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Reciting "Kolaru Pathikam" removes all our troubles due to various grahams. Let us hear it now in the link below:
In this fifth Anuvaka Rudra’s existence in running waters is praised and his five activities are described (creation of the universe, preservation of it, destruction at the time of Pralaya, bondage in ignorance and the release of moksha).
From here upto the mantra ‘Draape’, all the mantras have ‘Nama:’ at the beginning only. These are hence called ‘Anyato Namaskara mantras’ (one sided). In these Anuvakams, from one ’Nama:’ upto the occurrence of the next ‘Nama:’, it should be treated as one mantra; i.e. ‘नमो भवाय च रुद्राय च ।‘ is one mantra; the next mantra is ‘नमः शर्वाय च पशुपतये च‘. Similarly the following mantras must be considered. In order to make it clear that ‘Nama:’ is treated as adjunct of every descriptive term, ‘cha’ is added to every word.
Anuvagam 5 of 11
Following is a link to Rudra Prasnam by Jagadguru Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Mahaswamiji of Sringeri in his own holy voice:Mantra 1
नमो भवाय च रुद्राय च ।
namo bhavaaya cha rudraaya cha̱
Prostrations to Parameswara, Who is the cause of birth of the universe, remover of misery of samsara and bestower of moksha.
Mantra 2Prostrations to Parameswara, Who is the cause of birth of the universe, remover of misery of samsara and bestower of moksha.
नमश्शर्वाय च पशुपतये च ।
nama̍ sarvaaya cha pasupathaye cha
Prostration to Parameswara, Who is in everything, Who the lord of all beings, called ‘Pasu’ and Who troubles everyone with His Maya.
Prostration to Parameswara, Who is in everything, Who the lord of all beings, called ‘Pasu’ and Who troubles everyone with His Maya.
In these two mantras, Parameswara, who performs the five functions of creation (Srushti), protection (Sthiti), destruction (Samharam), concealment (Tirodhanam) and grace (Anugraham) is worshipped. By ‘Bhavaya’ is meant that he is the cause of creation; ‘Rudraya’ refers to his being the cause of moksha; ‘Sarvaya’ the cause of destruction; ‘Pasupataye’ the cause of bondage as well as protection. ‘Tirodhana’ means bondage and ‘Anugraha’ is moksha (Liberation).
Mantra 3
नमो नीलग्रीवाय च शितिकण्ठाय च ।
namo neelagreevaayacha sithikantaaya cha
नमो नीलग्रीवाय च शितिकण्ठाय च ।
namo neelagreevaayacha sithikantaaya cha
Prostration to Parameswara Who has a blue throat (after swallowing Kalakuta poison) and to Him Who also has a white throat (before consuming the poison).
Prostration to Parameswara Who has a blue throat (after swallowing Kalakuta poison) and to Him Who also has a white throat (before consuming the poison).
This mantra brings out the compassion of Sri Parameswara in protecting the worlds by consuming the poison, without bothering about disfiguring his throat.
Mantra 4
नमः कपर्दिने च व्युप्तकेशाय च ।
nama̍ kapardhine cha vyupthakesaaya cha
Prostration to Parameswara with matted locks and Who is also of Sanyasi form with clean shaven head.
Prostration to Parameswara with matted locks and Who is also of Sanyasi form with clean shaven head.
‘Kapardi’ means one who has adorable matted locks. This serves to remind of the greatness that a part of these matted locks became ‘Virabhadra’, who destroyed Dakska’s yagna. Sruti states the characteristics of Sanyasis, who are Paramahamsas: ‘They sport shaven heads; they wear saffron coloured clothes; their hair and yagnopavita is Atma gnana’. He took the forms of Sankaracharya and appeared as clean shaven also.
‘Kapardi’ means one who has adorable matted locks. This serves to remind of the greatness that a part of these matted locks became ‘Virabhadra’, who destroyed Dakska’s yagna. Sruti states the characteristics of Sanyasis, who are Paramahamsas: ‘They sport shaven heads; they wear saffron coloured clothes; their hair and yagnopavita is Atma gnana’. He took the forms of Sankaracharya and appeared as clean shaven also.
Mantra 5
नमस्सहस्राक्षाय च शतधन्वने च ।
nama sahasraakshaaya cha satha dhanvane cha
Prostration to Parameswara, Who has thousands of eyes, i.e. the Omnicient, capable of perceiving everything directly and the One with hundreds of bows.
Prostration to Parameswara, Who has thousands of eyes, i.e. the Omnicient, capable of perceiving everything directly and the One with hundreds of bows.
