Blogs on Hindu Vedic Culture

Sunday, February 4, 2024



Hi Viewer,

Welcome to my blog on Sri Suktham, the auspecious hymn addressed to Goddess Mahalakshmi, the bestower of wealth, prosperity, fertility and nourisher of the three worlds. 


Sri Suktam is one of the pancha suktas - Purusha Suktam, Narayana Suktam, Sri Suktam, Bhu Suktam and Nila Suktam.

Sri Suktam is found at the end of the fifth mandala and before the commencement of the sixth mandala of Rig Veda. The significance of this hymn is that this is the hymn which was uttered by sages for the manifestation of Lakshmi during Samudra Manthan, as per Padma Purana.

As per Vishnu Purana, Lord Narayana and Goddess Lakshmi are like fire and heat, flower and fragrance, oil and greasiness, water and liquidity, sun and light, etc. And by such comparisons it is made out that the two are in fact One Being envisaged as twofold for meditation and worship. Thus the Sri Sukta is the invocation of Lord Narayana Himself. While Narayana is the Prakasa, Lakshni is adored as the Prakriti. Lakshmi ashtottharam begins with the name "Prakṛti" -  प्रकृत्यै नमः om prakṛtyai namaḥ. Lalitha Sahasranama also begins with the words "Sri Mata". Generally, 'Sri'  represents abundance of all things pleasant and desirable. Sri and Lakshmi are synonyms. Just as the word "OHM" represents spiritual side of life, the word "SRI" represents the material side.

Let us hear this lovely rendering, inviting Goddess Lakshmi, before proceeding further:

"Shreeyate sarvaiH iti ShreeH" – Shree is that cosmic energy who is the refuge of all creatures. She exists as life and intellect, the greatest of all wealths, in every being. 

"Ya Devi sarva bhooteshu laksmi roopena samsthitaa" - Markandeya Pruanam.         I bow down to that great goddess who is present as Lakshmi in all creatures. 

Shree not only means the goddess of wealth, but also signifies the magnanimous aspect of Sridevi as the mother of the cosmos.

Each mantra of this Sukta has a different Rishi (seer), Chandas (metre), Devi (deity) and Viniyoga (ritual application). If we consider the entire Sukta as a whole, then the Rishis are: Ananda, Chikleeta, Kardama, Shreeda and Indira, who are said to be the sons of goddess Lakshmi.

Sri Suktham consisits of 15 verses, each praising the various aspects of Goddess Lakshmi, the first seven verses describing the physical attributes of the goddess, while the remaining verses describe the benefits of worshipping Her. Each of the 15 verses refer to one lunar tithi. The first verse is for Prathama tithi and 15th verse is for full moon (pūrṇimā) or new moon (amāvāsya), the 15th tithi. It is also said that Sri Suktham subtly conveys 53 of Her names. Several more verses are added to the original 15 verses in course of time.

Goddess Lakshmī’s complexion is hiraṇyavarṇa and Goddess Lalitha's complexion is red. Goddess Saraswathi's complexion is white. Lakshmi has gold complexion because She represents wealth, which is in the form of gold. Lalitha's red complexion represents compassion. Goddess Saraswathi's white complexion, indicates satva guna or pure knowledge.

With this introduction, we move on to the main contents of Sri Suktham and its meaning. You can listen to Sri Suktham recital in the following link:

Sri in Sri Suktam is referred in a broader sense as "Eshwarim Sarvabhutanam", the supreme ruler of all creations and not just limited as the consort of Vishnu. She is portrayed here as "Triyambika", Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswathi. She is the embodiment of all tattvas and is therefore the Prakriti, the gross earth principle. She is variedly depicted symbolically in Sri Suktam as Gold, Chandra, Bilva, Lotus, Fertility, wet (Ardra), muddy (Kardama), fertile (Chiklita) soil, Cow etc. She is said to be very sensitive and leaves quickly upon committing any sinful activity- "Anapa Gamini". Sri Suktam  is a  prayer to Her to permanently stay with us. 

