. Have faith in Lord Shiva. Maha Mrityunjaya rejuvenates, bestows health, wealth, long life, peace, prosperity and contentment. The healing and nourishing forces enter the human body through foods, medicines, supportive emotions, and encouraging thoughts. The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra attracts these forces and creates an inner environment to enhance their effectiveness. Have faith and Lord Shiva is there to protect you. Lord Shiva who is also called as Mrityunjaya meaning one who has conquered death, can cure anything if he is pleased by your devotion.


3. ‘Dhanvantari mantram:

Lord Dhanvantri is one of the most popular manifestations of Lord Vishnu. Lord Dhanvantri emanated from the milky ocean when the gods and demons churned it in pursuit of the immortal nectar. Lord Dhanvantri is considered the Father of Ayurveda medicine. He is the ultimate healer and the most benevolent Lord who removes all fears and diseases from the face of humanity. Chanting some of the most powerful mantras of Lord Dhanvantri will help alleviate the sufferings of humans and promote happiness and prosperity.


 नमो भगवते महासुदर्शनाय वासुदेवाय धन्वंतरये
अमृतकलशहस्ताय सर्वभयविनाशाय सर्वरोगनिवारणाय
त्रिलोकपथाय त्रिलोकनाथाय श्री महाविष्णुस्वरूपाय
श्रीधन्वंतरीस्वरूपाय श्रीश्रीश्री औषधचक्राय नारायणाय नमः।।

Om namo bhagavathe vaasudevaaya Dhanvanthrayae 

amrutha kalasa hasthaaya sarvaamaya vinaasanaaya 
trailogya naadhaaya sree mahaa vishnavae namaha.


Another Version of the Danvantri mantra is as follows:

Om Namo Bhagavate Maha Sudharshana Vasudevaya Dhanvantaraye

Amrutha Kalasa Hasthaaya Sarva Bhaya Vinasaya Sarva Roka Nivaranaya

Thri Lokya Pathaye Thri Lokya Nithaye Sri Maha Vishnu Swarupa 

Sri Dhanvantri Swarupa Sri Sri Sri Aoushata Chakra Narayana Namaha.


Meaning: I bow down and pray to the Lord Dhanvantari who is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu and called as Sudarshana Vasudev Dhanvantari. You hold in your hands, the Kalasha filled with the nectar of immortality. Oh Lord, you can remove all fears and diseases. You protect all the three worlds and you are the well-wisher of all created beings. You are the Lord of Ayurveda and the manifestation of Lord Vishnu. You are the ultimate healer of all the living beings. We worship you and pray you.


4. Subramanya Bhujangam

(Authored by Aadhi Sankaracharya on Tiruchendur Murugan)

There is a specific slokam (No. 25), out of the 33 slokas, in the Bhujangam, which is dedicated to prayer to the Lord for cure against severe diseases.

अपस्मारकुष्टक्षयार्शः प्रमेहज्वरोन्मादगुल्मादिरोगा महान्तः 
पिशाचाश्च सर्वे भवत्पत्रभूतिं विलोक्य क्षणात्तारकारे द्रवन्ते ॥२५॥


Apasmara, kushta, kshayarsa prameha,
Jwaronmadhagulmaadhi rogo mahantha,
Pisachascha sarve bhavath pathra bhootheem,
Vilokya kshanaa tharakare dravanthe. 25


அபஸ்மார குஷ்ட க்ஷயார்ச ப்ரமேஹ ஜ்வரோன்மாத குல்மாதிரோஹான் மஹாந்த
பிசாசாஸ்ச ஸர்வே பவத் பத்ர பூதிம் விலோக்ய க்ஷணாத் தார காரே த்ரவந்தே .. 25

Sankara proclaims that the Vibhuti given in folded panneer leaf in the presence of Lord who defeated Tarakasura, has dramatic effects in curing even the greatest of diseases like Epilepsy, leprosy, tuberculosis, fever, madness, etc, in addition to driving away evil forces that trouble humans. The effect is instantaneous, says Sankara.  

To listen to Skanda Shashti Kavacham in Tamil, please click the following link: 


5.Maha Sudharsana Manthram:


The derivation of the word Sudarshana is from two Sanskrit words, "Su" meaning auspicious and "Dharshana" meaning vision. Hence, the word Sudharshana translates to "auspicious vision" or "divine vision". According to Hinduism, the “Sudarshana Chakra” is not only a weapon of destruction, but also a protector of devotees and clears the path to attaining salvation. 


The Sudharshana chakra has 108 blades. The blades target the evil and destroy them. As a result, this chakra is the most powerful among all of Lord Vishnu's weapon. The disc is an aspect of Lord Agni. According to the Vaishnavaites, Sudarshana Chakra is an object worthy of worship. 


