அபிராமி அந்தாதி

Hi viewer,
Welcome to my Blog on Goddess Abhirami of Thirukkadaiyur, near Mayiladuthurai, Tamilnadu. I have attempted to decipher the tamil literary work of Abhirami Andhadhi for two reasons. First, it is difficult to understand some of the old tamil sentences, since some of the words are no longer in voge today and needs an explanation for propoer understanding; and second, Abirami Pattar being a devout follower of Saktham, I thought there could be pearls when we dive deep into the Andhadhi. There are few esoteric meanings mentioned here which are also found in other Sanskrit literature, which I wish to share with you. Further, there are certain bhalasthuthi - the benefits of reciting this - as mentioned in various texts, which may be of interest to the inquisitive minds.
Before we venture into this divine Andhadhi, let us hear a part of Abhirami Andhadhi song in the following link:
Abhirami literally means “She who is attractive, every moment of time”. Abhirami is believed to be extremely powerful and fulfills the wishes of all her devotees. One of her great devotees of the past was a brahmin priest named Subramanyam Iyer, who later came to be known as Abhirami Pattar. Though you may be aware of the story of Abhirami Pattar, let me narrate the story again.
About three hundred and fifty years ago, King Saraboji Maharaja was ruling Chola kingdom with Thanjavur as its capital. During that period the priest lived in Thirukkadaiyur, where Lord Siva annihilated the God of Death "Yama" to protect His young devotee Saint Markandeya.
The priest, Subramaniya Iyer, was a staunch devotee of Goddess Abirami of this place. He used to totally devote himself in worshiping Her and was always engaged in meditation on Her, sitting near Abirami's Sannidhi. He would kneel before all the ladies coming to the temple, treating them as Goddess Abirami Herself. Many of the residents misunderstood this act & branded him a mad man.
The king once visited the temple on a Amavasya day (new Moon day), in tne tamil month of "Thai", to perform certain rites. He was welcomed by all the priests with due honours. When the king came near Abhirami enclosure, he was surprised to see the Pattar mediatating unmindful of his arrival and presence. The other priests informed the king that Patter is a mad person and hence not to be taken seriously. But the king was curious to disturb Patter and neared him, spoke in his ears & asked the brahmin what day was it. As the brahmin was in deep meditation and was visualising Goddess Abirami in a bright light form(ஜோதி வடிவில்), he replied that it was a full moon day, without even looking at the King.
King Saraboji became very angry as to how carelessly the brahmin was confirming it as a fullmoon day, while in fact it was a new moon day. He instructed his minister to hang him the next day & left the temple to his palace. Due to the noisy situation around him the brahmin opened his eyes, when the other priests told him about the king's visit, his question & Bhatter's wrong answer. They informed him about the death sentence the next day. They felt very sorry for him.
The brahmin soon realised the seriousness of the issue & thought of committing suicide, but decided to praise Goddess Abirami through a 100 verses Andhahdi poem before he died. He dug a big pit just outside the temple (யாக குண்டம்) & erected wooden poles in the pit. He tied a wooden plank to the poles through hundred strings of coconut coir ropes. He created a large fire in the pit, below the hanging wooden plank and mounted on to the plank. He started singing Andhadhi songs on Abirami (பாடலின் கடைசிச் சொல் அடுத்த பாடலின் ஆரம்பமாக வரும்).
After invoking Chidambaram Kalla Varana Vinayagar's blessing in a prayer song, he started the first song about Abirami. After completing each verse, he began to cut one string out of the hundred strings he is hanging from. He prayed to Goddess Abirami to grant him various benefits, while praising Her all the while. He was cutting the strings one by one after each song. People gathered around him and were anxiously witnessing the suicidal activity of Pattar, worrying that even otherwise he may have to anyway face the death sentence the next day. Pattar was thus writen off anyway. The message reached the ears of the king and he came out to his balcony to witness the scenario.
Pattar was way on to his 79th song. Only 22 strings were supporting his hanging platform, as 78 strings had already been cut off. The 79th song was as follows:
Goddess Abhirami has merciful eyes. Further, Moreover, I have chosen to follow the path as mentioned in the vedas. Despite this, why should such a sin befell on me? It should only be due to my association with other sinners around.
People later felt that it was a divine play by Goddess Abhirami that such an event should happen on that day to highlight the greatness of Her devotee.
With these intro, I now give below this famous Andhadhi, by reciting which one can aim to get Her blessing in all that one aims for. You can listen to this song in the following link:
"The similarities between Lalitha Sahasranaamam, Soundarya Lahari and Abhirami Anthaathi evoke great wonder. However, the authors Sri Hayagriva, Adi Sankara Bhagavathpadha and Abhirami Pattar, all individually being great Devi Upaasakaas in their own way, have given us these great religious treasures for Paaraayanam".
அபிராமி அந்தாதி
கணபதி காப்பு

This is a Prayer to Lord Ganesh (Karpaga Vinayagar situated at the West Entrance of Chidambaram Natarajar Temple) seeking His blessings before starting the Abhirami Andhadhi song. He is the son of Uma, who is in turn the better-half of Lord Nataraja of Thillai, Who wears Konrai and Shenbaga flower garlands.