"Sri, when personified as goddess, is described as radiant;  shining like gold; decorated with splendid ornaments; wearing a brilliant crown;  seated on a magnificent lotus-throne studded with gems; holding freshly blossomed beautiful lotus flowers; and, served by a pair of elephants pouring over her golden pots of nectar".

Sri Suktham

Verse 1 

हिरण्यवर्णां हरिणीं सुवर्णरजतस्रजाम् 
चन्द्रां हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीं जातवेदो  आवह ॥१॥

Om Hiranya Varnaam Harineem Suvarna Rajata Srajaam 
Chandraam Hiranmayeem Lakshmeem Jaatavedo Ma Aa Vaha 

ஹிரண்யவர்ணாம் ஹரிணீம் ஸுவர்ணரஜதஸ்ரஜாம் |
சந்த்ராம் ஹிரண்மயீம் லக்ஷ்மீம் ஜாதவேதோ ம ஆவஹ

Vedas have Yagna (fire sacrifice) as their very basic foundation. All offerings to various deities are normally routed through the medium of fire, (Agni or the Yagna Purusha). Here Agni is referred to as Jataveda, the knower of the Vedas. The verse starts by requesting Agni to bring Lakshmi, who shines like a gold, who is like an attractive female deer (Harineem). Lakshmi is transitory and is difficult to retain in one place, much like the fleeting deer. Lakshmi sahasranam starts with "Nithyagatha" always transiting in nature. She wears a garland made of gold and silver. She shines like a moon and is pleasantly delightful and hence addressed as Chandraa. One form of Sri Vidhya, which follows the Moon's thithi (kala) is known as Chandra Vidhya. Let us meditate on Goddes Lakshmi as seated in the lunar disc with an enchanting golden lustre. 

"The intellect in the mind, the light in the sun, the shine in the moon, the luster in the gold, the butter in milk, all these are forms of Sri Mahalakshmi" - Agasthya.

Verse 2

तां  आवह जातवेदो लक्ष्मीमनपगामिनीम् 
यस्यां हिरण्यं विन्देयं गामश्वं पुरुषानहम् ॥२॥ 

Taam Ma Aaavaha Jaatavedo Lakshmeem anapagaamineem 
Yasyaam Hiranyam Vindeyam Gaamashvam Purushaanaham 

தாம் ம ஆவஹ ஜாதவேதோ லக்ஷ்மீம் அனபகாமிநீம் |
யஸ்யாம் ஹிரண்யம் விந்தேயம் காமஶ்வம் புருஷானஹ

Hey Agni, please bring me that Lakshmi, who will reside with me for ever, (without leaving me at anytime). By Her presence with me, I shall get gold, Which represents wealth such as cows, horses and men. Men here refers to children, friends, servants and good family. Wealth is in the form of Sthavara (immovable) jangamam (movable), which accompanies Lakshmi, wherever She is.

Verse 3

अश्वपूर्वां रथमध्यां हस्तिनादप्रबोधिनीम् 

श्रियं देवीमुपह्वये श्रीर्मा देवी जुषताम् ॥३॥ 

Ashva Purvaam Ratha Madhyaam Hastinaada Pramodineem ।
Shriyam Deveemupahvaye Shreermaa Devee Jushataam ॥3॥

அஸ்வபூர்வாம் தமத்யாம் ஹஸ்தினாத-ப்ரபோதினீம் |
ஶ்ரியம் தேவீம் உபஹ்வயே ஶ்ரீர்மாதேவீ ஜுஷதாம் ||

In the earlier verses, the devotee requests Agni deva to bring Sri Devi to him. In this verse, his wish is fulfilled. Lakshmi arrives in a grand procession, in which She is found in a chariot drawn by horses (in front of Her) and elephants backing up, announcing Her arrival through trumpeting. The devotee now invites Sri Devi to come in and stay with him permanently. The esoterinc meaning is that with the help of the five indriyas (horses), Sri Devi can be invited to reside in the heart (Chariot, Ratha) of the devotee for ever. Such devotees will be able to hear trumpeting sounds thro' yogic practices.