Sri Parameswara has many bows like Pranava (Omkara), Veda, Meru Mountain, Pinakam (bow in his hand) etc. It is stated in Mahabharata that during Tripurasamhara, Sri Parameswara used Meru Mountain as bow and Vishnu as arrow and again, Omkara as bow and Savitri as bow-string.
Sri Parameswara has many bows like Pranava (Omkara), Veda, Meru Mountain, Pinakam (bow in his hand) etc. It is stated in Mahabharata that during Tripurasamhara, Sri Parameswara used Meru Mountain as bow and Vishnu as arrow and again, Omkara as bow and Savitri as bow-string.
Mantra 6
नमो गिरिशाय च शिपिविष्टाय च ।
namo girishaaya cha sipivishtaaya cha
Prostration to Parameswara, Who lives in Kailasa, Who is of the form of Maha vishnu.
Prostration to Parameswara, Who lives in Kailasa, Who is of the form of Maha vishnu.
Mantra 7
नमो मीढुष्टमाय चेषुमते च ।
namo meedhushtamaaya cheshumathe ca
Prostration to Parameswara, Who has excellent arrows; Who is in the form of Hiranyagarbha, the creator of universe, or, in the form of clouds showering heavy rains,
Prostration to Parameswara, Who has excellent arrows; Who is in the form of Hiranyagarbha, the creator of universe, or, in the form of clouds showering heavy rains,
The terms ‘Girisa’, ‘Sipivishta’ and ‘Meedhushtama’ denote that Parameswara is in the form of the Trinity- Rudra, Vishnu and Brahma respectively.
The terms ‘Girisa’, ‘Sipivishta’ and ‘Meedhushtama’ denote that Parameswara is in the form of the Trinity- Rudra, Vishnu and Brahma respectively.
Mantra 8
नमो ह्रस्वाय च वामनाय च ।
namo hrasvaaya cha vaamanaaya cha̱
Prostration to Parameswara, Who is in a small form, with small limbs.
Prostration to Parameswara, Who is in a small form, with small limbs.
‘Hrasva’ signifies ‘Daharopasyamurthi’ (Form to be worshipped in the heart-space); ‘Vamana’ refers to the form of Mahaganapathi.
‘Hrasva’ signifies ‘Daharopasyamurthi’ (Form to be worshipped in the heart-space); ‘Vamana’ refers to the form of Mahaganapathi.
Mantra 9
नमो बृहते च वर्षीयसे च ।
namo bhruhathe cha varsheeyase cha
Prostration to Parameswara, Who is of large form, with noble qualities.
Prostration to Parameswara, Who is of large form, with noble qualities.
बृहत्’ has also been interpreted as one in the form of Parabrahman, who is present at all times and in all places.
बृहत्’ has also been interpreted as one in the form of Parabrahman, who is present at all times and in all places.
Mantra 10
नमो वृद्धाय च संवृध्वने च ।
namo vruddhaaya cha samvrdhvane cha
Prostration to Parameswara, Who is the aged one, adored by unique songs of praise.
‘वृद्धः’ means that he is very old, ( Aadi or the eldest) as he is worshipped by all others and he does not worship anyone else. It does not mean that many years have passed since his birth. ‘संवृध्वा’ means that he grows, being worshipped with unique songs of praise, not applicable to other Devatas. It is also interpreted as one who bestows the desired objects on his devotees and grows them.
‘वृद्धः’ means that he is very old, ( Aadi or the eldest) as he is worshipped by all others and he does not worship anyone else. It does not mean that many years have passed since his birth. ‘संवृध्वा’ means that he grows, being worshipped with unique songs of praise, not applicable to other Devatas. It is also interpreted as one who bestows the desired objects on his devotees and grows them.
Mantra 11
नमो अग्रियाय च प्रथमाय च ।
namo agriyaaya cha prathamaaya cha
Prostration to Parameswara, Who has been in existence prior to the birth of the world, Who is the first in comparison with all others.
Prostration to Parameswara, Who has been in existence prior to the birth of the world, Who is the first in comparison with all others.
This means that Parameswara is the cause of all universe. Though his being the cause of the universe is taught through ‘नमो भवाय च’, it is conveyed here that Parameswara is indeed the cause of even Hiranyagarbha, who is considered as the cause of the universe.
This means that Parameswara is the cause of all universe. Though his being the cause of the universe is taught through ‘नमो भवाय च’, it is conveyed here that Parameswara is indeed the cause of even Hiranyagarbha, who is considered as the cause of the universe.
Mantra 12
नम आशवे चाजिराय च ।
nama aasave chaajiraaya cha
Prostration to Parameswara, Who is all-pervasive, Who is master in going everywhere.
Prostration to Parameswara, Who is all-pervasive, Who is master in going everywhere.