1. ஞானமும் நல்வித்தையும் பெற
The beginning is same as in Lalitha Sahasranamam - "Sindhuraruna Vigraham" - referring to Her colour same as the rising Sun. Further, Lalitha Sahasranamam goes on to say She shines like Udhyat Bhanu Shahasrabha - She is like 1000 rising suns. Adi Shankarar mentions in Meenakshi Panchratnam first Slokam that She is like "Udhyat Bhanu Sahasrakoti Sadhrusham" - same meaning as above.
Abhirami pattar sees Goddess Abirami in orange-red colour as in the rising Sun. She wears kumkum on the hairlines. Adi Sankarar has described the kumkum on Ambal's forehead in slokam 44 as "seemantha sarani, vahanthi sindhuram, and naveenarka kiranam".
She is a gem to Her devotees. She is of the complexion of Pomegranate flower. Both Goddesses Saraswathi and Lakshmi (மலர்க்கமலை) worship Abhirami. This words are found in Lalitha Sahasranamam as well. She appears as if She is dipped in Kumkum due to Her red complexion. She is the permanent guide in our lives.
2. பிரிந்தவர் ஒன்று சேர
Mother Abhirami is a true friend in as much as a deity. She is Veda Matha, the root of Vedas and also the fruit of it (upanishads). She holds sugar cane bow and five flower arrows which belong to Manmadhan and also Pasam and Angusam, which belong to Lord Yama. She thus protects all Her devotees from these two celestials. Lalitha Sahasranamam mentions: Mano rupekshu Kothanda, pancha thanmathra sayaka.
3. குடும்பக் கவலையிலிருந்து விடுபட
Vedas are referred to as மறை since it hides its proper meaning. Pattar says he understood the true meaning of the vedas only by Her grace, and as per this understanding He came to know that She is the Deity to whom one should surrender at Her feet. He also recommends that we distance ourselves away from those who don't believe in God due to their bad karma who willingly seek hell. He advises that one should find themselves in the company of true devotees only.
4. உயர் பதவிகளை அடைய
The three creations, namely, human beings, Devas and sages, all fall at the feet of Devi. Pattar prays to Her that She should always reside in his heart, along with Her husband, Lord Shiva, who wears on His matted hair, Konrai flower, the Moon, the snake and the River Ganga.
5. மனக்கவலை தீர
Reference is made to the three folds in her hip region (முப்புரை) as well as to the thin hiplines which threaten to break due to the heavy weight of Her bosom. Similar reference is found in Lalitha Shasranamam - "sthana bhaara dhalan madhya patta bandha vali thraya". The name Manonmani refers to Ambal sitting next to Lord Shiva and engaged in performing pooja continuously. Ambal has the power to convert poison into Amrut (nectar) and She has proved it when Lord Shiva drank the Halahala poison while churning the Milky Ocean. Likewise, Pattar wants Her to convert his sins to good deeds by resting Her feet on his head.
6. மந்திர சித்தி பெற
Ambal's lotus feet is superior to all other gods. Patter has placed his head on Her feet symbolising total surrender. His mind too is submerged in Her mantras and recites Her names continuously. She appears as a beautifyl girl in kumkum colour. He says he would follow all Her devotees and perform rites as per Agama sastra as advised by the gurus.
7. மலையென வரும் துன்பம் பனியென நீங்க
She offers salvation and freedom to Her devotees, who are suffering from births and deaths in samsara, like the churning of curd back and forth. She does this by just casting a side glance on the devotee. She is the only one to whom even the Trimurti gods worship continuously for salvation.
8. பற்றுகள் நீங்கி பக்தி பெருகிட
She is the most beautiful Goddess. She is not only Motherly, but acts more like a father and a friend. She will help us to smoothly get rid of wordly bondages. As Mahishasura Mardhani, She will sit firmly on the head of Mahishan (மகிடன்), our Ego, and not allow it to bother us, like a father disciplining the children. Pattar addresses Her as Neeli, the one who knows all tricks and also as the permanant virgin. She holds the fifth head of Brahma in Her hands, which was plucked to rid him of ego by Lord Shiva. Here Pattar reinforces his theory that both Shiva and Sakthi are one and the same as Ardhanari. Pattar says that he always holds Her holy feet in his mind.
9. அனைத்தும் வசமாக
Lord Shiva is always filled with thoughts of Her bosom. She is the kind mother who breast-fed Thiru Gnana Sambandhar. This is mentioned in Soundarya Lahari as "Dravida Sisu". Patter requests Her to appear before him with Her pearl necklace, bow and arrows on Her reddish hands and with a smiling face showing Her lovely white teeth and release him from sufferings.
10. மோட்ச சாதனம் பெற
Patter is always immersed in Her thoughts, while standing, sitting, laying and walking postures. He always worships Her lotus feet. She immerses Herself fully in the Vedas. She is the one who grants permanent Happiness (Mukthi). She is happiness personified.
11. இல்வாழ்க்கையில் இன்பம் பெற
She is the joy, knowledge and elixir of life and is spread all across the sky. All the four vedas can be found at Her lotus feet. She dances happily with Lord Shiva in the white Sahasrara Chakra above the head.