Following is the Sudharshana mantram:



Krishnaaya Govindaaya Gopeejana Vallabhaya 

Paraya Param Purushaaya Paramathmane 

Para Karma Manthtra Yanthra Tanthra 

Oushadha Astra Shastrani 

Samhara Samhara Mrithiyur 

Mochaya Mochaya Ayur 

Vardhaya Vardhaya Shatru Nashaya Nashaya 

Om Namo Bhagavathey Maha Sudarshanaya Deepthrey 

Jwala Pareethaya Sarwa Digkshobhanakaraye 

Hum Phat Para Bhrahmaney Param Jyothishe Swaha 


O Lord Krishna, you are the protector and controller of the universe. You are also supreme being and the beloved of the Gopikas.                  O Paramathma, protect me from all sorts of evils. You are the Lord who has the entire world in his hands. You are also the one who holds the Sudarshana chakra and destroys the evil in all eight directions. I now completely surrender myself to you." 


Click the link below to listen to this holy mantra.


6. Srimad Narayaneeyam:

Kanchi Periva had advised the chanting of the following verse from the great scripture “Narayaneeyam” (Dasagam 8 sloka 13 ) to a devotee who was suffering from cancer, to be recited 108 times daily for 45 days. This can save you from any life threatening illness, if recited with faith.

अस्मिन् परात्मन् ननु पाद्मकल्पे
अनन्तभूमा मम रोगराशिं
निरुन्धि वातालयवास विष्णो ॥१३॥

Asmin parathman nanu paathmakalpe
Thvamithamutthapitha padmayonihi I
Anantha bhooma mama roga raashim,
Nirundhi vaathalaya vaasa vishno. II

அஸ்மின் பராத்மன் நனு பாத்மகல்பே 
த்வமிதமுத்தபித பத்மயோனிஹி
அனந்த பூம மம ரோக ராஷிம்
நிருந்தி வாதலய வாச விஷ்ணோ

This slokam is a prayer to the Lord Guruvayuppan. Roughly translated it means:

“Oh Lord Vishnu, enshrined in Guruvayur ! Oh Great Soul ! Oh The Lord of Eternal Glory, who thus awakened Brahma in Paadmakalpa ! May Thou remove all my afflictions”.


Click the link below to listen to this slokam:




7. Soundharya Lahari:

Sloka 20: "Sarva roga hara":


Kirantim angebhyah kirana nikurumba amrta rasam

Hrdi tvam adhatte hima kara sila murthimiva yah;

Sa sarpanam darpam samayati sakuntadhipa iva

Jvara plustan drshtya sukhayati sudhadhara siraya.(20)




Her moon-stone form radiates nectar all around. By meditating upon this form and reciting Her mantra, the yogi gets the power of the nectar and the ability to conquer the poison of the snake. Nectar neutralizes any poison. Such yogi can remove the poisonous effect of any fever, due to the power of their meditation, just by their looks. Such is their radiating brilliance acquired through constant meditation on the Goddess. 


Goddess, in Her wisdom, created innumerable counter-effects which have neutralising effect on one another. The pride of the lion is shadowed by the sheer size and power of the elephant. The poison of the snake does not have any effect due to the intrinsic power of Garuda, the Eagle, as also the mongoose (Nakulam), the carnivorous mammal which neutralises the snake poison. While Vishnu has Garuda to neutralize snake and Lord Subramanya has peacock to control the snake, Devi has ‘nakulam’ to control the snake. Kulam refers to Muladhara chakra, where the snake sleeps. ‘Na-kulam’ means to drive the snake away from Muladhara, through kundalini yoga. She is therefore called Nakuleswari.


The yogi likewise attains absolute neutrality, by the power of Sakthi worship, filling his inner core with pure emotions and making him more divine. Hence a yogi is endowed with the miraculous power of healing the afflicted by the mere casting of a look.


Repeated recital of this powerful sloka given to us by Sri Adi Sankaracharya,  will cure all kinds of poison and fever. The moon-stone referred here is of the colour of the Vag-devatas, who occupy the eight aavaranaa in Sri-chakra. This aavarana is called srava-roga-hara chakram, meaning, it is the destroyer of all diseases.




In this context, refer Garudopanishad mantra, which goes like this :-

Chandra mandala sankaasa Soorya mandala mushtika, 

Prithwee mandala mudraanga sri maha garudaaya 

visham hara hara hoom phat swaahaa Om kship swaahaa; 

omeem sa charati sa charati tatkaaree matkaaree
Vishaanaancha visha roopini; visha dhooshini, visha soshani, visha naasini visha haarini, hatam visham nashtam visham antah:praleenam visham, pranashatam visham, hatam te brahmanaa visham hatam, hatam indrasya vajrena swaahaa.