Mantra 13
नमश्शीघ्रियाय च शीभ्याय च ।
nama sheeghriyaaya cha sheebhyaaya cha
Prostration to Parameswara, Who is present in waters travelling fast, Who is present in large masses of flowing waters.
Prostration to Parameswara, Who is present in waters travelling fast, Who is present in large masses of flowing waters.
Mantra 14
नम ऊर्म्याय चावस्वन्याय च ।
nama Uurmyaaya chaavasvanyaaya cha
Prostration to Parameswara, Who is the one present in roaring waves and is present in still waters, making no sound.
Prostration to Parameswara, Who is the one present in roaring waves and is present in still waters, making no sound.
Mantra 15
नमस्स्रोतस्याय च द्वीप्याय च ।
nama̍ strothasyaaya cha dveepyaaya cha ||
Prostration to Parameswara, Who is present in small flows of water, present in lands where water flows around in two parts, or, present in places like ‘Jambudvipa’.
The essential import of the 14th and 15th mantras is that Sri Parameswara pervades everywhere and it is only his power which fills all places.
Before we exit this Anuvagam, let us listen to Kanchi Periyava on Lord Shiva:
The essential import of the 14th and 15th mantras is that Sri Parameswara pervades everywhere and it is only his power which fills all places.
Before we exit this Anuvagam, let us listen to Kanchi Periyava on Lord Shiva:
Anuvagam 6 of 11
In the sixth Anuvaka Rudra is identified with time (Kalarupa). He is described as the source of the different worlds, Shrutis (Vedas) and its essence in Vedanta. The fifth and sixth Anuvakas are said to provide expansion of one’s own assets, victory against enemies, blessings for a son with the stature of Rudra, avoidance of a miscarriage and easy childbirth, averting difficult astrology and protection of one’s own son.
Mantra 1
नमो ज्येष्ठाय च कनिष्ठाय च ।
namo jyeshtaaya cha kanishtaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is of the form the eldest, superior in learning and to the youngest, with no prowess.
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is of the form the eldest, superior in learning and to the youngest, with no prowess.
Mantra 2
नमः पूर्वजाय चापराजाय च ।
nama̍ poorvajaaya cha aparajaaya cha
nama̍ poorvajaaya cha aparajaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is the first cause of everything during creation and would remain as the last One (after pralaya).
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is the first cause of everything during creation and would remain as the last One (after pralaya).
Mantra 3
नमो मध्यमाय चापगल्भाय च ।
namo madhymaaya cha apagalbhaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is middle aged and also in the form of a young boy.
‘मध्यमाय’ has also been interpreted as one who takes the forms of beings in the intermediate stage between creation and destruction.
Mantra 4
नमो जघन्याय च बुध्नियाय च ।
namo jaghanyaaya cha budhniyaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is the One in the form of calf etc. appearing from the rear of cow etc., and the One in the form of root etc. appearing in the bottom of tree etc.
Mantra 5
नमस्सोभ्याय च प्रतिसर्याय च ।
nama̍ sobhyaaya cha pratisaryaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who appeared in the world of human, प्रतिसर्याय च- to Easwara present in the universe of moving beings.
As per the Vedic saying, world of human is called "Sobha", as both sin and religious merit are found here. ’प्रतिसरः’ has two meanings: the moving universe capable of shifting from place to place; the sacred thread of protection tied on the hand on auspicious occasions like marriage etc. The import is that Sri Parameswara is the inner presence protecting all materials.
Mantra 6
नमो याम्याय च क्षेम्याय च ।
namo yaamyaaya cha kshemyaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is present in Yamaloka and also in Swargaloka.
Alternatively ‘यमः’ has been interpreted as the time of death and ‘क्षेमः’ as protection, moksha and secret place; this leads to the interpretation of Parameswara as one who appears at the last moment of life, protector, bestower of moksha and one whose abode is secret.
Mantra 7
नम उर्वर्याय च खल्याय च ।
nama urvaryaaya cha khalyaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who stays in a place full of all food grains and also is in the threshing floor, where grains are separated from the plants.
Mantra 8
नमः श्लोक्याय चावसान्याय च ।
nama slokyaaya cha avasaanyaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is extolled by all Vedic mantras and also exists in the Upanishads which occur at the end of Vedas.
Mantra 9
नमो वन्याय च कक्ष्याय च ।
namo vanyaaya cha kakshyaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is in the form of trees in the forest and also in the form of plants, creepers etc. in bushes.
Mantra 10
नमः श्रवाय च प्रतिश्रवाय च ।
nama̍ sravaaya cha prathiaravaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is in the form of sound and also in the form of echo, the reflection of sound.
Mantra 11
नम आशुषेणाय चाशुरथाय च ।
nama aasushenaaya cha ashurathaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who has fast moving army as also a fast moving chariot.