12. தியானத்தில் நிலைபெற
Patter was always garlanded Devi with his praise (Aksharamala). Kanni means garland. He always recited 1000s of Her names. He always worshipped Her lotus feet. He says that all these deeds were possible only because of his past good karma and also due to his friendship with Her devotees. Above all, it is made possible only because of the grace of Devi, who created all the worlds.
13. வைராக்கிய நிலை எய்த
Devi is omni-present, protects all the fourteen worlds; She became elder to even Lord Shiva as She once mothered Him. She is the younger sister of ever youthful Lord Mukunda. She is the one who did extreme penance to marry Lord Shiva, without eating even a grass (Aparna). Patter confirms that he will not worship any other God than such a glorious Devi.
14. தலைமை பெற
Devas and Asuras worship Her externally to gain bebefits. Both Lord Brahma and Vishnu meditate on Her to gain knowledge of Brahman. Lord Shiva has decided to reside with Her always to enjoy continuous Bliss. Lalitha Sahasranama also declares that She is "Antharmuka samaradhya, Bahirmuka Sudhurlabha", meaning that She is difficult to reach through external worship but easier for those who try to reach Her through internal worship (Mediattion). Patter says that it is much easier for all of us to reach Devi by simply praying to Her.
15. பெருஞ்செல்வமும் பேரின்பமும் பெற
Those who perform selfless worship of Devi continuously for several years in the past (including previous births) gain all wealth and health through Her grace. They also gain benefits in the ether world through Mukthi, permanent liberation. She is the personification of word (சொல்) as Yamalai or Saraswathi.
16. முக்காலமும் உணரும் திறன் உண்டாக
Pattar addresses Devi as a pet parrot, out of affection; he then continues that Devi is also the light of the mind of highly evolved devotees. She is not only the light but also the space where the light travels. Here the mind is compared to the vacant space in the outer world. She Herself resides in the heart of devotees. She has filled the space in the whole universe in its entirety as the five elements (pancha-boothas). When a sadhaka continuously meditates on Devi, who is omni-present, omni-potent and omni-scient, She herself will appear before the devotee in a form which is apt for the devotee and voluntarily light the lamp of knowledge and destroy ignornace of the devotee. It is a wonder indeed.
17. கன்னிகைகளுக்கு நல்ல வரன் அமைய
Devi has an incomparable wonderful beauty. She is worshipped by those gods sitting on lotuses (Brahma, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Saraswathi, who are all portrayed as sitting on lotus, அரவிந்தமெல்லாம்). With the help of Rathi's husband, Manmathan, Devi conquired the mind of Lord Shiva, though in the process Manmatha lost his visibility to all excepting Rathi. Devi then acquired half of Shiva's body on His left.
18. மரண பயம் நீங்க
By occupying the left portion of Lord Shiva, both Devi and Shiva are in delightful conjunction as married couple. Pattar prays to Devi that he should always hold in his mind such a happy divine wedding scene in Ardhanari form so that he will always tread on the right path. He prays to Devi to rescue him from fear of death imposed on him by King Saraboji. He refers to Shiva's rescue of Markandeya, at the same temple of Thirukkadayur, when Shiva kicked Yama with His left leg (which belongs to Devi). He requests Devi to save him too with Her golden feet.
19. பேரின்ப நிலையடைய
Patter describes the extreme joy he experienced while enjoying the beauty of the Goddess. The joy found no limits. He gained true knowledge of the Absolute only due to Her grace. She resides in the nine Chakras of the divine Sri Chakra as Shiva-Sakthyaika roopini. (The inner triangles of the Sri Chakra consist of 5 Sakthi chakras pointing downwards and four Shiva chakras pointing upwards, adding up to 9 triangles in all).
20. வீடு வாசல் முதலிய செல்வங்கள் உண்டாக
Patter is enquiring Devi about the temple where She resides. Is it the vama bhagam of Lord Shiva? Does She reside in the 4 Vedas - if so is it the beginning or end part of the vedas? Is She housed in the full Moon or the 14 kalais (thithis) of the Moon? Or, is it the Lotus flower, where She resides as Goddess Lakshmi? Does She reside in the heart of Patter? Or, is it a hidden place in the Ocean depths, (where She lives as Lord Vishnu)? He indicates that She may also be residing in the (Poorna) Meru Mountains. All the above indicate the Devi manifests as various gods, Shiva, Vishnu, Lakshmi et al. Lalitha Sahasranamam and Soundharya Lahari also have similar verses and conclude that Devi likes to stay put in the Devotees' hearts rather than anywhere else.
21. அம்பிகையை வழிபடாமல் இருந்த பாவம் தொலைய
She is the Auspecious One, who grants Sowbhagya to all Her devotees. Lalitha Sahasranamam describes Her as Sumangali, Suvasini etc. She is the mother who feeds all of us. She resides in the mountain as Parvathi (she is the daughter of Himavan, the king of Himalayas). She resides in "Varuna changu alai sengai" - the sea where you can find Sangu (conch) and waves - as Goddess Lakshmi in red. She is master of all arts as Goddess Saraswathi. She is residing in the left side of Lord Shiva, who has Ganges flowing from His lock of hairs. She is undoubtedly the owner of Lord Shiva (and not godess Ganges). She is Pingalai, the Durga Devi. She is Neeli, the Maha Kali sporting in blue. Seyyal refers to Mahalakshmi in red. Veliyal refers to Saraswathi in white. As a fresh gloden creeper, She always clings to Lord Shiva.