The sloka Chatussatee goes as below:-

Shanmaasa dhyaanayogena jaayate garudopama
Drishtyaa karshayate lokam drishtayaiva kurute vasam;
Candrakaanta silaamoortim cintayitwaa vainaasayet
Taapajwaraan aseshaamsca seegram taarkshya ivaa paraha
Garudadhyanayogena smaranaat naasayet visham.


One who meditates on you [Amriteswari who resembles the broken chandrakaanta stone sculpture] in the heart, with an unbroken devotion, he gets all parts of the body showered by the amrita kirana or rays flowing from all parts of your body, [in turn he is getting all parts of his body showered by amrita or nectar. He is able to remove the ego and poison of the serpents just as the Garuda god is able to; he is able to remove the poisonous fever and disease of others by his mere look on the affected person, so the affected person gets rid of the fever, and disease and becomes perfectly alright. It is told in puraanaas that Lord Maha Vishna meditated on the Goddess Amriteswari in order to escape from the clutches of the haalaahala visha.


In Ramayana, there is an incident. Indrajit applies the naagaastra on Rama and Lakshmana; both become unconscious; the God Garuda, who is the worshipper of Lord Vishnu, appears there; on the winds blowing from the wings of the Garuda, snakes ran away and escaped; Garuda was a staunch devotee of Lord and hence by his vision, Rama and Lakshmana got back 

their consciousness.



Ma Indrakshi

Sage Narada during one of his visits to Vaikunta asked Lord Narayana for the reason why, whiles Devas and Asuras are healthy by nature, human beings suffer these numerous diseases. Lord Narayana taught him the Indrakshi stotram and told Narada that by reciting this Stotram, one can lead a disease free happy life. Sage Narada taught this to Indra, who in turn taught this to Sage Purandara. It was Sage Purandara who popularized it among human beings. Indrakshi stotram is a powerful mantra dedicated to goddess Durga, a form of goddess Parvati. Those who chant the mantra repeatedly will be cured from all diseases and avoid any untimely death and live a healthy life. 

This Stotra and the Shivakavacham Stotra, traditionally chanted in the Sandhya Kala (evenings) are known for the multi-fold benefits especially in warding off diseases and other unknown negative energies.

Click the link below to listen to Indrakshi strotram

Shiva kavacham and Indrakshi stotram recited by Kanchi seer can be viewed in following link:


Powerful Hanuman Chalisa mantram, is yet another slokam which is followed by many.  Hanuman is an avatar of Lord Shiva and is a key figure in Ramayana in helping Lord Rama and Lakshmana in many ways, including curing them by bringing Sanjivini mountain from the Himalayas. It is believed that he would come to our rescue at critical times. You can listen to Hanuman Chalisa in the following link:

Sanjivani is a Mystical and Magical healing herb per Ancient Hindu Texts.Even Gods use the Power of Sanjivani for healing their ailments. In Modern era, Sanjivani has taken the form of Tulsi. Being the wife of Vishnu, the biggest healer,Tulsi, brings immense healing powers to Earth.It is also considered to be another form of Laxmi, Goddess of Wealth. Those who are suffering from ailments of any kind, are greatly benefitted by praying to Mother Tusi. It is believed to heal all physical and psychological diseases of any kind. Chanting or listening to this mantra brings immense healing to one's body and mind. Simply recite "OM THUM TULASAYA NAMAH" as many times as possible.


Once Sri Kanchi Maha Periyava was camping in Mylapore and it was Pradosham day. He was suffering from high fever. It must have been about 2 o’ clock in the afternoon and there was no sign of Periyava recovering. Devotees who had turned up in large numbers to watch Him perform Abhishekam and Pradosha Pooja to Lord Shiva were worried about His health.  

All of a sudden swamiji called his attendants to inform the Vedic Scholars nearby to assemble immediately and start chanting Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam continuously. At about 3 o’clock, as people around were chanting Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam, Maha Periyava started sweating profusely and His fever vanished. He took a bath and started performing Abhishekam and Pradosha Pooja to the Lord.

Sri Maha Periyava showed us a living example of the importance of chanting Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam. On a day auspicious to Lord Shiva, his suggestion to chant Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam emphasized the oneness of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu.