Verse 4

कां सोस्मितां हिरण्यप्राकारामार्द्रां ज्वलन्तीं तृप्तां तर्पयन्तीम् 
पद्मे स्थितां पद्मवर्णां तामिहोपह्वये श्रियम् ॥४॥

Kaam Sosmitaam Hiranyapraakaaraam Aardraam
Jvalanteem Triptaam Tarpayanteem ।
Padme Sthitaam Padma Varnaam Taamihopahvaye Shriyam ॥4॥

காம் ஸோஸ்மிதாம் ஹிரண்யப்ராகாராம் ஆர்த்ராம் 
ஜ்வலம்தீம் த்ருப்தாம் தர்பயந்தீம் |
பத்மே ஸ்திதாம் பத்மவர்ணாம் தாமிஹோபஹ்வயே ஶ்ரியம் ||

Lakshmi is the Parabrahman represented by the letter "Kaa", which is the first letter of the Panch-dasakshari mantram of Devi. She sports an ever smiling composure (Smitha), an eternal source of happiness. She has a lustrous  complexion like that of gold. She is cool with continuous flow of compassion. (She is "nityaklinna"- ever cool like water, also called as "Sheetala")She is bright and shining as the fire. She remains satisfied always (triptaam) and keeps all Her devotees fully satisfied (tarpayanteem). (Devi is "nityatripta" as described in Lalitha Sahasranamam). She is seated on a lotus and appears of the same colour as the lotus (She resides in the lotus hearts of Her devotees). I invite that Lakshmi to reside with me always.

Verse 5

चन्द्रां प्रभासां यशसा ज्वलन्तीं श्रियं लोके देवजुष्टामुदाराम् 
तां पद्मिनीमीं शरणमहं प्रपद्येऽलक्ष्मीर्मे नश्यतां त्वां वृणे ॥५॥

Chandraam Prabhaasaam Yashasaa Jvalanteem
Shriyam Loke Devajushtaam udaaraam ।
Taam Padmineemeem Sharanam Prapadye
Alakshmeerme Nashyataam Tvaam Vrine ॥5॥

சந்த்ராம் ப்ரபாஸாம் யஶஸா ஜ்வலந்தீம் ஶ்ரியம் லோகே தேவஜுஷ்டாம் உதாராம் |
தாம் பத்மினீமீம் ஶரணமஹம் ப்ரபத்யே‌ அலக்ஷ்மீர்மே நஶ்யதாம் த்வாம் வ்ருணே |

Both Lakshmi and Chandra were born out of the Milky Ocean, during Samudra Mandan exercise. She is "Chandrasahodari" and shines like a thousand moons. 

She is well known to everyone like a bright light, dispelling gloom and darkness all around. She is the only refuge for all the beings in the world. She is always with Hari (Deva) right from the time of raising from the Ocean. She is very generous with Her devotees. She is surrounded by lotuses of extreme beauty, purity and abundance. I prefer to surrender to You, Lakshmi, to get rid of my misfortune (Alaksmeem). 

Alaksmi also came out of the ocean of Milk, but before Laksmi emerged out during Samudra Mandan, and hence She is considered the elder sister of Lakshmi. Alakshmi got married to Kali Purusha (Kali Yuga) and has all the negative qualities. Alakshmi gave rise to the Halalhala poison. She is considered the cause of six types of miseries that haunt the world, namely, hunger, thirst, grief, delusion, decay and death. She can be driven away only by the grace of Lakshmi.

Verse 6

आदित्यवर्णे तपसोऽधिजातो वनस्पतिस्तव वृक्षोऽथ बिल्वः 
तस्य फलानि तपसानुदन्तु मायान्तरायाश्च बाह्या अलक्ष्मीः ॥६॥

Aaditya Varne Tapasoadhijaato VanaspatiStava Vrikshoatha Bilvah ।
Tasya Phalaani Tapasaa Nudantu 
Mayaantaraayaashcha Baahyaa Alakshmeeh ॥6॥

ஆதித்யவர்ணே தபஸோ‌திஜாதோ வனஸ்பதி: தவ வ்ருக்ஷோத பில்வ|
தஸ்ய பலாநி தபஸானுதந்து மாயாந்ராயாஶ்ச பாஹ்யா அலக்ஷ்மீ: ||