22. இனிப் பிறவா நெறி அடைய
She is compared to a creeper which holds on to a tree and grows upwards. Such comparison of Devi to a creeper is found in other sanskrit texts as well, considering Devi's thin hip lines and Her green complexion. She is the talking point (வம்பே) for Pattar, who always cherishes speaking of Her glory to others. She is the Vedas as well as the Upanishads. She is compared to a She elephant in the Himalayas. She is the mother of all the Devas, including Brahma. Pattar requests Devi to grant him salvation and release from rebirth.
23. எப்போதும் மகிழ்ச்சியாய் இருக்க
Pattar expresses his steadfastness in adhearing to Saktham and declares that he will never ever worship any other deity. He further says that he will always be in the company of Her devotees. Hewill not also desire to know any other dharma other than that declared in Sakthi worship. It shows his firm faith in Devi even when he is put under trying situations. She is the one who fills the three worlds both inside as well as outside of it. She is the feast as well as its taste. She is very dear to him always.
24. நோய்கள் விலக
Devi is like a precious gem; She is the glittering light which emanates from the gem; She is the ornament made of gems; She is also the beautiful damsel who wears that ornament, she is the remedy for all illnesses of the people who approach her with divine devotion, (Pattar declares that those who did not approach her will continue to suffer). She is the feast of the Devas. After worshipping her, Bhattar does not want to worship any one else (meaning there is no necessity for it). Reciting this verse daily will remove all diseases.
25. நினைத்த காரியம் நிறைவேற
Pattar feels that he must have done some good deeds in his past lives such as Sathsang (association with Devi's devotees), and it is bound to help him to get rid of the cycle of rebirths. As the Mother of even the ‘Trimurthis’, Devi no doubt is the rare medicine to cure all our past karmas and liberate us from rebirth. He promises that he will never forget Her and will always worship Her without fail.
26. சொல்வாக்கும் செல்வாக்கும் பெருக
Trimurthis, as devotees of Devi, are capable of creation, protection and destruction of the fourteen worlds (meaning, they will not be capable of these functions without Her support). Without Her support, they will be "Panchprethas" as per Lalitha Sahasranama. Devi is fond of Kadamba flowers. She is "Kadamba vana vasini". Devotees (trimurthis) cover Mother's hair with such fragrant flowers. Since Her hair lock is pretty long, touching her feet, even Her feet are covered with the frangrance of the flowers. Trimurthis worship Her with best of high end mantras and Pattar feels the his worship is simply a mockery compared to the worship of Trimurthis. Yet, Devi is fond of his humble words of praise.
27. மனநோய் அகல
Devi has broken the crooked chain of births for Pattar. His deep devotion ensured that he became compassionate towards all beings. Devi allowed him to worship Her lotus feet. This happens only by Her grace. "Un Arulale Un thazh vangitten". She completely cleansed the heart of Bhattar and filled it with pure love. Patter wonders how She has showered her grace on him !
28. இம்மை மறுமை இன்பங்கள் அடைய
Lord Shiva and Devi always sport together and are inseparable, like the word and its meaning. She always cling to Lord Shiva like a fragrant creeper, emphasizing again their inseparable nature. Her devotees, who worship Her day and night without fail, will be granted undestroyable kingdom, Athma Gnanam and Mukthi with access to Shiva lokam at appropriate stages in their lives.
29. எல்லா சித்திகளும் அடைய
30. அடுத்தடுத்து வரும் துன்பங்கள் நீங்க
31. மறுமையில் இன்பம் உண்டாக
Pattar informs us that it was Uma and Her better-half, Lord Shiva, who ordained him to be their devotee. He therefore will not think of any other religion or sect hereafter. He feels he has already been liberated and hence will not be born again in this world to a mother. He also has lost all passion and desire towards women who have beautiful shoulders, meaning he has been liberated from samsara.
32. துர்மரணம் வராமலிருக்க
Pattar is grateful to Devi for voluntarily and gracefully placing Her lotus feet on his head and accepting him as one of Her devotees. He thanks Devi for rescuing him from the sea of desires into which he was about to fall only to become a victim of Lord Yama (அந்தகன்). He worships Devi in Ardhanari form in this verse.
33. இறக்கும் நிலையிலும் அம்பிகை நினைவோடு இருக்க
34. சிறந்த நன்செய் நிலங்கள் கிடைக்க
35. திருமணம் நிறைவேற
36. பழைய வினைகள் வலிமை பெற
37. நவமணிகளைப் பெற
Devi appears with sugar-cane bow and flower arrows in hand. She wears white pearl necklace on Her lotus-flower-like holy self. Her waist resembles the hood of a poisonous snake wherein She wears oddiyanam made of manimekala and silk clothings. However, Her husband is simple and wears just the eight directions as His garment.

38. வேண்டியதை வேண்டியவாறு அடைய
Mother Abhirami’s coral lips look like ripe red fruits on a creeper. She sports a beautiful smile on Her face exposing Her snow-like teeth. She is capable of even disturbing the meditation of Lord Shiva, (Who cannot be affected by even Mamatha). Her divine and slender waist tilts due to the weight of Her sacred bosoms. If one surrender unto Her holy lotus feet, She grants possession of the kingdom of Gods, the heaven.