You can listen to Vishnu Sahasranama in the following link:

12. Narasimha Nakha Sthithi.

Om panthwasman puru hootha vairi bhalavan mathanga madyath ghata, 
Kumbochadri vipata nadhikpatu prathyeka vajrayutha, 
Srimath kanteera vasya prathatha sunakharaa dharitha arathi dhoora, 
Pradhwastha dhwantha santhi pravathitha manasa bhavitha bhoori bhagai. 1 

Oh Lord Narasimha who is with Goddess Lakshmi, please protect all of us with your omnipotent nails. For Just like a ferocious lion attacks herd of elephants, and splits apart their heads with its nails, and the Vajrayudha of Indra splits highest mountains, Your nails kill the asuras who are like exhilarated elephants. And the same precious nails of Sri Narasimha with Lakshmi, destroyed and removed the duties of a Brahmana, and solved the darkness of poor knowledge, so that the devas became calm, along with  Brahma and all the other Gods. 

Lakshmi kanta samantatopi kalyanai veshithesthusamam, 
Pashyamittamavasthu duritharathopasthamv rasayosthama, 
Yadroshakkara daksha nethra kutila pranthopi agni sphurat, 
Kandhyothopama vishpulinga basitha brahmesa shakrothkara. 2 

Hey consort of Lakshmi, I do not find any one equal to you in showering graces, and see you as something even at a distance, as the king of all mixtures- ashtama rasa. And if those eyes of yours which are angry and burning, opens slightly in a curve, it sends sparks that look tiny like a glow worm but is more like the glowing Sun God, and these are capable of burning several ions of Brahma, Shiva and Indra. 

Ithi Srimad Ananda Theertha bhagwat padacharya virachitham, 
Sri Nrusimha nakah Sthuthi sampoornam 

Thus ends the prayer to Nails of Lord Narasimha, composed by Srimad Ananda theertha (Madhvacharya) 

To listen to Narasimha Kavacham please click the following link:

Carnatic Musical Raagaas for curing Afflictions:

There are 72 raagaas, which are known as the Melakarta ragas (Parant raagas) from which other raagaas, known as the Janya ragas, are obtained. Neural research proves that 72 raagas can control 72 nerves in the human body. Singing or performing a Raga, when bound to its specifications (lakshanas) and with purity in pitch (swara shuddi) gives the performer complete control on the corresponding nerve. Ragas Ahirbhairav and Todi are prescribed for patients suffering from hypertension. Carnatic ragas like Punnagavarali and Sahana are useful to calm the mind and control anger.

Ragas used in Music Therapy

Todi, Bhupali, Ahir BhairavProvides relief from cold and headache, high blood pressure
ShivaranjaniTreats memory problems
BhairaviProvides relief from Sinus, cold, phlegm, toothache
ChandrakaunsTreatment of heart ailments and diabetes
Darbari KanaraEases tension and provides relaxation
Bihag and BaharFor sound, sonorous sleep
DarbariRelief from tension
Malkauns, AsavariCures low blood pressure
Tilak-kamod, Hansdhwani, Kalavati, DurgaEasing tension

Table 1: Source: International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, February, 2011 ISSN: 2010-024856

Hindustani and Carnatic classical musical considers a Raga as depicting a specific mood. An appropriate mood has to be evoked in the listener’s mind before initiating musical treatment. For example, Kafi Raga evokes a humid, cool, soothing and deep mood while Raga Pooriya Dhanasri evokes a sweet, deep, heavy, cloudy and stable state of mind. Raga Mishra Mand has a very pleasing, refreshing, light and sweet touch while Bageshwari arouses a feeling of stability, depth and calmness.

Ragas do heal when rendered properly, at the right pitch (saptak), with the true vaadis and samvaadis brought forth, and at the correct prahar (time). Even a single swar/note has immense strength. Classical music with its unique swara/note structure ensures calm and cozy mind by exposure and subdues the emotion provoking situations. Music plays an effective role in subduing the so-called emotional imbalance. Music Therapy Day is celebrated on 13 May of each year. There are plenty of reading material available in the internet on this therapy.



It is not the mantra but one’s unwavering faith, reverence and devotion towards the deity which cures the incurable diseases resulting from previous karma.

Sickness, old age and death are the natural properties of all creation - you cannot avoid sickness but you can change your attitude to sickness. Morphine doesn’t stop the pain but it changes the way you feel the pain. Hence, when you are sick, instead of lapsing into self-pity, you should reflect on the sufferings of all sentient beings and think that there are so many millions that are suffering in worse ways than you. Think of them, and wish that through your mental empathy with them, their suffering should be decreased. 

May everyone be healed of their physical or mental ailments. May God heal the whole world.

ஈசன் அடி போற்றி எந்தை அடி போற்றி
தேசன் அடி போற்றி சிவன் சேவடி போற்றி
நேயத்தே நின்ற நிமலன் அடி போற்றி
மாயப் பிறப்பறுக்கும் மன்னன் அடி போற்றி



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