Mantra 12
नमः शूराय चावभिन्दते च ।
nama sooraya cha avabhindathe cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is valorous and Who punishes those who spoil dharma.
Mantra 13
नमो वर्मिणे च वरूथिने च ।
namo varmine cha varoodhine cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is wears armour and Who protects the charioteer.
There is a place in the chariot called ‘वरूथं’, which is meant for protecting the charioteer in times of emergency. ‘वरूथं’ can also mean excellent home. This leads to the meaning that Parameswara has excellent home.
Mantra 14
नमो बिल्मिने च कवचिने च ।
namo bilmine cha kavachine cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who has helmet for protecting the head in times of war and Who is fully covered with armour.
वर्म- the dress worn upto the waist. कवचम्- the dress worn upto the ankle. Or, the two words can also mean the mantra, yantra and tantra for protecting the body respectively.
Mantra 15
नमः श्रुताय च श्रुतसेनाय च ।
nama̍ sru̱thaaya cha sruthasenaaya cha ||
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is famous in Vedas and Who has famous armies.
Anuvagam 7 of 11.
In the seventh Anuvakam Rudra's all-pervading presence in waters, rains, clouds, storms and its various forms are described. This Anuvaka is chanted for the increase of intelligence, improvement of health, wealth, progeny, clothes, cows, sons, education, lands, longevity and obtaining liberation.
Mantra 1
नमो दुन्दुभ्याय चाहनन्याय च ।
Mantra 3
namo dundubhyaaya cha ahananyaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is present in drum instrument and also in the stick used for beating the drum.
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is present in drum instrument and also in the stick used for beating the drum.
In this seventh Anuvakam also, Sri Parameswara is adored as One who is in the hearts of all beings and is indeed all.
Mantra 2
नमो धृष्णवे च प्रमृशाय च ।
namo dhrushnave cha pramrusaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who does not run away from battle showing his back and knows the intricacies of the opposing army.
Mantra 3
नमो दूताय च प्रहिताय च ।
namo doothaaya cha prahithaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is proficient as an ambassador (in conveying our message to others) and getting to know of their intent and to one who is sent by the master for fulfilling a task.
Mantra 4
नमो निषङ्गिणे चेषुधिमते च ।
namo nishangigane cha eshudhimathe cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who holds sword and also the holder of quiver of arrows.
Mantra 5
नमस्तीक्ष्णेषवे चायुधिने च ।
nama sthikshneshave cha aayudhine cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who holds sharp arrows and many other weapons.
Mantra 6
नमस्स्वायुधाय च सुधन्वने च ।
nama̍ svaayudhaaya cha sudhanvane cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who holds of superior weapons and superior bow.
Mantra 7
नमस्स्रुत्याय च पथ्याय च ।
nama sruthyaaya cha padhyaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is capable of navigating in narrow pathways (fit for only one person to walk) and also in the broadway where chariot etc. can easily travel.
Mantra 8
नमः काट्याय च नीप्याय च ।
nama̍ kaatyaaya cha neepyaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is in the form of small canals and also as large streams.
Mantra 9
नमस्सूद्याय च सरस्याय च ।
nama soodhyaaya cha sarasyaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is present in muddy waters and also in clean lakes.
Mantra 10
नमो नाद्याय च वैशन्ताय च ।
namo naadhyaaya cha vaisanthaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is present in free flowing rivers and also in stagnant waters in lakes.
Mantra 11
नमः कूप्याय चावट्याय च ।
nama koopyaaya cha avadyaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is present in big wells and also in (narrow) ditches.
Mantra 12
नमो वर्ष्याय चावर्ष्याय च ।
namo varshyaaya cha ava̱rshyaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is the cause of and is present in rain waters and also in ocean waters, which does not depend on rain.
Mantra 13
नमो मेघ्याय च विद्युत्याय च ।
namo meghyaaya cha vidhyuthyaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is present in the cloud and also in lightning.
Mantra 14
नम ईध्रियाय चातप्याय च ।
nama eedhriyaaya cha athapyaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is present in the silver clouds of the autumn season (non-rain-bearing) and also in the moist-free dry heat of the Sun, as in summer.
Mantra 15
नमो वात्याय च रेष्मियाय च ।
namo vaathyaaya cha remishyaaya cha
Prostrations to Parameswara Who is present in rains with mild winds and also in heavy rains of hailstorms.
Mantra 16
नमो वास्तव्याय च वास्तुपाय च ।
namo vaasthavyaaya cha vaasthupaaya cha ||
Prostrations to Parameswara, Who is present in dwellings of the rich, with cows and horses and protects the plot of the land, meant for constructing house, as its Vasthu Devata.
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