39. கருவிகளைக் கையாளும் வலிமை பெற
Mother, I have your lotus feet to surrender. When I am threateneded by the Lord of Death, you will show me mercy through your slight side glance (which is more than sufficient). What else do I need to survive? I have nothing more to desire than Your support, my mother, Who resides on the left part of Lord Shiva, Who destroyed Tiripuram with His arrow.
40. பூர்வ புண்ணியம் பலன்தர
Abhirami has a third eye on her bright forehead. She is worshipped and praised by all the devas. She cannot be comprehended by those who are spiritually ignorant. This being so, it is only due to my past good karma that I have been blessed with the thoughts to seek my Mother's love and affection.
41. நல்லடியார் நட்புப் பெற
We must have done enough good deeds in the past that the divine mother, Abhirami, with eyes like just-blossomed Lily flower, along with red-complexioned Lord Shiva, descended here in the midst of devotees and blessed all by placing their sacred feet on our heads.
42. உலகினை வசப்படுத்த
Mother Abhirami! With your broad, parallel, stiff yet soft sacred bosoms, bearing pearl necklace on it, and with Your physique below the waist which is like the hood of a Cobra, coupled with your cool comforting words, you have conquered the heart of our Father, Lord Shiva, in consonance to yourwish and will. Your stuffy anklets are the four Vedas. I bow down to you mother.
43. தீமைகள் ஒழிய
Abhirami! I bow at Your holy feet. Holding the weapons Pasam and Angusam and also the five arrows made of five flowers. (She also holds a bow made of sugarcane), Your words flow like honey. Thiripura Sundari, of red complexion, You reside on the left side (vama bhagam) of Lord Shiva, who aimed his arrow on the cruel giants who ruled Tripuram.
44. பிரிவுணர்ச்சி அகல
Abhirami once did severe penance (தவம்) to marry Lord Shiva and thus She remains now the sacred better-half of Lord Sankara. She once even mothered Lord Shiva. (When She was full of rage as Maha Kali, Shiva turned Himself into a child to invoke motherly feelings in Her). This being so, She undoubtedly is superior to all other Gods. Pattar says he will not look for any other deity and instead he would keep serving Abhirami always.
45. உலகோர் பழியிலிருந்து விடுபட
Mother Abhirami! I do not know if there are men who do not serve you or do not fall at your lotus feet, and instead do what they really want to do, unmindful of dharma. If I do not fall into that category of people, and always devoted to you, then is it because of my good deeds or past penance? Even if I do any such wrong, due to my association with such bad company, please forgive me and protect me.
46. நல்நடத்தையோடு வாழ
47. யோகநிலை அடைய
48. உடல் பற்று நீங்க
49. மரணத் துன்பம் இல்லாதிருக்க
50. அம்பிகையை நேரில் காண
Pattar praises Devi as the chief of all the gods; having four faces; sister of Lord Narayana; holding five flowers in Her soft hand; Having various names like Sambhavi, Shankari, Shyamalai, Varahi and Maathangi. Wearing garland (Malini) made of poisonous flowers at ease and also holding the weapon Soolam to destroy our enemies. If we surrender to Her lotus feet, She will strongly protect us eternally from all our enemies.
51. மோகம் நீங்க
Pattar praises Abhirami as the Deity who was worshipped by even Lord Shiva (who won the Demons of Tripura, who thought that they can rule Tripura for ever without death) and Lord Mukunda. Those who completely surrender to Her would be able to liberate themselves from the cycle of birth and death.
52. பெருஞ்செல்வம் அடைய
53. பொய்யுணர்வு நீங்க
54. கடன் தீர
Pattar advises all those who beg because of poverty and are treated badly, not to worry but to always keep Goddess Abhirami in their hearts and surrender to Her lotus feet. She will keep Her devotees protected against uneducated and wicked persons.
55. மோனநிலை எய்த
Goddess Abhirami is bright like the personification of thousands of lightning flashes. Her delightful motherly form is of great comfort to Her devotees. She is the beginning, mid and end of the Vedas. You will stand to benefit if you surrender to Her. Whether you worship Her or you don't, it is of no consequence to Her at all.
56. யாவரையும் வசீகரிக்கும் ஆற்றல் உண்டாக
Goddess Abhirami separated as a bud from Brahman and then blosommed into various manifestations in this world; yet She remains separate from all these. Pattar says that still She has taken a permanant place in his heart also. All these secret principles are known to Lord Krishna, who sleeps on a banyan leaf and to Lord Shiva.
From fullness comes another fulness. Still original fulness remains as it is.
57. வறுமை ஒழிய
This verse refers to an incident in the epics, wherein Lord Shiva gave two measures of grain to Goddess Kamakshi in Kanchipuram village, with which Godess was able to save the whole world. Pattar thanks Goddess for enabling him to produce these verses in lovely Tamil language. He wonders how Goddess allows certain poets to sing songs in the same Tamil language, in praise of others, most of which are pure lies. It is but Her grace only.
