Om Ekadanthaya vidmahe Vakrathundaya dheemahi
Thanno danthi prachodayath.
Om Thatpurashaya vidhmahe Vakrathundaya dheemahi
Thanno danthi prachodayath.

Om That Purushaya Vidhmahe Maha Senaya Dheemahe
Thanno Shanmuga Prachodayath

Om That Purushaya Vidhmahe Maha Devaya Dheemahe
Thanno Rudra Prachodayath

Aum Panchavaktraya Vidmahe Mahadevaya Dhimahi
Tanno Rudrah Prachodayat
5. Sri Nandeeswarar Gayathri
ஸ்ரீ நந்தீஸ்வரர் காயத்ரி

Om Thath purushaya Vidhmahe Chakrathundaya Dheemahe
Thanno Nandi Prachodayath.

Om Narayanaya Vidhmahe Vasudevaya Dheemahe
Thanno Viṣṇu Prachodayath.
9. Sri Srinivasa Gayathri
ஸ்ரீ ஸ்ரீனிவாச காயத்ரி

Nirnajanaya Vidmahe Nirapasaya Dheemahe
Thanno Srinivasa Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the god who is eternal truth and who does not have attachments. Let Him give me higher intellect. And let God Srinivasa illuminate my mind.

Om Dhamodharaya Vidhmahe Rukmani Vallabhay Dheemahe
Thanno Krishna Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the god whose belly was tied by a rope. Oh, consort of Rukhmani, give me higher intellect. And let God Krishna illuminate my mind.

Om Dasarathaya Vidhmahe Sita Vallabhaya Dheemahe
Thanno Rama Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the son of Daṣaratha. Oh, consort of Sita, give me higher intellect. And let God Rāma illuminate my mind.

Om Narasimhaya Vidmahe Vajra Nakhaya Dheemahe
Thanno Narasimha Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the god who is the lion man. Oh, God who has diamond claws, give me higher intellect. And let God Narasimha illuminate my mind.
13. Sri Hayagrivar Gayathri

தந்நோ ஹம்ச ப்ரசோதயாத்
Om Vaniswaraya Vidmahe Haya Greevaya Dheemahe
Thanno Hayagreeva Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the god of learning. Oh, God who has a horse face, give me higher intellect. And let God Hayagreeva illuminate my mind.
14. தன்வந்திரி காயத்ரி
Dhanvanthri Gayathri

ஓம் வாசுதேவாய வித்மஹே சுதாஹஸ்தாய தீமஹி
தந்நோ தன்வந்திரி ப்ரசோதயாத்
ஓம் தத் புருஷாய வித்மஹே அமிர்த கலச ஹஸ்தாய தீமஹி
தந்நோ தன்வந்திரி ப்ரசோதயாத்
“Om tat purushaaya vidmahae Amritha kalasa hastaaya dheemahi
Tanno Dhanvantri prachodayaat.”
I meditate upon Lord Dhanvantri who is the Supreme Being and holds a pot of immortal nectar in the hands. May the Lord dispel the darkness of ignorance and light the lamp of wisdom in my heart.

Om Sudharshanaya Vidmahe Maha Jwalaya Dheemahe
Thanno Chakra Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the holy wheel of Sudharshana. Oh, Wheel which has great brilliance, give me higher intellect. And let the wheel illuminate my mind.

Om Aanjaneyaya Vidhmahe Maha balaya Dheemahe
Thanno Hanumath Prachodayath.
He who was born from one of the five crossed over one of the five
and made a path through one of the five for the noble prince (Arya)
to the city and find the one who was born from one of the five
where he ‘let loose’/’set’ one of the five. He will always protect us.
Now it is left to the choice of the readers to guess who is described in the poetry.
Decoding the verses:-
Here 5 means 5 elements ( Pancha Bhootas)
He is the son of Vayu Bhagavan(Air, one of the 5 elements) वायु:
leaped into the Sky(आकाश)..crossing the ocean(water) अप: to reach Sita Dhevi (who was born to the earth पृथ्वी:…(another element of the 5) .and last ignited Fire ( अग्नि,) another..element of the 5 into a distant land .and this …………… Would definitely protect us
goes the meaning of the sloka..
Yes it is Ram Bakth Hanuman to be filled in the blank

Om Thathpurushaya Vidhmahe Suvarna Pakshaya Dheemahe
Thanno Garuda Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on that great living being. Oh, Bird with golden wings, give me higher intellect. And let the God Garuda illuminate my mind.