Lakshmi shines brightly like the white rays of the Sun. There are mentions in various Puranas that Lakshmi once did severe penance to obtain the blessings of Lord Shiva. Please by Her tapas, Lord Shiva presented Her with His favourite Bilva tree. Thus Bilva is associated with both Lakshmi as well as Lord Shiva. Bilva tree is referred here as Vanaspathi, the fruit without flower and also the fruit with several medicinal properties. Bilva "pathra" (leaf) has three "dhalas" representing Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. It is mentioned in this verse that Bilva fruit is capable of driving away our misfortunes. Specifically, it can drive away our internal misfortunes such as ignorance, ego, greed, lust etc and our external misfortunes such as poverty, sinful activities etc. We therefore pray to maa Lakshmi to grant us freedom from all misfortunes. 

      Bilvam                    Maha Bilvam

     Bilvashtakam opens with the verse hailing the virtues and powers of Bilva leaf 

Tridalam trigunaakaaram trinetram cha triyaayudham 
trijanma paapa samhaaram eka Bilvam ShivaarpaNam

"I offer the bilva patra to Shiva. This leaf embodies the three qualities of sattva, rajas and tamas. This leaf is like the three eyes, and the sun, moon and fire. It is like three weapons. It is the destroyer of sins committed in three earlier births."

Verse 7

उपैतु मां देवसखः कीर्तिश्च मणिना सह 
प्रादुर्भूतोऽस्मि राष्ट्रेऽस्मिन् कीर्तिमृद्धिं ददातु मे ॥७॥

Upaitu Maam Devasakhah Keertishcha Maninaa Saha ।
Praadurbhutoasmi Raashtreasmin Keertimriddhim Dadaatu Me ॥7॥

உபைது மாம் தேவஸக: கீர்திஶ்ச மணிநா ஸஹ |
ப்ராதுர்பூதோ‌ஸ்மி ராஷ்ட்ரே‌ஸ்மிந் கீர்திம்ருத்திம் ததாது மே ||

Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, is surrounded by few parivara devatas. We are requesting Lakshmi to bring them along with Her, when She arrives. Lord Kubera, a Yaksha, is one of them. He is otherwise known as  "Devasaha" - the friend of Lord Shiva. Kubera did severe penance to please Lord Shiva and obtained special status as the custodian of wealth, and consequently he is considered an important member of Lakshmi's parivar. Kirthi is yet another faminine devata, who is incharge of  fame and popularity. She is the daughter of Daksha and is married to Lord Yama. She is assisted by other devatas such as  Mati (intellect), Dyuti (brightness), Pushti (nutrition), Samriddhi (prosperity), Tushti (bliss arising out of satisfaction), Aarogya (health), Jayaa (victory) and Shraddhaa (devotion). There is one more devata referred in this verse, namely "Mani", may be a reference to "Manibhadra", a friend of Kubera or a reference to the wish fulfilling Chintamani gem. We pray to Lakshmi to bring Kuber, Kirthi and Mani to this kingdom of earth, where we are born, so that we can acquire fame and prosperity. 

Verse 8

क्षुत्पिपासामलां ज्येष्ठामलक्ष्मीं नाशयाम्यहम् 
अभूतिमसमृद्धिं  सर्वां निर्णुद मे गृहात् ॥८॥

KshutpipaasaaMalaam Jyeshthaam Alakshmeem Naashayaamyaham ।
Abhutima Samriddhim Cha Sarvaam Nirnuda Me Grihaat ॥8॥ 

க்ஷுத்பிபாஸாமலாம் ஜ்யேஷ்டாம் அலக்ஷீம் நாஶயாம்யஹம் |
அபூதிம் அஸம்ருத்திம் ச ஸர்வாம் நிர்ணுத மே க்ருஹாத் ||

In this verse, we pray to Sri Lakshmi to shower Her grace upon us, so that we can drive away pain and poverty from our homes. This can be done by getting rid of the elder sister of Sri Lakshmi, i.e. Alakshmi, who is the embodiment of all misfortunes, misery, hunger, poverty (Abhooti), difficulties in progressing (Asambhooti) etc. 