58. மனஅமைதி பெற
Pattar presents a pun in this verse using lotus flower. He says goddess Abhirami sits in the early morning lotus as also in his heart lotus. Her bosom compares well to lotus buds. She is so good that Her compassionate lotus-like eyes, Her lotus-like face, lotus-like hands and lotus feet are his only refuge.
59. பிள்ளைகள் நல்லவர்களாக வளர
I know that there is no where I can seek refuge than your lotus feet. Still, I do not take care to follow the dharmic path laid out by you. Abhirami, You hold the long sugar cane bow and the five arrows made of soft flowers. Women, who are bestowed with cotton-like soft feet, do not punish their children for their mistakes. (Like-wise, please forgive my mistakes).
60. மெய்யுணர்வு பெற
Abhirami, You have a voice much sweeter than the milk. You placed your cold lotus feet on the (konrai-flower-wearing) locks of hairs of Lord Shiva, who is worshipped by Lord Vishnu and all Devas. You placed your lovely feet on the holy places as mentioned in the four Vedas. Having placed your lotus feet on these holy places, how come you decided to place your lotus feet on my head, which stinks like an unclean dog? Do I deserve this?
61. மாயையை வெல்ல
62. எத்தகைய அச்சமும் அகல
Abhirami, Your consort Lord Shiva is a valiant warrior, who destroyed the Tripuram using the golden Meru as bow. He won the red-eyed wild elephant and used its skin as His garment. However, He could not withstand the onslaught of your bosoms and miserably failed to combat You. You sport the sugarcane bow and flower arrows in your golden hands.
63. அறிவு தெளிவோடு இருக்க
Abhirami is the commander of the six religions established by Saint Adi Shankara, namely, Saivam, Vaishnavam, Saktham, Ganaapathyam, Koumaram and Sauram. She shows the path for salvation to all those distraught men. Despite this, some men believe in other religions. It will be a futile effort to teach them Her glory, much like trying to break a mountain using a small stick.
64. பக்தி பெருக
I will not go after those gods who seek sacrificial rights (I will follow only Abhirami). I have shown my passion for You, Abhirami. I will always speak words in praise of Your glory and will not utter any other words. I will not see anyother sight than the radiance that spreads from You all around, in ground, sky and in all four directions.
65. ஆண்மகப்பேறு அடைய
In this verse, Pattar recalls the story of birth of Lord Muruga. As directed by the Devas. Manmathan, the Kamadeva, tried to induce Lord Shiva to beget a boy child who would destroy demon Surapadman. However, Lord Shiva did not budge; instead He reduced Manmathan to ashes, by opening His third eye. This was witnessed with horror by all in the whole universe, sky, and the earth. But what happened next is that Devi took over the function of Kamdeva, decided to protect the Devas and She ensured that Lord Shiva once again open His third eye, but this time to erupt fire like a volcano and create a handsome child Karthikeya, with long twelve hands and six faces full of wisdom. She is certainly way ahead of all others in Her grace.
66. கவிஞராக
Abhirami, You reside with Lord Shiva, Who holds the golden Meru mountain as His Bow. I am not a learned person but a common man. I do not have any other merits than worshipping your lotus feet. I might have ignorantly spelt insulting words in this Andhahdi. Please accept them all, since all these are recited in your praise only and with no other bad intention.
67. பகைவர்கள் அழிய
68. நிலம் வீடு போன்ற செல்வங்கள் பெருக
Abhirami, Sivakama Sundari, You are the source of and manifestation of Pancha-bhootham elements - Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space - and also the source for our senses - scent, taste, light, touch and sound. Those sages and devotees, who worship Your holy feet, will acquire all the knowledge and wealth in this world.
69. சகல சௌபாக்கியங்களும் அடைய
Abhirami's glance would bestow all wealth, knowledge, stubborn mind, enhanced radiance and would ensure relationship with good friends and relatives. She will bestow all good things on earth. All you have to do is to worship Her, Who has dark-cloud-like hair locks.
70. நுண் கலைகளில் சித்தி பெற

Mathangi, Abhirami, I have seen your delightful form in the Kadamba (tree) forest. I have seen you with your holy hands holding the Veena against your bosom, reciting heavenly music. You are of delightful green colour, belonging to the lineage of Sage Mathangar.
71. மனக்குறைகள் தீர
72. பிறவிப் பிணி தீர
Abhirami, I worship you to get rid of my deficiencies. In spite of my surrender to you, if I am born again, it is certainly not due to my fault. I am no way responsible for it. It could only be due to Your fault and no one else. (Since Aabhirami is faultless, Pattar means that there is no rebirth for those who surrender unto Her). You have a slender waist, which is in competition to the thin streak of lightning. Even Lord Shiva prefers to keep Your lotus feet on His matted head to solve His problems.
73. குழந்தைப் பேறு உண்டாக
74. தொழிலில் மேன்மை அடைய
Abhirami's feet are worshipped by Her consort, Lord Shiva, by all the four Vedas, by Lord Narayanan, and also by Lord Brahma. (It means that She is in charge of all the three functions, Creation, Preservation and Destruction). Those who worship Her holy feet will reside in the Heavens and enjoy the dances and songs of the nymphs and also gain all wealth and comforts.