Om Thulsi devyai cha Vidhmahe Vishnu priyayai cha Dheemahe
Thanno Brindah Prachodayath.
ஓம் துளசி தேவ்யைச்ச வித்மஹே விஷ்ணு பத்னைஸ்ச தீமஹி
தந்நோ பிரிந்த ப்ரசோதயாத்
Om, Let me meditate on the Goddess Thulsi. Oh, Goddess who is dear to Vishnu, give me higher intellect. And let Brindha (another name for Tulsi plant) illuminate my mind.

Om Mahadevyaicha Vidhmahe Vishnu Pathniyaicha Dheemahe
Thanno Lakshmi Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the greatest goddess. Oh, wife of Lord Vishnu, give me higher intellect. And let Goddess Lakshmi illuminate my mind.

Om Vakdeviyai cha Vidhmahe Virinji Pathniyai cha Dheemahe
Thanno Vani Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the goddess of speech. Oh, wife of Lord Brahma, give me higher intellect. And let Goddess Vani illuminate my mind.

ஓம் ஆதித்யாயச சோமாய மங்களாய புதாயச
குரு சுக்ர சனிஸ்வராய ராகுவே கேதுவே நமஹ
Om Bhaskaraya Vidhmahe Divakaraya DheemaheThanno Surya Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the Sun God. Oh, maker of the day, give me higher intellect. And let Sun God illuminate my mind.
Om Padmadwajaya Vidhmahe Hema roopaya Dheemahe
Thanno Chandra Prachodayath.Om, Let me meditate on God who has lotus in his flag. Oh, God of golden colour, give me higher intellect. And let moon God illuminate my mind.
ஓம் க்ஷீர புத்ராய வித்மஹே அமிர்தத்தவாய தீமஹிதந்நோ சந்திர ப்ரசோதயாத்Om Kshira puthraya Vidhmahe Amrithathvaya DheemaheThanno Chandra Prachodayath.
Om veeradhwajaaya vidmahae vighna hastaaya dheemahitanno bhouma prachodayaathOm, Let me meditate on him who has hero in his flag. Oh, He who has power to solve problems, give me higher intellect. And let the son of Bhoomi God illuminate my mind.
Om gajadhwajaaya vidmahae sukha hastaaya dheemahi
tanno budha: prachodayaath
Om vrishabadhwajaaya vidmahae kruni hastaaya dheemahi
tanno guru: prachodayaath.
Om aswadhwajaaya vidmahae dhanur hastaaya dheemahi
tanno shukra: prachodayaath
Om kaakadhwajaaya vidmahae khadga hastaaya dheemahi
tanno mandah: prachodayaath
Om naakadhwajaaya vidmahae padma hastaaya dheemahi
tanno raahu: prachodayaath
Om aswadhwajaaya vidmahae soola hastaaya dheemahi
tanno ketu: prachodayaath
Om Jala bimbhaya Vidhmahe Nila Purushaya Dheemahe
Thanno Varuna Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the reflection of water. Oh, person of ocean blue, give me higher intellect. And let the God Varuna illuminate my mind.
Om Maha jwalaya Vidhmahe Agni devaya Dheemahe
Thanno Agni Prachodayath.
Om, Let me meditate on the great flame. Oh, God of fire, give me higher intellect. And let the God Agni illuminate my mind.
37. Vayu Gayathri
வாயு காயத்ரி
ஓம் துவஜ ஹஸ்தாய வித்மஹே பிராணாதிபாய தீமஹி
தந்நோ வாயு பிரச்தயாத்
ohm dhwaja hasthaaya vithmahe praanathipaaya dheemahi
Thanno vayu prachothayathu
Om, Let me meditate on the one who dwajam in his hands. Oh, God of prana (breath), give me higher intellect. And let the God Vayu illuminate my mind.

Om, Let me meditate on The God who is the soul of Vedas. Oh God, who is the Golden Egg (Creator) of the universe, give me higher intellect, And let the Lord Brahma illuminate my mind.
Om, Let me meditate on the God with four faces. Oh, God who rides on the Swan, give me higher intellect. And let the Lord Brahma illuminate my mind.
There is a simple mantra to pray to all Gods.
"Sarva Devata Prayer".
This mantra is a simple and powerful way to offer respect and seek blessings from all the deities in the Hindu pantheon.
ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु।मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
Om. Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Sarve Santu Niraamayaah
Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih
Translation: May all beings be happy. May all beings be healthy. May all beings experience prosperity. May none in the world suffer. Let peace prevail everywhere.
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