Verse 9

गन्धद्वारां दुराधर्षां नित्यपुष्टां करीषिणीम् 
ईश्वरींग् सर्वभूतानां तामिहोपह्वये श्रियम् ॥९॥

Gandha Dvaaraam Duraadharshaam Nitya Pushtaam Kareeshineem ।
Eshvareem Sarva Bhutaanaam Taamihopahvaye Shriyam ॥9॥

கந்தத்வாராம் துராதர்ஷாம் நித்யபுஷ்டாம் கரீஷிணீம் |
ஈஶ்வரீம் ஸர்வபூதானாம் தாமிஹோபஹ்வயே ஶ்ரியம் 

This verse further showers more praise on Lakshmi. She is Mother Nature, the one who grants entry to this earthly living. She is the mother of all. She forgives all our mistakes, treats everyone equally and has extreme patience, which are all the unique qualities of Mother Earth. Here mother Earth is indicated by the word "Gandha", the sense of smell, which is attriuted to Earth. Lakshmi is difficult to reach for the sinners but easily approacheable for devotees (Bhakthivasyaa - as per Lalitha Saharanamam). As Mother Earth, She has abundatnt resources with which She nourushes all (Nithyapushtaam) and also has the property to attract all, Aakarshana, or gravity (Kareeshineem). She is the Goddess (Eshvareem) of all creatures. Let us welcome that Sri Lakshmi into our home (Taam-Iha- Upahvaye).

Verse 10

मनसः  काममाकूतिं  वाचः सत्यमशीमहि ।
पशूनां  रूपमन्नस्य  मयि  श्रीः  श्रयतां  यशः ॥१०॥  

Manasah Kaamama akutim Vaachah Satya Masheemahi ।
Pashunaam Rupam Annasya Mayi Shreeh Shrayataam Yashah ॥10॥

மனஸ: காமமாகூதிம் வாச: ஸத்யம் அஶீமஹி | 
பஶூனாம் ரூபமன்யஸ்ய மயி ஶ்ரீ: ஶ்ரயதாம் யஶ: ||

My mind truly wishes to be with Sri Lakshmi and through my speach I intensely yearn to reach Her. Let my speach always contain truthfulness. Once Lakshmi comes to me, I will also get, along with Her,  all quantitative wealth such as cattle, food etc in plenty as also qualitative wealth such as beauty, honour, glory, fame etc, which all will surrender unto me because of Lakshmi.

Verse 11

कर्दमेन  प्रजाभूता  मयि  सम्भव  कर्दम ।
श्रियं  वासय  मे  कुले  मातरं  पद्ममालिनीम् ॥११॥

Kardamena Prajaabhutaa Mayi Sambhava Kardama ।
Shriyam Vaasaya Me Kule Maataram Padmamaalineem ॥11॥

கர்தமேன ப்ரஜாபூதா மயி ஸம்பவ கர்தம |
ஶ்ரியம் வாஸய மே குலே மாதரம் பத்மமாலிநீம் ||

This verse is addressed to Sage Kardama, the adopted son of Sri Lakshmi. Oh Kardama, please  permit your Mother, who is also the Mother of this universe, to reside in my home. Also please bless me so that Lakshmi, who wears the garland of lotuses, stays in my family lineage for ever.

Verse 12

आपः  सृजन्तु  स्निग्धानि  चिक्लीत  वस  मे  गृहे ।
नि    देवीं  मातरं  श्रियं  वासय  मे  कुले ॥१२॥

Aapah Srijantu Snigdhaani Chikleeta Vasa Me Grihe ।
Nicha Deveem Maataram Shriyam Vaasaya Me Kule ॥12॥

ஆப: ஸ்ருஜந்து ஸ்னிக்தானி சிக்லீத வஸ மே க்ருஹே |
நிச தேவீம் மாதரம் ஶ்ரியம் வாஸய மே குலே ||

This verse is addressed to Chiklitha, a sage and another son of Sri Lakshmi. By inviting Chiklitha to reside in our home, we can ensure that Lakshmi would follow Her favourite son into our home. Chiklitha means fertility in Sanskrit and denotes agricultural prosperity. We pray to Chiklitha to bring more rains (Apah) and create agricultural produce in plenty. We pray to Chiklitha to bring Lakshmi, the mother of  all creations and the source of prosperity, into our home and make Her stay in our lineage of future generations to come. 