75. விதியை வெல்ல
76. தனக்கு உரிமையானதைப் பெற
Abhirami, I have embedded your image in my mind. You are sitting on the left side of Lord Shiva, who wears the Konrai flowers, with the beetles humming on it. You are holding five arrows made of five flowers. Having this image in my mind, I have thus understood the way to Mukthi and therefore I have permanently blocked the passage of Lord of death, Yama (I will not have any further births).
77. பகை அச்சம் நீங்க
Pattar lists some more names of Abhirami here. She is known as Bhairavi, the consort of Lord Bhairava (Shiva). She is named after the fifth thithi Panchami. Since she holds five flower arrows, She is known as Panchapani. She is the great Chandi and Kaali, who kills the wicked. She resides in Chandra and Surya mandala as Vairavi and Mandali. She carries Shiva's weapon, Soolam and hence known as Sooli. She is Varahi, one of the ten mathruka devis (Dasa-maha Sakthis). All these names are found in the holy Vedas and are used by Her devotees to praise Her.
78. சகல செல்வங்களையும் அடைய
Abhirami, I have kept Your image in my mind, in which, your bosom looks like copper and golden kalasam (vessel), with sandal paste applied on top of it, with plenty of pearl necklaces and bright diamond ear rings, with divine eyes shoering compassionate side glaces and a clean face like a cool moon.
Pattar refers to Her diamond ear rings (வயிரக் குழை), without any expectations. However, little did he know that as sson as this verse is completed, and while reciting the next verse, Goddess Abhirami appeared before him and threw Her bright diamond ear ring into the sky, which then appeared as the full moon on an Amavasya day.
79. கட்டுகளில் இருந்து விடுபட
Goddess Abhirami's compassionate eye glance is ready to bless me. I have the inclination to worship Her as prescribed in the holy Vedas. This being so, why would I associate myself with sinners, who do not worship Her and who continue to commit sinful acts ? Such evil-minded sinners will ultimately fall into the hell.
Pattar now has the grand vision of Ambal before him and becomes excited and ecstatic with overwhelming emotions.
80. பெற்ற மகிழ்ச்சி நிலைத்திட
Abhirami, You have now fully inducted me into the fold of Your devotees and thus You have driven away the worst effects of my karmic deeds. You have come running to me at this time of crisis to rescue me and blessed me with your grand viswaroopa Dharshan. My eyes and mind are filled with joy after seeing Your true form. You have enacted this play, making me an actor as per Your will. How benevolent you are, my beautiful Abhirami, Who sits on the golden lotus !
81. நன்னடத்தை உண்டாக
Abhirami, since all the divinities are Your subordinates, I will not worship them. I will not praise any of them. I will not allign with those who are wicked. I shall not confront those few who selflessly surrender to you. Though I am not that knowledgeable, You have still chosen me to impart true knowledge.
82. மன ஒருமைப்பாடு அடைய
Abhirami, You are seated on a Lotus surrounded by honey bees. Radiance from Your body spreads all over the Universe. When I meditate on You, my joy knows no bounds and it oozes out. How can I forget Your grace?
83. ஏவலர் பலர் உண்டாக
Abhirami, those who worship Your lotus feet by laying fresh flowers (bearing honey) on it and meditate on You day and night, will gain all that is enjoyed by the heavenly divinities (who do not wink) such as the throne of Indra, his elephane Iyravatham, heavenly Ganges (Bhageerathi), weapons like Vajjrayutham, as well as the wish fulfilling Karpaga tree.
84. சங்கடங்கள் தீர
Abhirami is the owner of all the 14 worlds. She wears a red silk saree. She wears the bright crescent moon on Her head. She refuses to reside in the hearts of sinners. She has a very this hipline like a thread. She resides on the left side of Lord Shiva. She will grant me Mukthi (no rebirth on earth). Ensure that you also fall in line with Her and enjoy Mukthi.
85. துன்பங்கள் நீங்க
Pattar is obsessed with Her so much that he experiences only Her form wherever he sees. She has the weapons, Paasam and Angusam and the five flower-arrows, which are so fresh that they attract the honey bees; She has a bow made of sugar-cane. She has a tender hips with tightly fastened bosoms smeared with fragrant kumkum paste and further adorned with pearl necklace. She is the Tiripura Sundari who saves him from all his sufferings.
86. ஆயுத பயம் நீங்க
Abhirami, Your words are sweeter than a blend of milk, honey and jaggery essence. When the Lord of death decides to throw his multi-pronged spear on me to take away my soul, please appear before me, with bracelet in Your hands and Your lotus feet, which is not accessible to even the four Vedas, Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma and to a score of Divinities.
87. செயற்கரிய செய்து புகழ் பெற
Abhirami, You occupied the left side of Lord Shiva, (Who burnt Manmathan with His third eye), and destroyed His penance, much to the delight of all. Your form cannot be described by words or mind. It is a wonder that You chose to appear before my eyes accepting my prayers.
88. எப்போதும் அம்பிகை அருள் பெற
89. யோக சித்தி பெற
Abhirami, You are seated on the holy lotus as Goddess of wealth. When You place your feet on my head, I feel like I am in paradise. Please ensure to appear before me, along with Your consort Lord Shiva, when Iam on my death bed, loosing my memory and senses, and bless me with Mukthi. 'Thuriyam' is a yogic state beyond deep sleep.
90. கணவன் மனைவி கருத்து வேற்றுமை நீங்க
Abhirami, You are the reason Lord Vishnu gave Devas the Amruth from the Ocean of Milk (as Your consort Lord Shiva drank the halahala poison and You prevented Him from swallowing it). You considered my heart as your "pirandha veedu" (birth place) and resided there, so that I will not suffer birth and death again. I have no furhter desires hereafter.
91. அரசாங்கச் செயலில் வெற்றி பெற
Abhirami has a very thin hipline like a lightning. She braces lock-haired Lord Shiva with Her soft Bosom. Her devotees praise Her by reciting the Vedas. Those who serve Her devotees (அடியார்க்கு அடியார்) will be blessed with heavenly enjoyments of the Chief of Heavens, Lord Indra, including procession on the white elephant Iravatham and accompanying music.
92. மனநிலை பக்குவமடைய
Abhirami, You are the smiling beauty worshipped by the Trimurthi Gods (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and all other divinities. I was striving for knowledge about You. I became immersed in worshipping Your lotus feet and ultimately became Your slave. Henceforth, I won't be interested in any other religion. I won't follow their path.
93. உள்ளத்தில் ஒளி உண்டாக
Pattar says he could not but laugh at our ignorance when we compare Goddess Abhirami's Bosom to a lotus bud, Her matured eyes to be similar to the eyes of a freightened deer and that She has no beginning nor end and that She is the daughter of Himavan, the King of Himalayas. All these are pure imaginations, as no one has ever seen Her. She is the Mother of the entire universe and we should shun all such imaginations about Her. Instead, Pattar wants us to try to understand the true nature of Abhirami, the Absolute, which he accepts is beyond our capabilities.
94. மனநிலை தூய்மையாக
Pattar defines how true devotees of Goddess Abhirami would behave. They would be filled with so much of devotion that tears would roll from their eyes upon thinking of Her, their entire body would experience goose-bumps, over flowing with ecstatic emotions, loose themselves completely, be like a bee enjoying the honey, unable to express themselves clearly and would behave like an insane. Hence Pattar says the Her religion (Saktham) should be a good one.
95. மன உறுதி பெற
Abhirami, the daughter of Himavan. Whether I happen to get good fortune or bad ones, I do not differentiate between them, since I have already dedicated all that I have to You. and hence I have nothing to regret or to rejoice. You are the pinnacle of virtue and the ocean of mercy.
96. எங்கும் பெருமை பெற
97. புகழும் அறமும் வளர
98. வஞ்சகர் செயல்களிலிருந்து பாதுகாப்பு பெற
99. அருள் உணர்வு வளர
There are citations which say that Goddess Parvathi appears as coocoo bird in Madurai, where She married Lord Shiva; She appears as peacock in Himalayas (and Mayilai), She appears as Suryan (Sun) in Chidambaram and as a swan on a lotus flower in Thiruvarur. Pattar has used this analogy in this verse. He says Abhirami resides as Coocoo bird in the Kadamba forest; as Beautiful peacock in the Himalayan mountains; She resides as the raising sun in the space; and She resides as a swan on a lotus flower. She is the Devi who was given in marriage to Lord Shiva by Her father, Himavan, the king of Himalayas.
100. அம்பிகையை மனத்தில் காண
Abirami, You serene form always appears before me, in which, You are wearing the garland made of konrai flowers touching Your ears and spreading its fragrance all over Your bosom. You have long shoulder competing with the bamboo. You have a sugarcane bow in hand. You are holding arrows made of fragrant flowers, which enhance the pleasure of union. You hold a smile exposing Your white teeth. You have beautiful eyes which compete with the deer.
101. நூற்பயன்
There are several similarities, since Abhirami Pattar is an ardent devotee of Devi and was a Sakthi upasaka. He was thourough with the Manthra, Yanthra and Thanthra worships and when he spontaneously recited this Abhirami Andhadhi while in deep distress, no wonder that these similar words and concepts also found their way in to this Andhadhi.
Some of these found in Lalitha Sahasranamam are listed below, which may be of interest to you.
Sinduraruna vigraham tri nayanaam - She has a red complexion, with three eyes
Udhyath Bhanu Sahasraabha - She is of crimson red colour of the rising Sun.

கலையாத கல்வியும் குறையாத வயதும் ஓர் கபடு வாராத நட்பும் கன்றாத வளமையும் குன்றாத இளமையும் கழுபிணியிலாத உடலும் சலியாத மனமும் அன்பகலாத மனைவியும் தவறாத சந்தானமும் தாழாத கீர்த்தியும் மாறாத வார்த்தையும் தடைகள் வாராத கொடையும் தொலையாத நிதியமும் கோணாத கோலுமொரு துன்பமில்லாத வாழ்வும்துய்யநின் பாதத்தில் அன்பும் உதவிப் பெரிய தொண்டரொடு கூட்டு கண்டாய் அலையாழி அறிதுயிலும் மாயனது தங்கையே ஆதிகடவூரின் வாழ்வே! அமுதீசர் ஒருபாகம் அகலாத சுகபாணி அருள்வாமி! அபிராமியே!
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