Verse 13

आर्द्रां  पुष्करिणीं  पुष्टिं  पिङ्गलां  पद्ममालिनीम् ।
चन्द्रां  हिरण्मयीं  लक्ष्मीं  जातवेदो    आवह ॥१३॥

Aardraam Pushkarineem Pushtim Pingalaam Padma Maalineem ।
Chandraam Hiranmayeem Lakshmeem Jaatavedo Ma Aa Vaha ॥13॥

ஆர்த்ராம் புஷ்கரிணீம் புஷ்டிம் பிங்களாம் பத்மமாலிநீம் |
சந்த்ராம் ஹிரண்மயீம் லக்ஷ்மீம் ஜாவேதோ ம ஆவஹ ||

This verse is again addressed to Agni Deva, requesting him to bring Lakshmi Devi into our Home and make Her stay for ever. She is the most compassionate one, lives in the lotus flower, the nourisher of the whole world, of safron complexion and wearing garland of lotus. She is bright as (thousand) moon, and glitters like gold. 

Verse 14

आर्द्रां  यः  करिणीं  यष्टिं  सुवर्णां  हेममालिनीम् ।
सूर्यां  हिरण्मयीं  लक्ष्मीं  जातवेदो    आवह ॥१४॥

Aardraam Yah Karineem Yashtim Suvarnaam Hemamaalineem ।
Suryaam Hiranmayeem Lakshmeem Jaatavedo Ma Aa Vaha ॥14॥
ஆர்த்ராம் ய: கரிணீம் யஷ்டிம் ஸுவர்ணாம் ஹேமமாலினீம் |
ஸூர்யாம் ஹிரண்மயீம் லக்ஷ்மீம் ஜாதவேதோ ம ஆவஹ ||

This verse is also addressed to Agni deva requesting him to bring Lakshmi Devi into our Home and make Her stay for ever. She is the most compassionate one and brings us fame. She holds the staff, indicating She is the ruler of the world. She has a golden complexion and wears ornaments made of gold. She shines like (thousand) Sun of golden lustre. Oh Agni!. Please bring Her home.

Verse 15

तां    आवह  जातवेदो  लक्ष्मीमनपगामिनीम् ।
यस्यां  हिरण्यं  प्रभूतं  गावो  दास्योऽश्वान्  विन्देयं  पुरुषानहम् ॥१५॥

Taam Ma Aa Vaha Jaatavedo Lakshmeem anapa Gaamineem ।
Yasyaam Hiranyam Prabhutam Gaavo Daasyo 
Ashvaan Vindeyam Purushaanaham ॥15॥

தாம் ம ஆவஹ ஜாதவேதோ லக்ஷ்மீம் அநபகாமிநீம் |
யஸ்யாம் ஹிரண்யம் ப்ரபூதம் காவோ தாஸ்யோ‌ஶ்வான், விந்தேயம் புருஷாநஹம் ||

Oh Agni Deva! Please bring that Lakshmi to my home and make her stay with us      (including oue lineage) for ever, without leaving us. Through Her we shall get Gold, plenty of cattle, men to serve, horses etc in our family.


Om Mahalakshmyai Cha Vidmahe Vishnu Patnyais Cha Dheemahi  
Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayat

ஓம் மஹாலக்ஷ்மை ச வித்மஹே விஷ்ணுபத்ன்யை ச தீமஹி 
தன்னோ லக்ஷ்மீ ப்ரசோதயாத்

Let that Mahalakshmi is invoked on Whom I meditate upon, who is the consort of Lord Vishnu, the Supreme Mother. Let peace prevail everywhere.


Every religion in the world has a God dedicated to wealth and prosperity. The Greeks had Core, the corn-goddess, who was known to Romans as Demeter. The Egyptians had Isis, Sumerians had Innana, Babylonians had Ishtar, Persians had Anahita and Vikings had Freia. In inis, it is Lakshmi.

There are many incidences mentioned in ancient Hindu scriptures about the origin of Lakshmi. There are mentions of Lakshmi (Goddess of wealth) being different from Sri Mata, the mother of all creations. As per Skanda Purana, Goddess Laxmi is the daughter of Sage Bhrigu and Khyaati. Shatapatha Brahmana says Shri emerged from Prajapati (Brahma) after his intense meditation on the creation of life. Again, Goddess Lakshmi is said to be born during churning of Ocean, Samudra Manthan. Others opine that She is unborn, and is She is Adi Shakti. 

In most of the 15 slokams, it is mentioned that She is of Golden complexion, She is personification of Fertility, the Mother of all creatures, Highly compassionate, easily approachable to the devotees, but then the rider is that She is Anapagaminim, meaning She fleets quickly from the place, (Chanchala) like a deer, when She notices sinful activities as well as when the place is not kept clean and neat. Lotus, Rice (Akshadai), Kumkum, turmeric and frangrant sandalwood are considered dear to Lakshmi.

Lakshmi is of eight forms, namely, Adi Lakshmi, Dhana Lakshmi, Dhanya Lakshmi, Gaja Lakshmi, Santana Lakshmi, Dhairya Lakshmi, Vijaya Lakshmi and Vidhya Lakshmi. Apart from this She is also worshipped as Aishwarya Lakshmi, Saubhagya Lakshmi, Rajya Lakshmi, Deepa Lakshmi, Griha Lakshmi, Vaibhava Lakshmi, Swarga Lakshmi and Vara Lakshmi. 

Lakshmi has taken many avatars, whenever Vishnu descends on earth. She has taken birth as Vedavati, Bhumi Devi, Sita, Radha, Gopis, Rukmini, Jambavati, Satyabhama,  Padmavathi, Andal, Vaishnavi, Tulsi and many more. She is depicted as Bhu Devi and Sri Devi, the two consorts of Vishnu, being the materialistic as well as spiritual powers of Vishnu respectively.

Lakshmi is also popularly called as Sridevi, Kamala, Dhanya, Harivallabhi, Vishnupriya, Deepa, Deepta, Padmapriya, Padmasundari, Padmavati, Padmanabhapriya, Padmini, Chandra Sahodari, Pushti, Vasundhara, etc. 

There are two opinions on whether Sage Kardama is the father of Lakshmi or the son. In some puranas, it is mentioned that Sage Kardama adopted Lakshmi, when She came out of the Milky Ocean. Other puranas, mention that Lakshmi adopted Sage Kardama as Her son. Whatever it is, Kardama is synonymous with Wet Mud, signifying Fertile land. Other sons mentioned in this Suktam are Chiklitha and Ananda.  

During Samudra Mandan, many things came out of the churning of Milky Ocean.   First, Halahal poison came out, then respectively Kamdhenu cow, horse, Airavat elephant, Kaustubh Mani, Kalpadrum Granth, Apsara named Rambha, Alashmi, and then Mahalakshmi. Mahalakshmi was adopted by Lord Vishnu. After this, a wine called Varuni, then the moon, the Parijat tree, five jnjya conch, Dhanvantari (Vaidya-medicine) and finally the nectar came out.

Another take from this sukta is that Lord Shiva has blessed Lakshmi as controller of  all wealth and prosperity, duly assisted by Kubera as the custodian of wealth. When Parvathi enquired Shiva for a way to end the sufferings of human beings, Shiva is said to have recommended recital of Lakshmi Ashtotaram. You can listen to this recital in the following link:

This is the end of my blog on the original 15 slokams of Sri Suktam. Thank you for visiting. 

Lakshmi Narayana

A wealthy future is not the only reason to worship Her. She enlightens our minds and provides a clear mindset. She gives us intelligence and better understanding.  She will help us to realise the real wealth that lies within us.


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